Can we have a Thicc/Lewd Food thread
This is all i have sorry
Can we have a Thicc/Lewd Food thread
This is all i have sorry
This thread is stupid OP but I'll contribute just to spare your feelings. Check out this thicc grandma makin some fuckin lewd pasta nigga
>max fill
>oil isn't even hot
Fucking hell.
>cold oil
every time
Only issue I have is that yes... It looks great but it's overfilled as fuck...
I had a version of this in Cyprus, damn tasty.
Not usually a fan of pork either.
How the hell is this even called?
I see this webm and the other with 6 little ones all the time but never is someone posting the name.
Looks like castella cake
Seems like it. Thanks for the quick reply.
I've baked some castella in my life but i never achieved to make it fluffy like this video :^(
>the way it just sits in the oil
should have just stopped after the first filling layer. , or skipped the middle filling and gone straight to hte chips.
the battered chicken sticks wrapped in square , processed bacon slices look awful.
Fuck off, shitwit.
liquids overflowing from jars gets me so hot FUCK
I fucking died.
Is that hotdog frozen? Is the oil cold? Wtf is happening here???
fuck off autistic jack poster
It's to match Jack's room temperature IQ
The latter.
Jack once burned his hand because of hot oil splashes (because he threw it in like a massive retard), so now he uses cold oil then, iirc, heats it.
>Jack once burned his hand because of hot oil splashes (because he threw it in like a massive retard)
this i know from the webms posted here
>now he uses cold oil then, iirc, heats it
i hope this isn't true. i didn't think i could hate him even more
I see this avocado toast all the time now (not presented that nice, but, avocado toast all the same). This a new trend or something?
It seems to be presented as a health food, but really it's bread and a fattening avocado so not sure what the thought process is there.
Jesus christ no wonder americans are so goddamn fat
>fat is bad!!!!
yes it's a new trend. You know your body needs fats right? Avocado is a good source of it, so yes it's healthy. And as long as you choose good bread it's not a bad thing to eat either.
You've seem to confuse dieting to lose weight with a healthy diet. Not the same thing.
Avocadoes have been in since the '80s, they're not a fad, and definitely not a new one.
Cado on toast is a current trend.
das not from america friend-o
No it isn't.
i wanna fuck it
Yes it is
>You know your body needs fats right
it needs at best a spoonful per day. you aren't supposed to burn energy from fat, it's a last resort mechanics for when you can't get sugar/carbs which never happens in modern times.
So some avocado on toast is spot on. Good to know.
This triggers me
Tell that to the epileptics who stop being epileptics when they go on a ketogenic diet.
what video?
It's from Italy, you mouth-breathing retard.
>Stracettie de Pollo
This looks like Italian lamian.
Looks like souffle cheesecake to me.
Yeah I understand avocado has good fats, but, seems like between avocado and peanut butter the health nuts are getting enough fat. Then you add it on top of a giant piece of bread and it doesn't actually look like that healthy of a breakfast (yes I realize bread in moderation is okay too).
It's sort of like the people that go to einsteins and get a Power Bagel with peanut butter. Maybe eating 1/4 of it would be good... but eating the whole thing is hardly healthy it's like a carb and fat overload.
I know avocado has been around, but actually their in much higher demand now and thus the prices are going up. Further I've never seen these toast places until recently. Avocado was in salads and such, but, now just eating avocado toast is new to me. Maybe It was around and I missed it.
Hyperbole much? What do you have against avocados?
An avocado is generally 200-300 calories and a slice of bread is about 100. What do you consider a good breakfast?
If you're not some slob that sits in an office and doesn't work out ever, shooting for a 500-600kcal breakfast is reasonable.
>it's like a carb and fat overload.
Neither of those things are bad.
Sssshhh. He fell for the protein meme.
>toast is burnt
>food art
>obscene amount of an already memefood
yep, its a memefood
What's up with the cooking gloves
This is wrong
Jack the hack happened, that's what.
Since 1929, its gotta be good, no?
Can I get a YouTube link? I wanna watch this culinary expert make some corndogs