Liquidation @ 9495, I will lose 1.3 BTC if this goes all wrong

Liquidation @ 9495, I will lose 1.3 BTC if this goes all wrong.

Wish me luck Veeky Forums, I'm all in after getting slaughtered by shitcoins day after day, at my peak I had 4.1 BTC so this is last chance saloon.

I work a min wage job so I am not rich.

Attached: 234324234.png (633x758, 34K)

lost 0.26 btc today when the pump started.
Bitmex - never again.

I have no sympathy for someone who gambles money they need to live

me neither. lesson learnt: dont be a greedy mofo

It's funny, I enjoy sports betting and I know of the appeal, the thrill, but so many people around here are playing slots and treating it like a serious investment

Fucking lol.

Im praying for you OP, but if its true youre literally a retard/degen that deserves to stay poor

>going all in on 100x leverage
a fool and their money are soon parted.

I have no sympathy for coinfags in general, unless they admit it's nothing more than gambling.

Yeh there's a house advantage for a reason. If it's rigged even a little you're going to lose long term.

Investments aren't gambling, retard. Shorting / longing on leverage is.