> he fell for the bulltrap AGAIN
he fell for the bulltrap AGAIN
Jonathan Russell
Other urls found in this thread:
Jackson Watson
Grayson Edwards
t. cuckold
Leo Gray
Eats all your money
Alexander Perez
>being this worthless of a human being
kill yourself faggot
Gabriel Diaz
Lol it's not bear you retards, the weak hands sold and are out. Tsk Tsk, you all will fomo in soon enough. Your memes show your frustrated desperation . What a pathetic load of BRAINLET
Liam Cook
you have been warned. This photo is about to go viral. Get in now
Tyler Sanchez
volume on that last hourly candle lmao much bull
Leo Parker
lol, how can you FOMO in in a downward direction?
Oliver Richardson
Correct user. Too many BRAINLET will ignore