Guys I need some help, I am by all mean completely average. The hottest girls I have ever been with were due to my best friend being a 10/10 genetic chad, these women only got with me to try and one day get to chad, which I thank him for. For you other average guys out there I want to tell you something, there is no competing with chad. I first noticed the power of a true chad in highschool, teachers, moms all the hottest chicks in school threw themselves at him. Hes 6'4, 225lbs and kind of looks like the superman actor but American. In college he could literally destroy marriages by simply talking to a dedicated housewife. We both just graduated college but while were in college we had an apartment across the street from our college. Women would literally follow him home then knock on our door at night. He even fucked this hot professor who FUCKING DELIVERED his homework to our apartment then helped him study after he banged the living bajeezus out of her. Ive even seen married women slip their number in his pocket when their husbands went to use the restroom. I didnt know it was possible to meet a girl then have her sucking your dick 10 minutes later in a bathroom while you were shopping for jeans. This guys life is a literal meme. He can get any women he wants any time he wants. I tell him to do this all the time, "tell all the women you meet this week that you live in a van and dont have a job but youre looking for one"
> chad, "heh, I live in a van seriously, sometimes down by the river, I love the sound of the water and nature, one day ill make it though"
>every stacy he tells that to: "oh wow, thats sooo cool (gets close to him) you should show me your van, i love nature, you know what you can come live with me, im sure it gets lonely out there at night"
Every fucking time. What vids/books do I need to learn to be a money chad, thanks bros.
Friends with chad, I need to be money chad, help
Other urls found in this thread:
>these women only got with me to try and one day get to chad, which I thank him for
That's the most pathetic thing I've ever read
This is not the place for this crap but
>sware off women
>no video game
>no porn
> work out
Avoid pitfalls of men and become alpha
Its true though
>last 3 stacys immediatly after banging
>"hmm I wonder what chads doing, you should text him and see if he wants to go to dinner with us, actually just give me his number and I'll ask him"
>chad two days later, "tell your dumb gf to stop texting me"
>What vids/books do I need to learn to be a money chad
If not a larp, Just ask him you fag
Hes not a money chad, I'm sure his job will promote the fuck out of him though. He's already banging the marketing/graphic design girl at his job.
Nice LARP. Post his pics and we'll be the judge.
t. has no chad friend
you can not be a money chad being a wageslave
you can only be a money chad by entrepreneurship
Have you tried being yourself?
Yeah my job hasn't given me a raise since I started almost a year ago. At this rate I'm going to be mid 40's before I can buy a house. I got 10k to put in crypto though so hoping I can get some massive gains off that.
I can get girls just not on chads level. You would know this if you knew any true chads.
Someone post a good youtuber to learn from.
i'm older but in my college years i was a similar-level chad as this dude. can confirm that women are literally wired to get with chads at all costs. does not matter if they're married or a teacher or your boss.
Can someone explain to me why porn is bad everyone says not to watch porn, how will that make me more alpha than I already am
sounds like a LARP I was buddies with a 6' 3" uber cad in college, we would lift together and whatnot and girls would mire but unless they already knew him they never slipped him their number or anything like that. He sure as shit didn't bang any professors either dude had a chin and jawline like the damn crimson chin.
>"Chad" goes around destroying white marriages, families, communities, cities, nations and the white race.
We need honor killings.
user there's more to being a megachad than lifting and having a big fucking chin
Its not chads fault, women lose their fucking minds around a 10/10 chad. Ive seen it countless times. Literally one time this girl in one of our classes copied chads test, then when the professor brought them in to question them about it, the girl admitted it was to get chads attention. Fucking crazy right? This is normal everyday procedure in a chads life dealing with women. Their reality is different then everyone elses.
damn i know that feel
pic related its me
Sure you can, make 100k+ a year and you can not only invest but also buy/rent/lease nice things. Don’t need to be a millionaire to flex
I know user. This is why all that red pill pua up bullshit can help us, but we'll never be that god tier.
I was best friends with a Chad for a long time (just grown up and drifted apart). 0 difference in habits. He games, smokes weed, made less money than me, fairly smart but no genius.
But my God - the power he had over women. I lift, I dress well, I have money, I've learned to be confident etc. I do just fine - until he walks into a room. He can say awkward shit, dress like a slob, be poor and out of shape. Doesn't make any difference - his raw masculine beauty is too much. He's like an impossible IRL photoshop.
Even being a money chad won't change that user. It's pure genetic lottery and we lost.
Except they don't even do it intentionally or maliciously - most of them have had such charmed lives they're really fucking positive and well adjusted. So no, envy is blinding you user - there's no solution at all.
Its crazy to think we could have all the money in the world, be handsome charismatic and "our" girl would leave us in an instant for chad. Sucks but I think being rich will ease the feels somewhat.
Kek non. You were friends with a built Veeky Forums lurker. That's not in the same class. A true Chad doesn't even need to lift. You and me are mere mortals so we do.
the reason women are attracted to money is:
- some actually want the proceeds of money eg cars clothes etc
- all just want a font of confidence; this is often found in men who have money because they dont have to care what others think
one of the above can also be had by men who dont have money
Yeah, well what else can do do? No point being an /r9k/ beta, we have to play the hand we're given. I just try to keep my girl out of situations where she'll ever encounter one - that's all I've got.
Fucking sucks. I wish somone proved reincarnation was real, I'd go spend the rest of this life helping the poor and giving my organs to charity to be a real Chad in the next life.
>ucking sucks. I wish somone proved reincarnation was real, I'd go spend the rest of this life helping the poor and giving my organs to charity to be a real Chad in the next life.
KEK this is probably what happens.
this is untrue
most women will not cheat on a man to whom theyre committed if that man is subjectively high value, has a decent amount of confidence and is a reasonable human being to them
this is nearly the opposite of being a nice beta male soyboy
That sculpture tier facial structure, I bet women cream their pants just looking at him.
If you don't stop worrying about women cheating on you, you'll never make it. Try to be more independent.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you fucking faggot, only a brainlet would actually think this. Some women is going to fucking destroy you one day if you keep that mentality.
hasnt happened yet, but thanks for sharing your thoughts
Redpill LARP
>"did you hear about user?"
>"yeah hes doing really bad, stacy dumped him for chad, I mean she was out of his league anyway"
>"Im sure he'll find some fat mexican to date, theres always someone for everyone"
>they walk up to you
>"user im sure you'll find someone much better (winks at friend) dont worry about it, those pokemon coins you trade will go up in value someday"
>demonic roastie in the background
>mfw the fat whore looking at chad actually thinks she has a chance
> muh high subjective value.
Yeah, we know. We all read the same shit as you. We're not talking about being a regular "Alpha" or something.
We're talking about the real deal natural born Chads, that don't need to even learn the concept of "subjective value". If you haven't been the sidekick of one, you can't understand.
But one day you'll learn. You'll wonder what you did wrong, to get cheated on like that. You'll analyze everything - what decreased your value? Nothing user. You're still a hard 10 Alpha. But it doesn't matter - the guy you didn't even know existed is off the scale, he's a demi-god an order of magnitude further up (which shouldn't be possible), the comparison isn't even fair to us at all. And you can't even hate him, he's genuinely awsome and you don't blame women for doing what they do.
This is why I roll my eyes a lot at the whole red pill pua "Alpha" meme. I mean yeah, it's cool and all but it's like a bunch of guys with really nicely modded Hondas who've never seen a Masarati or something.
Fuck, this description is a 10/10 chad description, nicely illustrated user.
Who here is talking about women cheating or being worried about it? I think you subconsciously are projecting that without even realizing it.
kek any stories? Im surprised there arent any chad banged my mom stories on here
Yeah I'm certainly projecting you don't sound worried at all
Dude was a sales/business major that lived in a really nice house with a bunch of other chads, drove a 50k truck his parents bought him, was smart, handsome, tall, Veeky Forums and a trump supporter. Idk what more you need to do to be a chad besides maybe be famous? Regardless I saw him with some fine girls at times but nothing like OP's LARP.
in other news your post made me want to be a better dude cuz it reminded me that real chads don't run around putting people down, trolling, and being dicks to women (even if dumb roasties deserve it) because they are just genuinely awesome people that want to see others around them succeed. It might take some work to rewire my Brin from the years of negativity the ch0n has caused but it's a goal.
>tfw neet chad
Crypto is my last hope
but can he do the cool shit i can do? if not then i'm not jealous
.....kek yeah sure, we're talking about a Chad who could double team your mother and girlfriend based on looks alone, living under a bridge, you bring up some guy who has monster trucks and lives with his lifting bros. Good one brainlet.
>This is why I roll my eyes a lot at the whole red pill pua "Alpha" meme. I mean yeah, it's cool and all but it's like a bunch of guys with really nicely modded Hondas who've never seen a Masarati or something.
He has no idea, if he were to see a true chad he might turn into a faggot, lets hope that doesn't happen.
Nobodys worried faggot, women fucking chads is in their nature.
>not jealous of chad
Ok soyboy
I'd never like to be friends with a chad and get his leftovers. I may be a virgin but I avoid chads.
Though my friend in college was very good looking, easy 8/10, but he was as autistic as me so it was fine.
I'm like a 7, entry-tier good looking but not a chad
>wouldnt want the tsunami of 10/10 stacys chad leaves in his wake
spoken like a true virgin
It’s about self control. You can’t control women if you can’t even control your dick.
>white blonde hair blue eyes
>180, I lift so low bf%
>8" dick
>mid 6 figure net worth from speculating on shitcoins
>graduate STEM degree
>decent job but can hopefully quit soon if shitcoins pump again
too bad my face is shit so getting lucky in any other area is basically worthless. kind of understand how women feel desu except they have it much easier.
you really need to redefine your values in life user
you have to create new metrics for your self asteem.
Women are really dumb creatures, look at how many fawn over Justin Beiber, a 120 pound faggot from Canada.
Materialism is not the answer, go read Your money or your life.
how much link for a bf like this?
the one by Joe Dominguez?
t. doesnt understand how chads work
You need to read, "how now to be a bluepilled faggot by kek" Thank me later.
You guys need to be more stoic towards this shit. Of course megachad's life is amazing, but he's a one in a thousand case. Just be glad you're not the ugliest of the thousand.
Also if you're in a good relationship with a morally-sound girl, she will be able to resist chadmagic. Of course, for her to pass up on god's gift to womankind she must love you, have some discipline and morals plus a firm belief that you wouldn't cheat on her with stacy either.
Just chill the fuck out and do your best
Tell me more stories this shit is funny
Ok heres a chad story
>chads shit job at a movie theater while we're in college
>literally promoted to floor management within 2 months, he knows fuckall about business and movie theaters
>two of the concierge girls devise a plan to get chad to like one of them
>plan is to pretend chad insulted them and be mad at chad
>girl goes up to chad
>stacy is really mad you, you insulted her a lot the last time you two talked
>chad is like wtf
>goes to talk to her, shes in the backroom candy area where stuff is stored and all the soda hoses go to
>she literally starts crying saying shes sorry and tells him the whole plan and hugs chad
>starts feeling his crotch and starts undoing his zipper
>sucks chad off
>area manager walks in and sees chads pants off
>they make up some shit story on how they were changing soda mix and spilled on chads crotch and was helping him dry it off
>area manager says ok, calls chad into managers office next day
>tells chad she knows the truth and to fuck her to keep his job
>shes like 55 but has huge tits
>chad fucks her mercilessly to keep his job
>while hes fucking 55 year old grandma, stacy starts banging on door whispering, "chad the managers gone, let me in I want to fuck you"
>grandma looks at chad and smiles and starts putting his cock in her ass
>chad doesnt like that but wtf gotta keep his job
>stacy is getting pissed at this point and says, "chad i know youre in there answer me"
>chad blows load in grandmas asshole, she tightens ass and keeps his load in her ass, gets dressed and leaves
>stacy comes back, "wtf did you guys hear me?"
>he then fucks stacy directly where he just fucked grandma with his grandma shit cock
day in the life of chad.
I know, I have more unbelievable stories. I would have a better chance at convincing people bigfoot is real than to get them to believe some of my best friend chad storys.
so this is why they get infections.
my taxes pay to get the menopausal shit-bacteria out of stacey's cunt
>showing off
>middle class
Dont leave me hanging dude. Did be bang someones mom kek?
Another thing, girls rarely let me put stuff in their ass. Fucking Stacy’s let chad destroy their asshole, so never believe her when she says she doesn’t like ass stuff.
Jesus don’t post this shit I will kms knowing I’ll never be able to inhale that musty essence
but it's true, sorry
Porn literally destroys your brain.
>26 posts by this id
why do manlets do this?
I have been curious about this idea for several years (basically since 'nofap' appeared)
Several months I tried fapping to as much porn as I could. I streamed all of the porn threads from 4chode into a slideshow and just fapped away for several hours a day.
I didn't get 'addicted', but rather I just got bored. stopped after a few weeks of doing this and now I'm back to my regular ways of watching porn very infrequently.
the idea is, has and always will be complete junk. stimuli != stimulant
he's the op newfriend
>got everything but the one thing that actually matters
thank god i have a 9/10 face on top of all that other shit you're larping about
this is a larp though. this didn't happen at all. not how it works
>t. actual chad
I see right through you OP. I know you post on Lookism and I know you’re larping HARD. You are a mental masturbator. I know because I used to do the same things.
To the others, don’t listen to this fraud. Chad’s have an easy life but not nearly as easy as this cuck is making it out to be. Go on Lookism, there’s tonnes of experiments done if you wanna get a more accurate insight into chads life.
Also never forget status > looks > money > personality
>Go on Lookism, there’s tonnes of experiments done if you wanna get a more accurate insight into chads life.
Sorry. Actually I shouldn’t have said that. Don’t go on Lookism because while there are some legit sane posters, the majority of them are extreme mental masturbators like OP. It’s a form of cuckery, they get off from making up these wild Chad stories. All the good posters who used to conduct experiments, do research left ages ago.
let me guess, this is the shit where they make fake tinder profiles and get girls to agree to sex easily, but since it's actually still easier to make them in photoshop, they're all fake?
t. formerly from /r9k/
Most are like that and yes faked.
However there are a few legit ones, guys actually meeting up with the girls and confronting them. I’ve done a few tinder experiments myself with 9/10 Turbo Chads and frankly the success rate is still piss poor. Maybe like 1/20 I’d say with most of the people being average looking.
I will say this though, when I do reel them in good lord, ive gotten them to do the freakiest shit ever. Not sure if women are like this with normal men (Can’t tell as I’m a virgin) whether it’s the Chad good looks or if it’s just my 10/10 texting skills but goddamn.
Here’s an actual funny story, I catfished some 48 year old MILF. Still very hot though, well her body anyway. I came out to her saying I’m sorry I catfished you etc etc, she forgave me, still talks to me to this day even after I showed her pictures of myself AND I told of my crypto gains and now she texts me regularly for advice. I help because she’s pretty nice but can’t help but LOL. If I ever manage to tap it I’ll be sure to make a thread.
we're talking about Chris Hemsworth chad level
>I catfished some 48 year old MILF
>she forgave me
> still talks to me
> texts me regularly for advice
Holy shit kek
This. I picked up SO much fucking pussy in high school/college hanging out with my chad friend. The hottest fucking babe I ever slept with was 8.5/10 who wanted to fuck me just to get revenge on him for not wanting to be in a relationship with him. Dude, I scored tons of pussy, more than I probably ever will. Befriend chads, they have your back 99% of the time and won't try to steal your girl like betafags.
We talked A LOT on the phone. She went into all of her abushve relationships and her being an ex-Mormon. And there was me being a polite listener while she sent me videos of her fucking herself.
Mind you, the only reason she really texts me now is because of crypto.
yes continue to enhance the believeability of your poasts
Lookism is a weird place.I lurked there for a bit before I got sick of it. No matter what you do, don't post pictures of yourself there. Took me a while to realize, but about half the accounts are the admin's sockpuppets. When people post photos of themselves looking for advice, the admin swarms them, posing as a bunch of people to tear down their self-esteem.
yeah but your girlfriends will always want to fuck him. all of my close friends' gf's tried to get with me when i was in my peak chad years. i almost fucked one of them once but would have felt too bad. if i had been real wasted i would have pounded her. we were at his place and he was out of town. i was kinda drunk messing around and making fun of how small her hands were and she says "i bet your dick would look huge in them." kek, never trust roasties and ffs never marry
It’s ok. You don’t have to believe
Yeah, there are a few nice posters there though that just wanna shitpost and what not. I talk to a few on WhatsApp. The admin actually mines coins using that website I think. Funny shit
I want to see how this exact post looks like on an all-female forum. What do women say about Stacy? What forum do I visit anons?
Bro yeah there are some natural chads out there. I don’t get the point of this post. Did you just figure this out or what? Because it sounds like you wanna suck Chad off. If you’re gay user, it’s cool quit trying to cover it up by posting all your Chad stories on an underwater Malaysian wildlife forum.
There's an infograph that has the label/symbol for each tier, Alpha+ down to omega- or whatever and a small summary and picture of each one. The dickish alphas (alpha -) will never compare to a true alpha (alpha +), the true natural Chad.
You got a sauce on this? Sounds good.
you have great storytelling skills
unironically become an author making a book with a series of bullshit short stories.
it's a frontier genre.
this is one of the many reasons you never take a relationship with anything over an 8 too seriously.