Your health is arguably the most important investment of all

Your health is arguably the most important investment of all.

But is "healthy" food a good investment?

McDonalds and ramen noodles are cheap, convenient and tasty. Why not just combine shit like this with fruits and veggies, and get your macros + micros?

On the other hand, spending lots of time to buy and prepare pure organic food isn't that fun.

I just eat rice, plants and the occasional meat. It's a healthy and cheap diet, but can get boring.

How does biz eat healthily but within financial reason?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I work in a restaurant

I steal a LOT of food

Bulk cooking things like tuna, rice, pasta, and various meats is way cheaper for the calorie and not even mildly difficult

buy rice cooker. make rice easily in 15 mins everyday. then just make some sauce for 3-4 days and reheat that shit. or eat with chicken/fish/beef

Lean whole cuts of meat, Vegetables, milk, eggs and whole grains. Easy to do on the cheap.

>How does biz eat healthily but within financial reason?
Vegan bodybuilder here. I eat mostly rice, oatmeal, bread for carbs and legumes for protein but I'll occasionally splurge and get fake meat and fake cheese for taste if I'm bored. Oh or salsa+bean chips.

Oh, also, for micros I just eat fruits. Never been a big fan of veggies especially green veggies other than broccoli cause they just aren't cost effective (other than potatoes obv but I find they are too bland unless combined with saturated fat which you should obviously avoid).

Oh and I just drink fortified soy/almond milk for B12 and calcium. Hope that clears everything up.

I blast deer and ducks, slam walleyes and have a huge garden.

wise words
i suck at this
you are correct that you could easily eat mcdonalds and lead a healthy life, the issue is that such foods require an incredible amount of willpower to non over consume
will power i dont have
better to mealprep slightly less tasty foods, feel better and be less fat

veggies have a lot of minerals/vitamins fruits don't have though.

Fuck mcdonalds, that shit is cancer. Healthy food is really not that expensive, it's cheaper than fast food. My diet basically consists of alot of veggies, fruit, fish and occasionally meat. I spend between £200-£300 a month on food.

It's not that difficult, but people like to make excuses because going out and buying a big mac is easier and it tastes nicer. It'll also make you a fat fuck.

must be bait

Breakfast: Two or three celery stalks and a apple
Lunch: Caesar Salad for 4 dollars
Dinner: Cook chicken thighs in pan, while steaming vegetables. When both are cooked mix in pan for 2 to 3 mind.

Daily cost: 10 dollars

I'm a leaf by the way

Yes healthy food is worth it. It doesn't even need to break the bank either. Veggies like carrots, cabbage, onions, sweet potatoes, etc. are easily affordable and packed with nutrients. Beans are cheap and offer plenty of fiber and protein. Fruits offer an abundance of vitamins and are very cheap when bought in season (apples are something like $1-2 a pound in the fall). Meal prepping is also a good idea for those that hate cooking every night and actually cuts cost even further. For anyone here in the US, the hospital bills and doctor's visits resulting from poor diet massively outweigh the cost of eating healthy food. For everyone else, the cost of feeling like shit and putting your body through unnecessary pain should be something to consider.

Whenever I'm on a tight budget and need good food, I buy eggs, canned beans, rice, onions, cabbage, carrots, green peppers, and so on. Meat is usually very cheap on certain days (eat chicken and pork, beef is very expensive). I could pick up a pound of ground pork for less than $2 and make a nice meal or two out of it. Sauces can also help massively with budget minded meals. A bit of soy sauce in poorfag soup can really improve the flavor. Also I forgot to add, bouillon cubes are amazing if you need some broth for cheap. You could also make your own stock by buying chicken wings and simmering with aromatic veggies and peppercorns. Chicken wings are usually very cheap too.

>celery and an apple for breakfast

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I use a Soylent copycat.

are you a woman, how do you eat so little food. No carbs?

I spend 150$ monthly and probably look better than you

Think of body fat as a form of debt

I hide out behind the dumpster in the back of this fancy Italian restaurant in my town and wait until they toss the leftover good food into the trash. I usually get a couple pounds at a time. Really helps save funds for chainlink

I am twenty pounds overweight. This is my new diet after eating pizza everyday... also the dinner is large... usually fry up three thighs and a huge serving of veggies

such as?

I eat a ton of mcdonalds, subway and Amir, I just never drink soda and sugary drinks because thats really whats bad in fast-food.

The couple of times I make my food is usually meat and vegs in the oven, I steam broccolis often.

I don't skip meals and Im very underweight.

The hamilton Beach rice cooker is $35 on Amazon, and it's a good deal. Throw some rice and water in, and a bag of frozen vegetables in the basket, wait one hour, you have several meals. You can even slow cook in it, and make soup, or stew, or chili. There are websites dedicated to recipes for it, that take minutes to put together.
A slow cooker rocks, too - make large batches of soups and chili, and freeze it.

BTW - most organic food isn't - it's a marketing term. Unless you know the farm the food comes from, and how they grow/process the food, the label is meaningless and the quality is the same as everything else. If you want real organic, hit up farmer's markets, where the actual farmer will sell you the food.
Same for eggs. So many people keep chickens now, you can get free organic eggs pretty much anywhere, cheap, or free. My sister on the east coast keeps a couple chickens, and gives her eggs away free, because she can't be bothered to sell them.

Dunno where you live OP but here in alaska a majority of our meals include harvested game and fish. Up here one moose will last a year for a average family. We eat lots of wild game, moose, caribou, spruce hens, some bear, tons of fish like halibut and king salmon. Plus some shrimp and rockfish if you got a buddy with a boat. Plus hunting and fishing is a great hobby to get into.

there are studies where mcds eaters lose weight when they control their caloric intake

supersize me is a meme, the guy basically stuffed his face with thousands of calories over caloric equilibrium

but mcds gets sickening fast

Idk where you guys get this idea that some foods are healthier than others.

Calories are calories.
Nutrients are nutrients.
Additives dont really make food cheaper.

Just eat rice and beans and whatever vegetable is cheapest (cabbage, carrots).

Grow some herbs or steal some spice/seasoning packets from a resturant something it makes it bearable.

Rice cookers are awesome and rice is cheap. I use mine all the time.

>bouillon cubes
Fucking this. You can also get the bullion in powder form. I buy that, and throw a spoonful into the water in my rice cooker. Or, just get some beef or chicken stock, and use that half and half with water for the rice.
Garlic, soy sauce, worsteshire sauce, sriracha, fish sauce - you have to be careful of the calories with sauces, but a lot of them are low calorie and delicious. A McDonald's Big Mac, in it's core parts isn't that bad, the bun and vegetables are fine, it's the sauce, which is loaded with sugar, and the additives in the meat that cause the problems. It's like potatoes - potatoes are much abused because of the low carb movement, but they're actually pretty healthy, and low in calories. But you have to eat them plain, and it's the butter and sour cream and all the shit people glop onto them that makes them bad for you. Same for salad - a salad won't make you fat, and if you don't load it up with croutons and fatty dressing, you can't eat enough in one day to gain weight, and nutrient wise, it's really good for you.
Avoid sugar, fat, and salt. You'll be plenty healthy. The biggest impact I felt healthwise is when I cut dairy out. If you have to have salt, get salt substitute.

The supersize guy revealed recently that he was an alcoholic and drinking heavily when he made that, and it drastically impacted his health more than eating McDonald's every day, and that the weight gain was most likely from booze.

Today I ate a roast beef sandwhich for breakfast, washed it down with two cups of coffee (black). Then a handful of MMs midday, half a 12” pizza, and some chips. All that with water. That’s it for today.
>so you’re 600lb
120lb 5’ 10” I’ve been this weight for years, it just doesn’t move no matter what dietary changes I make so I basically eat whatever I want. My insides are probably ravaged. I have no idea desu

>Just eat rice and beans and whatever vegetable is cheapest (cabbage, carrots).

Well you're definitely missing out on some nutrients if that's all you're eating.

i also eat your whore mother's cunt

is that enough??

Sure, you can coast like that for years. Then you hit your 40s, and it gets ugly, fast.

When you're young, your body can shrug shit like that off easily. But it'll catch up. It always does. But if you're young, you have plenty of time to change, and if you do it now, your body will heal any damage a lot more efficiently.

You cant eat potatoes on low carb, at least keto/ceto.

No, you can't. I did low carb for years, potatoes were forbidden on every plan I saw. Low carb is not keto/ceto.

Only meat costs money. Carbs which are healthiest are basically free. Japs eat mostly just carbs, rice and noodles, no fat, healthiest people on planet

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Damn right, they live like 80 plus years on average. Meanwhile our western diet kills us. While all these bros are like, muh protein.

No. No you don't eat bear.

chlamydia is not a nutrient no matter what she tells you user

Why not

Meat can be expensive, sure, but pound for pound, breakfast cereal is more expensive.

I spend maybe $40 a week on food, and I eat well, and that includes several meals with meat. It doesn't have to be that expensive, if you wait for sales, and cook it yourself. I don't buy bacon, because it's ridiculously expensive, because it's in high demand because of "Muh bacon on everything hurr durr". Avacados are the new bacon, so I stopped buying those. I save most money not buying processed food, and sugary "treats" and junk food. I also don't keep a lot of food on hand, because bored = eat.

>. Healthy food is really not that expensive
> between £200-£300 a month on food.
> all on yourself.
fuck right off

Here in CA, $200 a month is about right, for me. That buys a lot of fruit, vegetables, rice, and beans. 5 lbs of rice is like $4, and that's at least a couple days of meals for me, if all I eat is rice.
Most people I know spend $200 a week, at least. Most of that on fast food, too. $6 cup of coffee, when I can get a 2 lb bag of beans for $10? And a thermos is cheap?

But, I get it. Most young people have no clue how to budget, or break down their budget to see where waste is. I was the same, and I learned. I wish I'd learned earlier, I would have skipped so much bullshit if I had.

If Vechain is a success
New enterprises will enter.
What’s the value of a x node on a Trezor or NANO on the open market.?

Would u sell your x node off the market and how much would you ask?

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Mcdonalds isnt terrible for you unless you get fries and a soda. The burgers just have too much salt and preservative but will only kill you slowly.

>BTW - most organic food isn't - it's a marketing term. Unless you know the farm the food comes from, and how they grow/process the food, the label is meaningless and the quality is the same as everything else. If you want real organic, hit up farmer's markets, where the actual farmer will sell you the food.

The thing about farmer markets is that I'm not really sure they work either. I know this guy who has his land and right next to him are these organic growers. And according to him, all the fertilizers he ends using ends on their soil anyways. I have no idea how that really works but intuitively it makes sense to me.

>If Vechain is a success

They gonna go down for inside trading and security fraud.

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While McD and other fast foods can hit your macros right if you know what to order - you have to consider what else you're getting, which is mainly LOADS of added salt, sugars (yes, even in salty fast food) and fat. Studies have revealed that adding those 3 extra things to a food will take them from bland and forgettable to downright addictive in many cases. This isn't even including the preservatives that are added as well. The cheapest and healthiest way to do food is to minimize the amount of processed food that you buy and meal prep once or twice a week depending on your schedule. I usually cook up 5 lbs of chicken, about 4 large heads of broccoli, and 8 cups of rice on Sunday before the work week. This usually gives me a healthy lunch and dinner each day until about Friday. For breakfast I do 4 eggs and a serving of cottage cheese. All of it cheap and easy to do, in addition to being healthy.

Read a book nigger

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I only recommend bouillon cubes for the super poorfags. If you wanna spend a bit more I would sincerely recommend going for better than bouillon if available. It's essentially a reduced stock paste that you mix with water like the cubes or powder but tastes miles better.

Also you touched on salt and sugar. I stay away from added sugars whenever possible. Sugar itself isn't bad but when you start diving into foods with a bunch of added sugar it gets bad. Salt is another big thing. Excessive sodium leads to hypertension and other health issues.

Salmon, rice and potatoes all day erryday.

>Salmon with a bit of seafood/meat seasoning or thyme
>Rice with some garlic seasoning
>Potatoes with mayo or big mac sauce.

I'm still not tired of it.

Japs live a long time because they eat mostly vegetables with good fats and carbs. Every culture on the planet eats carbs as the staple. Japs and some Mediterranean cultures live longer than most because they cut down on meat, eat mostly veg, and have good fats in their diet (unsaturated as opposed to saturated). Saying Japs eat no fat is kind of ignorant as they eat plenty of fat. The fish they eat is rich in unsaturated fats which provide lasting energy and can be easily processed with minimal negative effects on the body

Yes, that 12KB picture proves that there's nothing off about a vegan body builder who doesn't eat any vegetables aside from broccoli.

>>Potatoes with mayo or big mac sauce.
Why would you ruin perfectly good potatoes like that?

And, all salmon needs is a little lemon. If you're putting seasoning salt on perfectly good salmon, you're an idiot.

Enjoy your tricnosis.

eating McDonald’s every meal would actually be fucking expensive. I eat health and only spend $400 to $500 a month on food. mcdingleberries would be like $800 a month.

Cope harder blodd drinker go on yt

Its not that great on its own but it can be make into a good stew meat. Its really not my favorite but it is an option

im shocked how bluepilled you all are.
you dont know shit about healthy food. i wont redpill you but i will give you a hint.

>free radicals

I think they discovered fire already, but I may be wrong.

Yeah if your a retard and not cook it all the way.

carbs are shit though

they make you crave food insistently

if you weren't a poorfag you would pay the premium and mix some meat into the diet

also cook vegetables with oil to get your fats to keep you fuller longer

carbs are just cheap calories

Okay, neckbeard, time for some education.

First, it's "trichinosis".

Second, bear meat is ONE vector for it. The most common is pork, which is why you should never eat undercooked or raw pork.

There are only a handful of cases per year in the US, and most of them come from pork.

If you cook bear meat well done, you will have almost no risk. Follow the same cooking instructions of pork, it will eliminate all strains of it.

I've had bear. I didn't like it. But it's perfectly safe to eat as long as you handle it correctly, and cook it correctly. Just like pork.

Now shut the fuck up.

nah there are record setters who have eaten tens of thousands big macs and they are perfectly healthy

Ah, I'm a poor fag now. And I posted that I eat meat.

Shut the fuck up, neckbeard, don't lecture me, you're a fucking moron. You don't know shit about nutrition, especially with your idiotic advice to fry vegetables.

How fat are you, by the way? Only fatties fry everything.

not if you buy their $1 cheeseburgers

>investing a depreciating asset

lol i never said to fry vegetables

maybe you should learn cooking verbs before you resist your sage

Cooking vegetables in oil is frying, fatty. It's literally the definition of frying:

gerund or present participle: frying
cook (food) in hot fat or oil, typically in a shallow pan.
synonyms: cook, sauté, sear, brown, sizzle, frizzle, pan-fry, deep-fry, flash-fry
"fry the onions in the skillet"

Oil is fat, stupid. Now get your bitch ass back to /b/ where it belongs, faggot.

you can also roast vegetables, brainlet

looks like you're getting irritable maybe you need more carbs?

Still running your mouth, neckbeard?

I know. Your condition compels you. But still, fuck off.

My diet generally works out to this

Breakfast: cereal, coffee, and some berries on weekdays. eggs, turkey bacon, rye toast, and orange juice on weekends.

Lunch: chicken breast purchased in bulk, grilled, and then frozen. I reheat and have them for lunch 3 days a week, accompanied by rice or mixed vegetables, or some other variation. 2 days will be leftovers from previous suppers. On the weekend my breakfast is more like a brunch, I usually skip lunch.

Supper: fish once a week, chicken twice a week, steak/roast beef twice a week, pasta once a week, vegetarian once a week. Always include veggies of some sort.

Eat out 3x/month + coffee meet ups with friends.

I like cooking and most of what I do doesn't take much more than 20 minutes of prep time. It's not particularly expensive, about $12/day, and with this diet plus excercise I've managed to drop about 60lbs. I used to be a real fat fuck.