Now that the Eurocucks are finally asleep, we can buy and liquidate their shorts. Let's do it burgers.
Now that the Eurocucks are finally asleep, we can buy and liquidate their shorts. Let's do it burgers
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In actual real life, russia won ww2 . This is amerilard fantasy.
eurocuck here
not so fast, some of us are still awake and ready to sell everything we have
The Russians didn't land on Omaha beach. Try again Ahmed.
the rusians landed in your white house faggot.
I'm talking about the people with jobs that actually have enough bitcoin to matter.
Last I recall Mrs. ‘Uranium One & buying fake Russian dirt to frame her poltcal opponent for Russian collusion’ didn’t win, faggot.
>implying people with lots of BTC would still wagecuck
Then fucking pump it and let's find out you fagget.
in actual real life, russia didn't completely lost ww2, but it never recovered from sustained damage which eventually led to decline of a regime
usa on the other hand experienced a new post-depression renaissance thanks to ww2, making it a real victory
i am russian btw
Which was a joke. The British had already opened up North Africa and Italy. You dumb fucks could have used that - but no, publicity. As always the US has to do some shitty photo op move that's gratuitously wasteful and ineffective.
And yeah the Russians won the war (and lost more to do it) more than anyone else. Basically it was a 70% Russian, 20% British, 10% US victory. And then you fucks lost every war after that, against fucking rice farmers and goat fuckers.
The fucking state of Amerimutts.
A bunch of countries in Europe lost the war too.
You’re fucking deluded Ivan. The only reason Russia was relevant at all was because they had more men than Germany had bullets to cut them down with. Even with a two front war Germany beat your fucking ass to a pulp to start off the offensive. Without supplies from the US under the Marshall plan pouring into your country you would have been blitzkireged as hard as Poland.
yo m8 im not focking asleep you cheeky wankers, hey you gals wake up amuricans here!!!
>british did twice as much work as the US
Even without the Pacific theatre existing this is retarded. Soviets did do most of the work in defeating Germany, but the only important thing the British did was not roll over and die.
Russia beat the Germans, Allies did the mopping up.
Fact of life.
Commies literally did 70% of the work, hitler got assraped by ruskies after stalingrand, just look at the losses of the wehrmact against soviets
i agree on everything except for the british part. i would say it's 15/15 between usa and great britain
why do people invade russia in winter? it ends like shit every fucking time and it keeps happening.
>Allies did the mopping up
on the contrary allies created an ideal conditions for russia to even participate in the first place
usa pacific campaign stopped japs from opening second front in the far east (which probably would be enough to finish russia at it weakest moment during siege of moscow)
british african campaign denied access to oil and caucasus region
i shouldn't even mention lend-lease
cracks me up every time
pride + the element of surprise (they wont expect us to do this because who could? we can)
Partly true. It was more Hitler's error in invading Russia.
But there's another thing: US gave them massive help
Ruskies reeee when you mention this (I live in Russia and both my grandparents were at the war)
Also brits and americans were bombing germany all the time which obviously had a huge influence on the war.
Soviets lost the most and killed the most. But it doesn't mean that "russia won alone".
>tfw we lost the war