Ok i'm going to give you guys a tip, so listen up. some of you guys here are pretty smart. but most of you aren't...

ok i'm going to give you guys a tip, so listen up. some of you guys here are pretty smart. but most of you aren't. there's nothing wrong with not being smart. most people aren't. but maybe if you listen to me you'll make some money.

bitcoin cash is going to be the Amazon.com of crypto.
>what does this mean?
it means that they want to provide all the functionality that every competing crypto provides. it means that if they execute that no other cryptos will have value. vitalik buterin initially wanted to build Ethereum on top of bitcoin. it was only after that the bitcoin team told him to piss off that he decided to build ethereum. but smart contracts are totally possible on top of bitcoin cash, not bitcoin segwit. similarly, with extension blocks, privacy guarantees as strong if not stronger than what coins like monero provides is totally possible. you'll still retail blockchain auditability--the privacy will be optional. further, because its not a "privacy coin" per se, a government less easily can decide to outright outlaw it.
>but user why won't bitcoin just do this?
bitcoin segwit literally can't due to its blocksize limitations. segwit itself also carries major problems. lightning network, which bitcoin segwit is staking its future on, is vulnerable to bank runs and is equivalent to fractional reserve banking. bitcoin segwit is also vulnerable to "altruistic selfish mining", which could lead to segwit transactions being stolen. the economics of this are downright scary.

Attached: file.png (2036x830, 642K)

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>similarly, with extension blocks, privacy guarantees as strong if not stronger than what coins like monero provides is totally possible.


MODs can you delete this? He posted it yesterday. Thanks.

OP how do you explain that Roger Ver is literally funded by Bilderberger? Not buying your shitcoin kthxbye.

Bean Cash is the real Bitcoin Cash.

Just stop with the Bitcoin already. It's over.

Attached: XRP Will Save You.jpg (1437x908, 309K)

The same way I explain blockstream being funded by AXA.

Obvious bait.

If I want better privacy and guaranteed decentralisation of mining, I've got XMR.

If I want smart contracts with an exploding ecosystem I've got Ether (and all it's middleware tokens).

If I want a basic lightweight, fast, low fee solution, I've got LTC.

If I want to trade value with Jews there's XRP/XLM/ADA etc.

If I want the aging but still most battle tested platform out, compatible with everything, I've got Grandaddy BTC.

There's 0 need filled by BCC that a thousand shitcoins don't already do better. Other than be easy to mine by Jihan of course.

I really can't wait for "core" to finally cave and shift to main algorithm to cryptonight or something to break the constant issue of having an algo vulnerable to takeover by hardware miners. The tears from you cashies are going to be sweet.

This. The market needs to leave BTC and all its forks behind like a hermit crab migrating to a new shell.

What kind of shit you rambling about. There is only enough room for one coin in the future all these experimental coins while come to a end.

The sooner you realize it the better for yourself and everyone, core has set all the crypto community behind by years now so its time to quit fucking around.


bitcoin is shitcoin.

BCH will have extension blocks this year. look it up.

not gonna look it up?
it means all those shitcoin functionality all on the most scalable coin (BCH).

Attached: giphy.gif (538x369, 1.08M)

this - Cashies are a cancerous syphillis... copy/pasting the same bullshit talking points.

>completely fucking delusional

Kek, obvious paid pajeet here.

Is there only 1 website? 1 stock on the market?

Of course not. There'll be a whole ecosystem of various coins filling distinct niches. Even IF BCC flipped the king (it won't) it would just take it's place. The others would all be fine.

What, including using the cryptonight algorithm so Bitmain goes bankrupt? Including being a centralised premined Bankercoin like XRP? Kek, yeah sure.

Fuck, the quality of you paid Pajeet shills is dropping. You haven't even bothered with learning the very basics of what you're supposed to be shilling, or who your target audience is. Pathetic.

He is not alone in this.. And soon you will see.

I mean, LN is absolute horseshit, but BCC doesn't solve things either.

tl;dr for your shitcoin.

Or you just go with BCH and you don't need any of those shitcoins. Problem solved.

Cool, I'll write a new token for my ICO and launch it using BCC next week, then start mining BCC using my XMR rig which Bitmain can't replace with a fucking ASIC every two weeks.

Oh wait....

>I really can't wait for "core" to finally cave and shift to main algorithm to cryptonight
>I can't wait for the security provided by bitcoin to evaporate and its value to evaporate with it

One worldwide currency, if you think otherwise your not thinking clearly, no need to have different coins.

It's over for Bitcoin.

Attached: bch-btc.png (960x960, 1022K)