he got me into investing and motivated me to finally follow through with it. I’m way better off now financially thanks to his advice. i miss him bros :/
He got me into investing and motivated me to finally follow through with it...
He'll come back stronger imo, honestly he might just be the next Hitler. He's got a bright mind/lot of charisma and a LOT of time to plan like Hitler did. Looking forward to seeing what happens with him.
surprised you could type all that out with hitler's cock buried so deep in your mouth
Fuck man don’t get me excited like that. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t talked about the JQ though
he's a fucking fraud lol. you worship king pajeet
He is a Pajeet. Nerd got himself locked up, meanwhile I'm still browsing the internet and whacking off all day and not in prison so I win.
>surprised you could type all that out with hitler's cock buried so deep in your mouth
I'm not saying I like Hitler brianlet but he has all of the characteristics and the setting of Hitler so he could become the next bold leader or someone important like that (hint, none of this is implying I want it or not just that it could happen). Not saying I want him to kill anyone or anything WW2 related but his imprisonment could actually make him stronger and a bigger threat like it did to Hitler. That's where he wrote Mein Kampf and refined himself, Skreli might do just the same.
Find our where he's stuck and send him some books to read if you want to inform him of something, he's got nothing better to do I suppose.
reminder hitler created a currency backed by hours worked and goods produced, a viable alternative to the debt based system of the rothschilds - who at the time were in control of britain, france, america and russia.
reminder questioning the legitimacy of an historical event can get you thrown in prison in over 40 countries today. all of which are still controlled by the rothschild family.
He said he was extremely bullish on Bitcoin last summer when it was $1-2k, i wonder how much he is holding in his physical wallet
I bet he'll be out in 3.5 years due to good behaviour.
Him and Andrew Aurenheimer should team up to make the next party leadership.
Hitler wasn’t locked up with a bunch of people that are going to turn his asshole into a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Its federal you have to do 90% of your time
Where is he being held
Yeah and he won't have that happen to him either, just because you fantasizing about blacks sodomizing men doesn't mean it's going to happen. The Aryan brotherhood would protect him anyway if he had racial conflicts in prison.
Hi Chaim. Missed you at the synagogue last shabboth
probably a few million, since the government can literally seize everything else with ease probably
He should have put it all in Monero, they might have actually killed him if he did though.
Thats a sweet hoodie
He's rich and commited non violent white collar crime. IIRC that means he'll be put somewhere with other non violent people criminals.
>blacks sodomizing men
>fantasize about a utopia where white people don't rape each other in prison too
No sympathy for the crying cocksucker he can remain bubbas bitch as far as im concerned and widen the circle of his friends lol
Any lawyers in here?
Can't he file an appeal or do some kind of lawyer magic to get the sentenced time down?
You are a failure
These prison memes are weak. You realize he's going to a minimum security prison, right?
the guy has spent the last two years giving out free financial and investing courses online, he's a really great guy and was put in a kangaroo court from the beginning
Say what you want about the guy but I reached out to him and he helped me. Virtually all celebs/millionaire investors would never give people the time of day.
he upset the qweers, which is about as bad as you can get in pozzed up modern day west
Did he eBay that Wu-Tang CD?
Im not the one crying to prison schlomo
Even if he gets out early, he has to behave. Parole is a bitch.
I think this guy was a cunt. I admit he had some great views about personal value. But I just can't stand by and let you guys worship this prick. I think you beautiful fucks are way better off without him.
If you follow andreas antonopoulos, he says memorize that 12 word phrase. And no one will be seizing your crypto.
He will probably do less time for good behavior
You keep using this word I don't think it means what you think it means.
I got out of the feds a while back. You have to do 85%. However, there’s a drug program called RDAP that will get a year knocked off. Shkrelli is smart so he’ll get in the program. He’ll get out in 4 years and 11 months or sooner if they credit his jail time.
he's albanian, 2/3 chance he's not even white
t. pajeet
Srry senpai but American History X is just a movie, gangs protect each other from that shit in prision and if someone crosses a line they gt their head bashed in on a toilet seat
Do you like want to see his boipussi or something?
don't worry, he is in a better place now with Tyrone and his 20+ cousins taking turn comforting him during shower.
Wrongthink is an evil that will allow us to win in the end.
No, the court seized it.
>we must secure the existence of people and a future for children
Imagine being this butthurt about something that happened over 70 years ago.
he has a federal sentence, 6 years with good behavior
man they did this guy wrong. 7 years, really? fuck man, hillary didnt even get a day. I guess trying to sell Hillary's DNA is more of a crime than mishandling classified intel. God bless America. Shkreli when you get out, better get vengeance on these people. Revenge bitch.
lololol nah man i’m just honestly very grateful for what he has done and wish i could do something to help him
>he might just be the next Hitler
Not many white people come out of prison with a progressive world view so that might not be too unrealistic. We can only hope.