Friends from high school still hangout and still live in our hometown

>friends from high school still hangout and still live in our hometown

its a little sad

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your hometown is paris? sage

>Had friends in highschool

You don't belong here redditor

Why the fuck is it good or moral to leave your hometown and never see the people you grew up with ever again?

i live in paris they live outside of it


you cant change with the same people.

It is part of growing up loser

i aint packing up shit im dying in my home town

OP is a massive faggot

>I am unable to change myself I need to be forced to change by other people

lmao loser

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Wtf why? Just changing locations doesn't make you a more developed person.

It's because he developed the mega sperg reputation in his town so no one will ever take him seriously unless he moves and starts with a blank slate.

Humans lived and settled in the same locations for thousands of years you sperg. Colonies, settlements in foreign countries and shit were done by pioneers and/or slaves. Moving to a new place to find a job is a new phenomenon.

>talking to anyone besides your immediate family and other anons

This guy is trying way too hard desu

Op was bullied in school

This. You should only leave if you will be miserable there. If you are happy why would you ever leave.
I live in a third world shithole but I'm happy and won't ever leave unless some major catastrophic event happens here.
That's one less refugee burgers or yuropoors have to deal with. We should encourage people never ever leaving hometown unless strictly necessary

This guys life is so sad.

>No wait dont take the photo yet lemme get my iphone X and watch in the shot.


fuck off rat racer. why would i keep living in an absolute shit hole? 'muh morality' lol wtf are you even talking about

OP wanted to be in a place where people never knew him pre-op, no bully.

Doesn't matter, you can change locations but your problems come with you. OP needs to correct the things that got him bullied in the first place

>tfw hometwon is shit
>tfw city is even shittier
Time to go innawoods i guess

Imagine being so happy that you stay in the same spot. Many would wish for that.

stoop boy afraid to leave the stoop

false. changing your surroundings won't fix yourself. you have to start from within.

Replies speak so much to who posts here yet again:

1. Losers who never left home
2. Paranoid fearfuls who go on high alert at sight of a non-white person

...and all the justification of these things

Better than your no friends

Hello fellow /k/ommando. Cya inna woods.

Ok, then why call it sad that other people sad for not wanting to restart their life? Normal people don't want to run away from their home town lmao.

and this post speaks even more to who posts here:


What are you even talking about? How the fuck are people who don't want to leave their hometown and live around strangers "losers"? Lol. We all ended up posting on some obscure forum in our free time, at least those people have close, meaningful relationships.

>hometown is manhattan
>moved to texas for work
>want to go back to the city
fuck this state man.

This is what losers tell themselves to feel better about being losers. Changing your surroundings doesn’t change who you are you retard.

more than a little sad, but each person has to choose for himself so no I am not one to judge.
>grow up and leave the nest
>Stay in the same place being the same fag with the same autistic friends who may or may not have moved on without you

Hitler discussed how his father wanted to be a priest for his hometown. When he finally was able to achieve his goal, no one he remembered remained.

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Yeah looks like a real faggot. Gloating with daddies money. Reminds me of that Indian kid with an iphone in each pocket.

>go to college in a chill town with good art and music scene
>move to brooklyn for a year to experience "the real indie scene"
>everyone here is a complete joke and the scene is unironically years behind where i just came from
>move right fucking back
ah, much better

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This applies when you live in shitholes like any other place than the west coast

If you grow up in some bumfuck town you’ll generally be limited to the maximum status achievable in that town. You have less resources to draw from. For example, imagine you want to manage a hedge fund. You can start one right there in dusty falls, Idaho where you’ll get your experience from personal financiers managing 401ks. Or, you can go to Wall st and get your experience fron hedge fund managers with billions of assets under management.
Which one do you think ends in better results? This is applicable to most fields.
If you want to learn from the best you need to go where the best are. Spoiler: they’re not in dusty falls.
Although I’m not sure why OP wants to run from Paris of all places.

Cringeworthy pic

>He said what about me?
>On Veeky Forums?
>Dump his coins

Only a kike believes 'change' is necessary.

THIS. (((change))) is an euphemism for communism.

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I know your feel OP. A lot of my friends have stagnated in our shithole home town. They've been meeting up every weekend and partying with the same people since we were 14. A decade of beer pong and bowling and whatever the fuck else for 10 bloody years. I'm really glad I'm gone and I have developed tremendously in my new surroundings. There are so many things available here that aren't back home.

that dude is like the stereotypical french person, 1 Eth says he smokes

He's talking about personal growth, you nitwit

>I'm really glad I'm gone and I have developed tremendously in my new surroundings.

how? are you a more devoted wagecuck?

You don't actually think this right? How the fuck do you explain thousands of years of human migration and expansion then?

Some people just have no appreciation for their own roots and where they come from.

But he is right, the majority of people live within 10 miles of where their grandparents did here.

>he left manhattan, the absolute madman
bruh everything u can want is here

Patently false

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It unironically does

Show me your friends and I'll show you your future.

Are you Pajeet with street shitting friends. No, well get the fuck over it

So if you're born in some crackinfested hellhole, no biggie, since you were born a loser even before the crackhole showed you how to live anyway right? Fuck off to pol.

Oh fuck off

My hometown had zero opportunities and everyone I know that stayed there became a fat, poor loser that plays video games 24/7. Meanwhile I got educated and make 6 figs a year and have a baller ass portfolio in crypto. why the fuck would I have stayed. you're a fucking retard

>its a little sad

I used to think this in my 20's too

Now I'm in my golden years I miss them

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They were never your friends you tier 1 beta faggot.

Maybe some people are better off never trying to break out of their bubble, its comfortable there after all. As for me, I'm looking always for the next big thing, and that's definitely not going to be found in my sleepy hometown.

Things are different with Internet. You can now live in the middle of the jungle and still not miss anything important