What is your excuse for not eating gods' own breakfast on at least a weekly basis?
Fu/l English General
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I'm not a nigger to fill my arse with fat at the morning.
This, I guess.
Baked beans have no place at the breakfast table
>That awful syntax and word use
Jf detected.
This looks real.
I notice fried bread, as opposed to toast . . . .top marks. (although I would struggle to eat it)
Better than OPs pic.
Ou Americans are weird.
The bone marrow is genius
It's a greasy mess.
Never enough beans.
Can't say I've actually ever had a greasy English breakfast, excluding cases where I've had fried bread.
No beans on a proper fry up.
As a canadian I finally got to give it a shot while I was staying in London for a month, wish we had something comparable commonly over here, black pudding was a lot better than I expected
I don't get it, it's an all you can eat buffet with a 30 minute time limit?
I've never known anyone personally who's eaten there but all I ever hear is that it's shit and gives you the shits.
Full breakfast wellington
Can anyone make out the price?
The clientele need those rules otherwise they'd stay all day and never leave, spitting all over things and starting fights.
Mr Egg fucked up badly
Quality patter mate, can tell you worked for that C in O-level English.
With exception of getting it in your eyes, is vinegar really that bad?
>Table time limited to 30 mins.
Greasy spoon cafes do the best fry ups but this looks dodgy
Heston made a giant one (edible). Can't remember why.
this guy is so fucking annoying
>no square sausage
>no potato scones
>no fruit pudding
>no fried bread
Why are the scotch so much better than other brits?
Concentrated vinegar becomes corrosive at around 25% so it's not great for the skin really.
Because I like a breakfast which has better nutritional value than a fucking doner kebab.
That's a fucking great breakfast right there. Sausages cooked well, fried bread instead of toast, black pudding, decent amount of mushrooms, not too many beans, egg cooked to perfection. Most of those gimmick sized breakfasts are awful quality.
Beans mixing with egg yolk though...
Pic unreleated
Best ITT, have eaten dinner there, went for breakfast after an all-nighter at a club and it was closed on Sunday smdh
looks okay, unappealing presentation
>white bread
>tinned tomatoes
>hash browns (yank basardisation)
>bacon should be cooked more
Looks pretty good, if a little grotty.
+ points for fried bread
- excessive tomatoes
looks very good, love regional variations, maybe better than Hawksmoor tbqh
- unappealing presentation/volume (a fucking tray...)
Wimpy...grim as fuck. Would still eat it ofc.
meme, looks like it would taste bad too.
Worst ITT
have eaten this a fair few times, not great ngl
would be an utter mess to eat, just give it to me separate baka
bog standard, tomatoes look shite
bit of a grim idea tbqh
>aneamic mushrooms
>undercooked tomatoes
>dry heat-lamp bacon
>dry toast
>low quality sausages
contender for worst ITT
fuck off Heston, you ust know he'd order avocado on sourdough for brekky
would pour the contents onto the plate and smash whatever cunt dreamt this idea up round the face with the shovel
okay, generally low quality, especially that obviously shit quality ''''spread''''' on the bread
gimmick af, imagine it would be a bit too greasy
Close as i could get
>bone marrow
Hawksmoor you fancy son of a bitch.
because fuckin poms eat indian food.
Is that fucking bone marrow on that plate?
I'm guessing it's something along the lines of
>hey heston, want a hundred grand to fuck about making giant food?
>autistic omni-posting
>everyone ITT must know my opinion of each individual post
neck yourself my man
Fuck off you jock cunt
Too much food. I enjoy simple 1 eggy with toast and tea at the maximum.
Does mummy cook it for you?
Nobody gave you permission to talk to me, jock.
Tell us your opinion on white males.
He sure does.
You/re not wrong. While I love English Breakfast, beans are not a breakfast food.
Slow down there, mister... wtf is half that stuff? Eggs, sausages, beans... broiled tomatoes? Mushrooms? What is that black cake thing? Black pudding? And a split beef bone? I'd eat it all, but I don't recognize a lot of it.
For 2 to share 36.00
Smoked bacon chop, sausages, (made with pork, beef, & mutton), black pudding, short-rib bubble & squeak, grilled bone marrow, trotter baked beans, fried eggs, grilled mushrooms, roast tomatoes, HP gravy, unlimited toast
I gave up breakfast as a whole for health reasons, I only eat between 1pm-9pm
thanks for sharing
I was just answering the OP question
My weekends have become busy. I have time for workout + eggs
You know nothing of nutrition.
That sausage looks like an enormous penis
>full english
Speak English.
Scottish breakfast > Irish breakfast > turd sandwich > English 'breakfast'.
It's because we have bigger dicks than the Nigels, and they're also a bit stupid, and we secretly rule them.
You scotcucks would make a fortune exporting all of that salt.
We can tell that you are a yuropeen pretending to be one of us to cause divisions.
Protip my eternally anally anguished chum, we don't and never have called the English Nigels, only you yuropeens do that.
Get tae fuck.
Think again, CTR shill.
Now that doesn't even make the minimum of sense.
End yourself, numale degenerate.
Eggy bread, bacon, mushrooms, beans, fried tomato
Breakfast of champions
Mug heritage!
>the scotch
amerifat detected
Christ, this is what the average Englishman looks like in 2016.... fuck me man...
>the scotch
Why howdy there Hank, my American friend! How are things in the good 'ol US of A?
Blimey, I think he believes a kind of alcoholic beverage is comparable to human beings. The american education is a strange thing.
Can't get UK style bread, beans, bacon, or sausages here in the US unless I find a specialty store that has them or mail order for bread and beans like a fucking idiot.
im just a colonial but I do replicate it as best I can.
I just don't get the fried tomatoes though. ill pass on that. everything else is lovely.
Do you get rashers like these in america?
I would be quite surprised if you can't find UK style sausages; do you only have pink hotdog types? No grey, mild ones?
And beans? Really? Does america not have beans?
I'm confident we have basically the same bread. We must do.
I don't get the tomatoes either. They just get soggy. I'd rather them raw. Same with bell peppers and spinach.
Just kill yourself. Useless nation full of smack heads, forever KEKED by the English.
At least the Irish fought back.
>Does america not have beans?
We do, sorta. I'm not sure how different our beans and your beans. What sort of flavor and consistency do they have?
I bought those once, and I was just really confused why anyone would choose to eat back bacon when belly bacon is available
Not the Brittbong but I work at an English bakery/British goods store. British baked beans are a lot more tomato-y than the American ones.
>baked beans
>blood pudding
>a fucking shank of bone marrow
My excuse is that I don't like eating the garbage parts of an animal and breakfast is too early to start having gas.
All we get here as bacon are what you call streaky bacon. It's somewhat hard to find that cut you posted. I've only found it uncured in Asian grocery stores, so I'd have to cure and smoke it myself. I might be able to find back bacon if I searched hard enough, but it's not typically available in most stores.
I've seen what they call Irish bangers, but it was a restaurant supply store and you had to have a business license or some shit to buy from them. Other than that, pretty much all we got are breakfast sausage and shitty rubbery Hillshire Farm type sausages that pretty much all taste alike. They probably have some in a fancyish butcher shop I went to, but I'd bet it won't be the same somehow because I don't trust them after buying their "andouille" which wasn't even smoked.
As for beans and bread, I have heard there are mild but noticeable differences for Brits coming here and wanting a taste of home. I don't think we have Heinz beans over here. At least, I've never seen them. We do have American brand baked beans though.
Do you notice any difference between cheap, supermarket bread from the US vs UK?
I honestly hope you get septiceamia of the bellend and die very slowly
Fucking multiposting fraggle
New Hampshire has beans with breakfast.
tasty, sop up the juice with toast
American beans are sweet because they add molasses.
Because people want bacon when they eat bacon, not strips of fat.