Look who updated their address

Look who updated their address.

Also watch this goys youtube.com/watch?v=KzWjpjnRf-s

This week it is happening.

Attached: update.png (328x196, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no more nail salon memes
>no more toilet fud

please Sergey stay Thicc. We are running short of meme material

Attached: 04-50-26-1519692757736.jpg (500x500, 37K)

They moved out of the nail salon to a skyscraper.

Attached: smartcon.jpg (1165x946, 355K)

Big moves, big meals, big life

Suite has doubles, postal code has trips
what did he mean by that?

I unironically enjoy this jam

Attached: 62N811qB.jpg (1239x1239, 203K)

i just wanted quads

trips tho

Look up the address at google maps, its literally some steps away from Zyggy´s burger.

its because they put a fake address to deter any pajeet biz folk from visiting them