1000$ EOY is a meme

Let's play a game anons...


1. The rank of LINK eoy

2. The market cap of crypto eoy

...then look at the char, and see the price that Link will be.

In case any brainlets thought otherwise, 1000$ EOY is obviously a meme. Even if link cracks the top 20, and the whole fucking market goes HIGHER than the all-time peak from Jan, link will barely break 10$.


Attached: ChainLink MarketCap.png (1794x960, 230K)

Kek is not with you.

nice chart
eoy 2018
rank: 10-30

>tfw Veeky Forums is the only board that makes me indifferent when someone gets dubs on a LINK related thread

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OP just destroyed the LINK shills with a spreadsheet.

Well done.

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According to my calculations, 1 LINK will go for about $11316.52 EOY

Most of link will be locked away for staking instead of sold on exchanges which will drive the price up.

>(more than the annual GDP of
OF WHAT?????

If you're not holding LINK, why did you take the time to make this?


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tfw FUD is now $100 2020

thx senpai

I figure rank 20-40, I don't think LINK will crack the top 20 until the mainnet actually being used, and starts disrupting existing businesses, which I don't see happening until at least next year.

great chart user, saved. i expected this to break top 20 personally, tho i dont think we'd be breaking ath of crypto mcap any time soon. so ~$5, not bad at all

Sorry the boxes clipped.

Also the existential affirmation 'YOU ARE' was actually supposed to be 'YOU ARE HERE'.

Attached: ChainLink MarketCap2.png (1792x959, 236K)

This is the wild card for sure. But it cuts both ways. Until the mainnet is running we don't know for sure what the economics are going to be like, and just how scarce link will be.

This assumes the distribution of the total market cap will remain the same. Consider this Jan 2017, bitcoin had 87% of total market cap, by Jan 2018 it was 36%.

Given that there is already artificial scarcity due to big-time HODLers, I think the economics of the situation will look quite good for LINK once mainnet is launched

Who says I'm not? For all you know I could be a diehard link that unironically makes OC for the link army and accidentally fucked up my trip when posting this graph. Anything is possible.

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You're assuming that the distribution of the marketcap remains the same among top-100, this is not necessarily so. In fact, quite unlikely.

lel, worst case $75 2020

very reasonable
i think the top 3 are likely to keep their spots, but i would guess there is a >30% chance for a major reshuffling at the top before eoy, especially if a direct fiat to alt gateway comes into existence
in that case i have no prediction other than generalized bullishness on link and other utility (rather than currency) projects

tfw beta is released on ropsten this week

post lotlizard

incredible chaarting


your hard work is appreciated then, fellow marine.

>he thinks 1000$ EOY is a meme

>If you're not holding LINK, why did you take the time to make this?
seriosly, this is what i dont get about the anti-la's.
if they dont like link, just dont read the threads.
this guy mustve spent a good few hrs making this chart. i just dont know anymore.

I'm not doing these tonight I'm busy with chart autism

Attached: LINKARMY_lotlizard.jpg (630x630, 277K)

looks fun, rolling for ID and digits

Attached: The Men Who Stare at Bags.jpg (600x400, 184K)

holy kek. checkd

nice fud faggot- luckily you still have time to accumulate. 10k min to make it

peer reviewed and checked

I spent 20 minutes you fucking mong, this is grade-school math.

I mainly made this for myself to shake out the 1000$ EOY nonsense from my head and think clearly. Also, to help plan what price points I want to start selling my stack at.

>muh market cap

Attached: 3b5.png (538x441, 234K)

And this.

Attached: IMG_0548.jpg (900x900, 90K)

I got my stack to 10k this week. But... look at the chart bruh, to 'make it' (over a million) off 10k a lot of things need to go incredibly right for link.

Someone do some back checking on this excel data. Midget OMG nigger might be trying to pull a fast one again.

you dont even understand what marketcap represents, otherwise you wouldnt have used it as a predicitve metric.
>this is grade-school math.

Yeah that was obvs an assumption I made. I was gonna smooth it out but I figured the current distribution was fine, because actually, I'm not sure which way the distribution is going to change. First, the market caps of smaller coins are an inflated joke, the rise of 'other coins' on the market share of coinmarketcap is due to literal shitcoins being wash traded on shithole exchanges by bots. The dominance of big coins is actually *higher* than it appears. Also, I think you could make an argument for the distribution getting more top-heavy in the future - right now we have dozens of redundant privacy coins for instance, each niche will probably have an eventual winner and the number of real blockchains being used will contract. Same thing with platforms (ETH, ADA, etc.), probably only 1-4 of them will survive and the rest will die, because network effects + scalability barriers will push towards a winner-takes-all outcome. Also, post thots.

Hold that for 3-5 years and youll be fine. Sell anything else but LINK should be treated like early ETH. Never sell.

Attached: number3_PNG14957.png (2000x2000, 57K)

Did you account for shifting market caps of all top 100 coins?

Enlighten us, wise one

Solid chart famalamadamn

EOY 2025
MC 8trillion
Link top 4

Yeah I can see that happening

No, you can argue it. Either way. Fiat-to-alt gateways could make it less top heavy see , but other things could make it more. Rank and marketcap are much bigger factors IMO.

The biggest factor of all is 'will this fucking coin even exist in 2/5/10 years?' I think the answer for link is: 'actually... maybe yeah', which is why I hold it.

marketcap doesnt represent the money invested in a coin, simply it's current value x number of coins.

eg. 90% of a coin could have been bought at $5, with the last 10% at $100.
this mean that, if there are 100 coins in circulation, (90 x $5) + (10 x $100) = $1450 has gone into it.
however, using MC, it would have the coin valued at $100,000, which it isnt.

MC is a terrible metric when applied to cryptos and should never, ever be used.

Ain't no maybe about it. And you are underestimating the amount of money that will flow from other coins into LINK later this year.

EDIT: $10,00, not $100,000

We'd have to do your exact predictions for link with every crypto in top 100 and take an aggregate. Idk it would be better if you could set up a website and get constant live updates taking all other factors into account. Constantly adjusting for fluctuations in top 100 coins.

No shit $1,000 EOY is a meme... that would make link 2x Bitcoin's market cap.

MINIMUM will be $10 EOY. That'd be $3.5B and put us at 13th place. The market will probably grow to $1-1.2T EOY, making 13th place Link worth around $25 or so.

The price ceiling for this year will probably be around $100-200. It'll probably go down like Ethereum, where we'll moon, decline and stablize, and moon again several months after the initial moon.

Eth went from $7-10 to $400 to $150 to $1,400.

My estimate will be that after mainnet and probable annnouncements/partners are released, depending on how big they are we'll see $10-50, with a decline back to $5-10. Similar to what AB predicted but not as extreme. From there, $100-200. After that, if the market grows as expected to $10T or so by the mid 2020's we'll probably see Link do a few 2x's every couple of years: something like $400 by 2021, $800 by 2025, etc. $1,000 probably towards the end of the 2020's.

Dude, what part of this chart is saying that X amount of money needs to flow into link for any of this? Market cap is exists as a reflection of circulating coins, and what they are trading for.

I'm not trying to be predictive at all here, totally the opposite; laying out the possibility space so that people can make their own predictions. Maybe it's not clear but the columns aren't 'years' - it could take us five years to reach 1T if crypto collapses and stagnates. Also I only plotted increases in rank and market cap because it's the wild upside predictions that need a reality check. Downside you don't need a chart - super strong support at zero.

Reminder that AssBlaster's predictions were 60-70 short term, 150 long term

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Anything stronger than a 'maybe' is insane. Lots of ways link could fail.

1. There's a bug in the code and millions of dollars worth of smart contracts are maliciously made to trigger, discrediting link
2. A competitor (or several) to link emerges with better tech who eradicates first-mover advantage and takes over the oracle niche.
3. Sergey dies (please kek protect him i love him)

if the entire alt market moons like it did last time I have no doubts it will happen
if for some reason the market sentiment stays as shitty as it is now I think the $10-$20 range EOY is the most likely price

>I'm not trying to be predictive at all here, totally the opposite
you're trying to create a model that predicts price/coin based on MC which is insane.
look at Cardano. that coin is in the top 10 MC but it's worthless. it just so happens that the team released an absolute tonne of coins, which sell cheaply, so MC is (tonne of coins) x(cheap price cos no-one wants it) = HUGE Marketcap.

That's partly what made me make this chart, to think it through myself instead of repeating assblaster like a braying donkey.

At current total market cap, 60$ in short term means link rises to spot 3-4 in market cap. Give me a fucking break. There's no way that's happening this year.

>Lots of ways ethereum could fail.

>1. There's a bug in the code and millions of dollars worth of eth is lost, discrediting it
>2. A competitor (or several) to eth emerges with better tech who eradicates first-mover advantage and takes over the smart contract niche.
3. Vitalik dies (please kek protect him i love him)

Make your own chart you homo. Obviously there are dozens of incorrect assumptions that this rests on (coin distribution will remain the same, etc.). This is just a thought exercise to constrain people's fantasies about how high link will go.

Those are all true though...? Link at least has no real competitors right now, but tons of projects are gunning for Eth's niche.

Total market cap 2 trillion by December with Link at #10

But this is only if you think we will get a major bull run this year

You seriously didn't actually buy Link did you? Its a sick joke that biz likes to play on newfags. Ask yourself why no one talks about Link besides Veeky Forums? Reddit absolutely hates this project and there was a thread earlier where they rightfully were calling this shit a scam. I don't want to see you lose anymore money so sell and buy something useful like TRAC.

your sweet words give me a semi user, but i've been hurt before





its in another repo...i used to have access to the alpha before release but was outed for spoiling it :0. I know they are far along w/ the remaining code in another repo and plan to merge by this event. Its been planned since end of the year...

If you look at the alpha code its literally polished they just ran go tests and cleaned up the last pieces.....ready for eths test net now

sir youre going to have to come with me. we have some questions regrading how you acquired those digits you have there

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He actually wants to be informed and have a clue rather than being just another retarded stinky linkie going 1000 EOY HURR. Go ask sergey where the 32m from the ico went. It. Certainly didn't go into forming a team and hiring software engineers.

Link is going to 10 eoy. 10 sats.

>He actually wants to be informed and have a clue rather than being just another retarded stinky linkie going 1000 EOY HURR.
>Link is going to 10 eoy. 10 sats

Nice Fud - There is no way one sat equal $100 EOY

Good thing 1 BTC will be worth $1,000,000 EOY.

SEC says 20 trillion by 2020... 2 trillion will happen by eoy

Green id + trips

>op chart shows me 11,000 per link is possible.

Dreams really do come true

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