Is he /our/ guy?
Is he /our/ guy?
based bannon
Batman bannon
Sloppy Steve
Go back to pol tards
Go back to redit
It's unfortunate that you've bought into the media's ploy of guilt by association. Bannon is a pretty decent guy.
short answer, yes
>he’s just finding this out
/our slob/
Pretty decent at exploiting "rootless young males" as voter bloc along with Cambridge Analytica. Everyone on /pol/ is his victim, and they don't even know it.
Literally a pump and dump
well. he brings up points that concern "rootless young males". pol was around before bannon friendo. did ron paul exploit us all too?
Great I think retards should have access to crypto too
underrated post
Geez. You sound like a victim of the fucking television, I mean how bad is that?
>Cambridge Analytica
So uh, right-wing ShareBlue, which ironically I'm sure you don't think of in negative terms at all.
>it's bad when advocates of limited government strike back
Actually, since I'm a person and not a strawman, I have a strong dislike for ShareBlue as well.
so ayn rand types (the mercer family) aren't allowed to fight young people being brainwashed by corporate america?
Counterbrainwashing isn't fighting brainwashing.
Oh wow read those comments.
Friendly reminder steve bannon is LITERALLY hitler
you're naive. if you think people like the mercers shouldn't try to counter influence the likes of google, comcast, planned parenthood, the lgbt lobby, amazon, facebook, and a myriad of other POWERFUL forces, you're just plain wrong.
everything will turn into "brainwashing" because most people choose to conform to that sort of movement rather than develop their own opinions on each issue, which is why universal suffrage is horseshit
Funny how many are attacking Bannon, but not his views of central banks and crypto. Plenty of kikes around today.
Absolutely based.
bannon will be back on the scene soon enough, and with vengeance. i'll never forgive breitbart for ending his radio show, it was amazing. "three hours of the socratic method..."