Why are the best chefs male???
Why are the best chefs male???
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Sulking does not keep kitchen staff in line.
men have more testosterone and women have more estrogen. Look up both of those and their effects on the human brain and draw your own conclusions.
... Women cook all the time but it isn't considered a job with pay. Men are from the working world. Of course there would be fewer women in the industry when most of them do it for free for their families. But that doesn't mean they are less knowledgeable about food or less talented. You're deluded if you think "the best chefs in the world" are actually the best cooks in the world. The best cook in the world is probably some unknown man or woman working out of their kitchen with a restaurant no one knows about. You fucking idiot.
Women get too emotional, can't take responsibility for their actions, make poor personnel managers, and have a poor concept of time management.
Apart from Gordon Ramsey, who's often up-staged in multiple episodes by female cooks while travelling, there are little tv-chefs who are actually good at cooking. "Chefs" are mainly men full stop, but Youtube "Cooking" and you'll find far yummier and more skilled foods made by females than by males (like sweaty Jamie Oliver). Sad!
because it's a shitty job
You mean like Marie or Kay's cooking channel?
This. Men just tend to do it more often for money. When women have a passion for cooking it's to feed their family and friends. Doing it for a bunch of strangers sounds like drudgery to me. I love to cook for my loved ones, and be in my own kitchen, though.
M8 have you watched Jamie at home? God-tier cooking show
>my life is a complete fantasy
Kay's Cooking? Ha! Most white people don't know food. Haven't you learned that yet?
What about Maangchi?
What about Cooking with Dog?
If you think your male chefs can make better food than these asian women then you must be deluded.
YES. thank you.
Those are amateurs. We're talking about people who actually run restaurants with a proven track record & awards.
This is right.
A chef runs a kitchen. Kitchen managing skills are more important than cooking for a chef.
Also there is nothing to say that anthony
Jamie Oliver drinks beer for dinner and doesn't wash his hands before cooking. He also scrapes a non-stick pan with metal utensils. What a clown...
Hey, I'm not the one who brought up Kay's Cooking. This is in response to someone attempting to say that women can't cook, period.
He got me into cooking but honestly his recipes are crap.
>muh olive oil
Kays Good Cooking is a youtube channel which apparently documents the cooking attempts of a low-income Sheffield-born woman and her husband. With an unfortunately uneducated-disposition on food and ingredients, it is a bemusing 'blind leading the blind'-type experience as we watch them "teach" the viewer without the amenities or knowledge to produce even the most basic application of the dishes. This is representative less of female cooks, but the ramifications of impoverished council estates.
Women are shit cooks
Because of the patriarchies systematic oppression propagated through rape culture.
Women having cooking shows boil down to them following written instructions and looking nice
Everyone who didn't have a lobotomy or severe developmental issues can follow orders
However best chefs are male due to creativity and
Bitter Virgin Found.
Like it or not as a woman you will reach the point where your body goes baby crazy and you can have a kid or not because it doesn't matter
Have a kid and you will lose all your time
Miss out and you will lose all the joy in your life
Pregnancy is truly God's way to keep women in line
Because women can't cook. There are many great non-white women chefs though.
t. Female who never had a date in her life
Women don't like hard work.
back to this shit. have fun dying unloved and ignorant.
Because women have evolved biologically to not have the drive to be the absolute best which makes this true not only for cooking but for everything else too.
Tumblr is that way you feminist fuck.
Your days of bleating and whinging are over.
the reason is made up of a complex web of details and facts, largely social and economic. there isn't an easy to digest answer. understanding this requires putting forth actual effort.
asking this question on Veeky Forums, in good faith, would be the act of a fool.
so i'm going to give you an answer worthy of Veeky Forums, because this is the only thing you could have wanted.
womern got pussies
Gordon Ramsay
But I'm gay and have been monogamously married to mai hasubando for over a decade.