Why are people going crazy for this? It's just buns with some nutella on it. Why go to McDonalds when you can make these cheaper and easier at home?
Why are people going crazy for this? It's just buns with some nutella on it...
Nutella is a huge meme on facebook and instagram for some reason.
I like it but don't get the hype.
Normie sheep will eat up anything that features it though.
I've never eaten nutella, am I missing out?
It's pretty good on a warm crepe with some sliced banana.
Literally a meme tourist food
May want to slide a cyanida capsule into the next crepe you make
I don't make em. A wedding I was at recently had a crepe station and I had like three of the nutella and banana ones.
it's basically palm oil and sugar
`>Why are people going crazy for this?
people aren't, 'AshleyLewisMarketing' is and i think the reason should be pretty obvious.
Why do you hate things that taste good, user? Are you some kind of contrarian piece of shit?
>meme tourist food
I'd love to study you in detail.
>tourist food
tourists where?
You can make any food cheaper at home you fucking mong. Why eat anything outside your house?
do italians really do this?
I used to love nutella on crepes but then I got thin and now whenever I eat that much sugar in one sitting I have explosive shits
You're not supposed to eat as much sugar as you used to when you were fat. Have one instead of 17.
Yeah I ordered it in the restaurant and they loaded it up. I knew it was a lot but was "treating" myself so figured no biggie and just thought of the calories and insulin rather than the fact it might give me the shits. Still learning how to manage being thin and always get some surprises when I step out of my usual eating habits.
I know that feel, bro. Now that I'm not fat anymore, whenever I eat ice cream I get nasty diarrhea within ten minutes.
>Why are people going crazy for this?
Nobody is going crazy *for* it. They're surprised that McD's would serve something like this.
>>It's just buns with some nutella on it. Why go to McDonalds when you can make these cheaper and easier at home?
That applies to anything that McDonalds serves, yet people still go there....
What the fuck is a meme tourist?
You made yourself seem like a cockend with that shit. Maybe your explanation will redeem you.
wow u made some people angry :o|
>Being ""thin"" isn't a valid excuse for having a shitty digestive tract you mong.
You were probably better nourished when you were fat
well, hazelnut too
nutella production uses up at least 25% of the world's entire hazelnut crop every year
Nuttella isn't even good in small doses, who the fuck would want heaping amounts of nutella on a low quality bun?
>not knowing bowel health has everything to do with food and bacteria responding to food
Unless he was obese from eating vegetables and lean meat...
I feel like I need to slowly start introducing more sugar (within the limits of not gaining weight) just so I can eat more normally.
Maybe, I think I'm probably better now. I recently had my blood work done for something else and it came out great, I think my stomach just isn't used to large amounts of sugar now.
Yeah I was obese on bread and sugar and cookies. Now my diet is mostly lean meat and veggies and I think eating something like cake or ice cream or nutella just shocks it too much. I've learned to just have a few bites if someone orders it at dinner.
>Why go to McDonalds when you can make these cheaper and easier at home?
It's like you don't understand how fast food business works.
It's chocolate frosting with a hazelnut hint. In fact, it is more fattening than frosting.
How do you fuck up a greentext like this?
Basically just sugar with a hint of chocolate flavor.
>amerifattieclaps ACTUALLY eat this
>released in Italy