What's the general consensus here of Enigma?
What's the general consensus here of Enigma?
Shhh. Don't tell them about it. I want all the gains to myself
Shlomocoin bancor 2.0
Who knows, I'm holding 1k and am hopeful since they are ahead of schedule and are expanding in size. If the protocols come out and they do as they promised they would then we are golden.
Like this color scheme better tbqh
is it the next antshares?
essential tech if smart contracts are to be used for any real world applications but a long term hold. get at least 1k and forget about it
holding 500 since $4, heaviest bags in my portfolio
Isn't this scam already dead? Nobody even posts about DERO anymore.
It is not dead. It's only the start of it.
check their telegram they only hire literal jew devs from israel, dropped my 18k eng bags a while ago after that.
>A coin with a multi trillion supply not a scam
kek whatever man this shit reeks of a scam coin that is making impossible promises
>multi trillion supply
It's not impossible. And when they achieve it, will moon hard.
Sure thing senpai, protocols will be finished either this quarter or the next and they already have a bunch of other stuff coming out. Why would anyone choose DERO over this? You're pushing a no-name coin what makes it special?
Good luck trying to mine that token which the devs holds half of the total supply.
So? I'm not a miner and that's not the appeal of what it does. They use them for the network and to give as rewards for using the tokens in the first place. Why would anyone use a coin that there are TRILLIONS of, it will never be worth anything serious and with better competition doing things right now it makes no sense to choose it.
Israel has the best cryptographers in the world because they are so afraid of being exterminated they want to be able to read everyone's mail. Remember the Israelis were the ones who broke the iPhone encryption on the San Bernadino shooter's phone.
t. Cryptographer
t. not jewish but mixed race, hire me Nazi anons
>falling for the meme
Tha max supply is the same of XMR (18.5 millions). But anyway, the meme is good to avoid brainlets.
Sure thing, now stop dodging and tell m why DERO is special?