I'm trying to reduce my coffee intake but green tea just seems sad and uncool. No, I don't drink coffee because I think it's cool, I drink because I enjoy the taste. Since green tea tastes bland, I'm trying to portrait to me as a cool drink. Japanese tea ceremony isn't working. The western just perfected teacup design and those japanese liquid holders are ugly.
You'll eventually grow out of this phase of wanting to look cool. Most likely when you turn 25.
Jonathan Thompson
Isaac Evans
If you're trying to replicate coffee in any kind of way, drink a good OP loose leaf black tea instead of green. If you're heart is set on green and you need to "be cool" there's a couple of ways you could go.
I personally use a nice Japanese cast iron tea pot with some sencha or gunpowder (matcha is shit if you're using the powdered stuff throw it out), warm it slightly, and then add boiling water and the loose leaf tea all at once. I pour into a western teacup because superior design, but I still get the cool Japanese experience because of the cast iron teapot, and it brews damn good tea too.
If you want something a bit more trendy, bubble tea is super easy to make: brew a bunch of green tea and ice it. Take some tapioca pearls (can be found online super easily) soak them for 15 minutes in hot simple syrup, and then just mix with ice, the green tea, and a good amount of milk or coconut milk.
Tastes exactly like what you get at the bubble tea shops.
If neither of those help you just go back to drinking coffee you pussy, it's supposedly even better for you than tea.
Nolan Russell
>Most likely when you turn 18*
Ethan Walker
I'm not trying to appear cool to other people. I'm gonna drink this fucking tea alone in my house. I never talked about tea to anyone in real life. The only person that maybe knows I drink tea is the seller where I bought the tea. Sometimes you associate things or memories to some food/event/music and it enhances the experience. That's the idea.
I'm already drinking 8 cups of coffee + 4 of black tea a day. Black tea isn't a problem but I need to reduce my daily intake too. Never heard about bubble tea and this would be a good idea but I don't need unnecessary calories from milk, tapioca and sugar syrup.
Logan Davis
Christopher Miller
I have two motives to drink black tea in this life. Lemon iced tea (without sugar) tastes good and I associate warm black tea with east india company and the british empire.
Ryder Wood
You can just soak them in water and skip the milk if you're that worried about calories, you'll still get the texture but to me the sweetness and creaminess is really what makes bubble tea.
Owen Campbell
>not being trendy kys
Adam Cruz
You can't of on caffeine or ever have too much coffee unless if you're extremely sensitive to it and get the shakes if that's what you're thinking
Jackson Rodriguez
Can't od*
Lucas Thompson
Probably I'm gonna stop worrying about coffee and go past 10 cups a day.
Noah Ross
Sorry you find Japanese teabowls ugly. You have to learn to appreciate the beauty of the natural world to accept that particular aesthetic. It's a love of controlled chaos, of the perfection of imperfection, of natural materials being guided into utilitarian forms without denying their intrinsic characters.