What is the deal with this piece of shit?

What is the deal with this piece of shit?

some people with inferior genetics don't like the taste of it

Inferior genes

It's nice

One of my favorite flavors after garlic. It's great in chili, chops, rice and beans, etc.

Literally the worst thing in existence. I swear one day I'll create a super virus that will eradicate all cilantro from the face of the earth.

I fucking hate cilantro

it doesn't taste like anything to me

Just like cumin, you either love it or you hate it.

>being a genetic freak

Actually the genetics that enable to taste cilantro for what it really is mean we have superior genetics.

Who gave you permission to insult cilantro you piece of human garbage

People like it and it's essential to certain cuisines and dishes. You have inferior genes.

Not really. Also, what does "for what it really is" mean? What cilantro really is, is an herb. It has an herbal flavor, and is non-poisonous. You're genes, which interpret it as something to avoid, are inferior. That super-taster crap is feel-good special snowflake tier.

>you're genes

Grammar Nazi detected.
You people are so annoying. Everyone makes the occasional typo (and sometimes it's not even the person, it's auto correct).

Can't make pico de gallo without it.

Well, you probably could, but why would you

It's pronounced "a herb" not "an herb". Fucking American trash. It has a h sound. You fucking wazzock. Speak ENGLISH properly. Cuck.

This dude's mad

It tastes like soap, but its ok, I guess. Why does it taste like soap?

>mad britcock
Stay mad, limey. Americans use lot of French pronunciations because they helped us defeat you 250 years ago, and we used to be great allies. Deal with it, faglord.

Because it is shit

haven't heard that word in a while, thanks for the chuckle

also to keep it on topic, the deal with cilantro is that it is excellent in salsa

>Can't enjoy a large swathes of amazing food from different countries and cultures all over the world

Yea you really lucked out