Look who updated their address

Look who updated their address.

Also watch this goys youtube.com/watch?v=KzWjpjnRf-s

This week it is happening.

Attached: update.png (328x196, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no more nail salon memes
>no more toilet fud

please Sergey stay Thicc. We are running short of meme material

Attached: 04-50-26-1519692757736.jpg (500x500, 37K)

They moved out of the nail salon to a skyscraper.

Attached: smartcon.jpg (1165x946, 355K)

Big moves, big meals, big life

Suite has doubles, postal code has trips
what did he mean by that?

I unironically enjoy this jam

Attached: 62N811qB.jpg (1239x1239, 203K)

i just wanted quads

trips tho

Look up the address at google maps, its literally some steps away from Zyggy´s burger.

its because they put a fake address to deter any pajeet biz folk from visiting them

Sergey's finally upgrading from shitty bigmacs to actual burgers. Bullish.

Please, pajeet doesn't even get his asshole bleached, much less his toenails clipped. Cut the malarkey.

Attached: gigglem9.jpg (640x426, 136K)

i work near there should i visit sergey??????


didn't realize chainlink were financial advisors now

>its because they put a fake address

That's illegal

you told me link was a meme. chainlink was supposed to fail. i should have bought sooner. im never going to make it now. it's fucking over bros.

Attached: jjj.jpg (600x885, 35K)


Kek. Poorfags

AHAHAHAHAHA fucking linkes when will you learn

It's a shared office space. Regus.

yeah, the "suite" is basically an entire floor. There's a local attorney with an office at that exact address too.

t. Bay Area resident.


so buy it. the price hasnt moved faggot shill

Nice to see they are squandering the ico money on flippant things like fancy offices rather than say, you know, an actual dev team.

baited AND a newfag

its too late. its over. its fucking over

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg (640x334, 20K)

The developer is a genius, two many hands on the job will only slow things down, Sergey is all that is needed

fuck sake user get it together

He looks like a mouth breathing bumpkin.

he has a better office than you

Attached: 3985be05565cef3f33d9260e911abca0.jpg (1155x915, 735K)

what was wrong with the old HQ?

Attached: nani.png (1144x900, 222K)

ooo u really showed that user, autty

wow that's ugly, I bet it even feels like a prison from inside

He's a very good confidence man, as he possesses a certain low cunning.

thanks bro


So that's how Sergey is laundering those 32 million USD.


>t. Bay Area resident.

literally a street shitting faggot

Attached: graps.jpg (400x624, 59K)


TFW ChainLink are in the same building as CNN

All the fake news about LINK makes sense now

>he possesses a certain low cunning

Attached: sergay.jpg (751x712, 68K)

Yeah you can almost see the drool drying.

isn’t this ancient news? some user went there too.