Listen here, you autistic faggot. Any normal person would be FUCKING ASHAMED to crawl out of their hole and admit the braindead fuckup you just did. You obviously don't know what the fuck you are doing. If the state finds out what you're doing with your disability check, kiss your online friends goodbye. Go stream anime. Stupid faggot.
It'll go back down, but not for a while, maybe never. The bullrun has to start sooner or later
Jeremiah Howard
Whales have promised to crash it below 6K though.
Noah Martinez
Edgy shorterfags killing themselves when they end up wrong is one of the things I live for in this world. Always so smug about how you're shorting instead of longing until it bites you in the ass then all of a sudden it's everyone elses fault top kek.
Lucas Nguyen
>trust on this lads one of my friends is a whale I swear
Gavin Richardson
He called himself "The Lonely Whale" and posted here on Veeky Forums. He warned us before the most recent crashes, and recently warned that it's going to continue.
I might be a sucker, but I'm willing to trust it this time around.
Josiah Lewis
Why is it happening and when is it going to stop?
Aaron Collins
I hoped you learned your lesson you little bitch, no one on here knows what the price of bitcoin is going to be
Tyler Fisher
The hell do I know. I have a buy order around 5K.
Ryan Williams
Lesson learned. Bitcoin is a scam and the price is fluctuating, not because of some intrinsic worth or usage, but because it's controlled by whales. Anyway, the scam is finally dying.
Daniel Lewis
I didn't think you did, I was hoping the whale spoke up about it
Anthony Evans
Buy now.
Gabriel Bell
Lol duuude...
Nicholas Cooper
yeah but we were telling you it was going to 5k when it was 12k.... What the fuck possessed you to buy then?
Nolan Gutierrez
As long as it takes to drop to ~5K then another 6-18 months. Though it may be sooner. I am sure it will pop its head above 7k once or twice over those 6-18 months. If you can catch that falling knife it is hypothetically possible to make your losses back. Good luck with that though.
Jose Turner
Might be bullshit, but the previous warning seemed to ring true.