Is this /ourfood/?

Is this /ourfood/?

The ultimate bizfood?

> 250 calories/$
> Optimized macro ratio
> All plant based and no soy
> Pea protein
> Phytonutrients
> All your micros
> Tons of fiber
> SUPER convenient, just shake and drink
> Save time packing lunches
> Save money making/buying lunches

Srsly I've been eating this for 3 months now and I feel great. Its super convenient if you're a metabolic beast like me and need to pack 4 lunches for work.

I'm not saying live off it completely, but you could save a lot of time/money with HUEL. I only do real food for breakfast and dinner now.

Attached: Huel-main.jpg (1000x714, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread: health organization classified red meat as a carcinogen

I bet you anything - it's loaded with soy.

Nah, Optimum Nutrition 100% whey protein is the true /our food/

Meal replacement shakes are usually expensive as fuck. How much are you paying?

Do you actually feel full drinking that stuff?


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NOPE! No soy. Main ingredients are oats, rice and peas

$60 for 2 bags (15k calories).

It definitely fills me up. I was surprised as I thought I'd still be hungry the first time I tried it, but my body definitely recognizes it as good fuel

Is it organic? It's not on amazon. How many pounds for how much USD?

I eat 2 scoops of huel with one scoop of ON whey 4xday and eat a real dinner.

Have been on it a few months and seen great gains, feel great.

>oats, rice,peas
>perfect macro ratio
Enjoy your diabeetus.

I've been using Hol Food. It's the cheapest in Canada as far as I know, and it tastes great because they aren't afraid of using animal based ingredients.

>All plant based
into the trash. i lift and eat for gains, soy faggot

This is what viral marketing looks like

they don't ship to the US.

Does anyone else have any alternatives?

>nutritionally complete human food

>250 calories per dollar
>4 dollars per meal

calm down mate i can't afford that


Yes, they do. Use the US site.

just bought 100k

lol this idiot thinks oats/rice/peas gibbs diabeetus. see the attached image.
Sourced from Study: An insulin index of foods, Susanne HA Holt, Janette C Brand Miller, and Peter Petocz

Attached: 0982348234.jpg (684x712, 48K)


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kek i'm in crypto so i DONT have to eat slave food like this. this is like the slop you feed to farm animals

>no soy
do you know who the creator of this is, and are you able to confirm that they ARE NOT of jewish heritage?

Attached: 1513712791993.png (247x247, 36K)

> (((Kelloggs Australia)))
You are a fucking idiot and a shill.

huh why is beef so high

Just live off of beans, rice, veggies, poultry/fish, eggs and milk. Some fruit too. Cheap and easy and good as fuck with proper spices. Idiots.

Do you even understand the shit youre posting.
>Ratio of insulin auc to glucose auc

No shit beef and fish will be high, they have fuck all glucose you dumb fuck

Image implies a chocolate bar is healthier than a beef steak. KYS shill.

>i don't understand what ratio of carbohydrate to insulin response means
>beef has almost no carbohydrate
fuck off dumbass nigger. you can't even handle 3rd grade fractions, apparently

Insulin index is some other made up bullshit. What matters for diabetes is glycemic (blood sugar) index .. and not being FAT

I’m a biologist for my wagecuck normie job. Places that use “science” words like phyto are always scams and fake. They could just say plant, but they know normies don’t know wtf phyto means so they use it to get normies to buy it. So that’s all I need to see to know this is complete BS

Seems to be run by white men.

Because insulin isn't limited to regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates. Insulin is also released to deal with fat/protein, which beef has a lot of (both). Nobody got diabeetus eating oats and brocolli despite what these dumbasses think.

No it doesn't, you've just been trained like the retarded dog you are to think that more insulin means less health in all contexts. Meat creates a larger insulin response than most grains, it's not even controversial.

you don't get type 2 beetus from eating steak you dishonest nigger. you need the simple carbohydrates

t. biomedical scientist

It invokes a huge insulin response. High levels or circulating insulin or hyperinsulinaemia causes problems....

Anyone recommend something similar for aussies?

Huel seems a bit expensive to have shipped over.

Everyone knows phyto means plant you fuckhead. It's just easier to say phytonutrient than plant nutrient.

>it's not even controversial.
the fact that meat causes an insulin response? nope.

the proposition that the insulin response from meat can cause the beetus or health problems? where is your evidence, nigger?

Where do you buy this?

fuck off and stop marketing your shitty drink on my board you dumb bitch

I buy this on their website,

> 250 calories/$
that is NOT the Veeky Forums food

thats AWFUL

You really think everyone knows what phyto means? Go survey 100 people and report back. I’d be surprised if over 10% of the normal population of the US knew what it meant

Are you implying McDonald's is expensive then? I'm really curious what you eat

fuck off marketing roastie

Attached: skullface.webm (352x640, 2.62M)

ok user scientist:

Chill out everyone, I'm just sharing something that could potentially save time and money.

(Remember time is money)

Attached: Iron Man Green Drink.jpg (400x269, 31K)

Phytonutrient is a common as fuck term in nutrition and food science. If you think it’s an arcane “science word” that just goes to show how uneducated you are.

It's basically a weight gainer shake + multivitamin

Your kidding yourself if you think this has an optimal amount of nutrition.

Attached: Hiel.png (253x375, 108K)

Yes McDonald’s is fucking expensive. I eat food that I prepare at home for about a dollar a meal.

I'm just going to buy mass gainers then and use that for lunch

>people who eat more meat also overeat carbs
>burgers don't come with buns
i already told you to fuck off you dishonest shitskin

How is that cheap?
I tried it, ate a bag a day and I'm still hungry.

Okay but what is that? What do you prepare?

Where I live, a dollar might get you a single carrot.

Do your meals have 100 calories or something?

>all plant
You are a skinny fat faggot, congrats.

>plant based
Eat a fucking steak and shut up.

No one even knows what's optimal, and it probably varies for every unique individual.

I'm not trying to purport that it's the *optimal food* and that you can live off it and be in amazing health forever, it's just super convenient for busy people who eat a lot.

>eating the processed shit jew-corp is shovelling in your face
>wondering why you eventually get an obscure neurodegenerative disease

congrats on this, seriously.

Ok, here's a meta analysis you fuck face.

"We estimated that substitutions of one serving of nuts, low-fat dairy, and whole grains per day for one serving of red meat per day were associated with a 16–35% lower risk of T2D."

>huurr omgmur carbs

Attached: 1507997905176.png (645x729, 80K)

Actually only eat this for lunches and day snacks. When I get home for dinner it's fucking meat city

I only eat real food thanks
>but it says on the packaging
What it says and what it is are often incongruent

Going to try it out OP seems like a good idea for quick breaks.

My drink is Soylent and my coin is Cardano.

>substitute complex carbs in instead of meat and carbs


It's basically oatmeal with vitamins. Yup, you're right this will fuck me up.

How do you know that
>because it says
Yup and this white powder is 100% cocaine, says so right on the bag

Loaf of whole grain bread $2
1/2 cup of olive oil $0.50c
Pound of chicken breasts $4
Pound of organic broccoli $3
Multivitamin $0.25

3000 calories total

Eat healthier than 95% of the population for under $10 a day.

Attached: 1518325553933.jpg (400x400, 30K)

Whole grain is a meme

I don't know what the fuck you're going on about. They removed 1 serving of red meat and replaced it with one serving of nuts, low-fat dairy, and whole grains per day. They estimated a 16–35% lower risk of T2D doing this. WTF is so hard for you to comprehend? You asked for proof and I've cited 2 scientific studies demonstrating meat is associated with T2D. Fuck off troll.

depends. some companies use the term wrong but actual whole grain has fiber which is good for digestive health

they didn't estimate shit. it's not a longitudinal study

>it's not a longitudinal study
wtf? 62 years between 3 studies with 4,033,322 participants isn't long enough? gtfo, you're dishonest.

"We followed 37,083 men in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (1986–2006), 79,570 women in the Nurses’ Health Study I (1980–2008), and 87,504 women in the Nurses’ Health Study II (1991–2005). Diet was assessed by validated food-frequency questionnaires, and data were updated every 4 y."

>organic broccoli

Attached: 1519213042559.gif (200x200, 732K)

you've fallen for the oldest meme in the book, the agricultural meme. carbs are not necessary and natural fat is the best fuel for the human brain, aka ketones. ketones caused less oxidative stress on a metabolic level in the brain when used as fuel. it's no lie to say that sugar rots your brain, it literally does

>you have to go deeper

4,033,322 person-years of follow-up rather, my mistake.


Enjoy the pesticides.

hey you should look into what qualifies for the "organic" label. just as many pesticides you dumb fuck

they put that on organic products too.

Our bodies can adapt to any combo of food we give it.

A diet with carbs and fats is optimal. Otherwise all those no carb no fat diets wouldnt have fucked up so many people.

Also different things work for different people.

If we weren't meant to eat sugar/carbs, why do you think it tastes so good and why do our bodies have such developed mechanisms of digesting it? Yup it definitely rots out brains...

Just eat enough of everything. For me, that's Huel + lots of other stuff

K. Nobody got cancer or diabeetus eating oatmeal and broccoli. Post your evidence fag. The world health organization classified red meat as a carcinogen. "Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are chemicals formed when muscle meat, including beef, pork, fish, or poultry, is cooked. They cause changes in DNA that may increase the risk of cancer." Enjoy your ass cancer and daily insulin injections.

>The world health organization classified red meat as a carcinogen

Attached: goalposts.jpg (625x353, 36K) health organization classified red meat as a carcinogen

>being this retarded
i didn't dispute that, sweetie

Keep chicken and fish out of this. There is no evidence that supports either of them increasing the risk of cancer even in studies that show a risk with red meat. Also, no evidence supporting normal ingested amounts of HCAs and cancer. Also, fats (any fats, including flaxseed, sesame oil, etc.) have much more PAHs per serving compared to meat.

Attached: huell.png (1280x720, 1.13M)

>consuming animal products

Literally never going to make it.

what the fuck is that??

Never put chicken and fish in it. The World Health Org and did.

"Those who reported long-term meat consumption (i.e., intake at both the beginning and end of the study period) had a 74% increased risk for developing diabetes, compared with those avoiding meat at both time points. Meat consumption was defined as having red meat or poultry at least once weekly."

17-year follow-up of 8401 individuals. Source: Meats, processed meats, obesity, weight gain and occurrence of diabetes among adults: findings from Adventist Health Studies.

The data is available. I don't know why you're acting like it's invalid or nonexistent. Is it some big broccoli-industry conspiracy?

manlets obsessed with thinking eating meat will make them a real man crack me the fuck up

gotta love how people sperg out about soy but never about artificial endocrine perturbators.

I resisted the link between meat and diabetes, but it's true, the research is out there.

I eat meat once a week. My family is full of people who are type 2 diabetics. I don't want to be one of them. I still enjoy meat, but it's once a week now. And never processed meat, except pepperoni, because fuck it, I love pepperoni.

I fucking hate shill threads and this one is fucking obvious. Kill yourself, faggots

ive tried a lot of the meal replacement stuff, and imo this is the best one ive had, its cheaper and better tasting than soylent and the Huel stuff

>he isnt a metabolic beast

low-t manlets just following the memes theyve been told like good little boys


Fuck off

Why does it feel so good when I shoot up heroin?

Does that mean it's not bad for me because it feels so good?

Solid logic on this one.

Thanks just shorted 100K