The dumpening

Looks like some whale is absolutely disgusting by the trannygate and dumping his 6M ADA for ETH

Attached: dump_ada.png (951x645, 61K)

whales dont buy shitcoins user

This looks like a mega-whale though

Attached: ada.png (662x377, 11K)

if he wanted to he would market sell your ignorant ass

Good. People FUD about whales, so if one of them is really dumping and it's not just a fake wall, this means ADA will soon be a bit more fairly distributed than it was before. Better that this happens now than when it's in the dollar range.


There's a HOMOSEXUAL working for ADA, so people are losing their shit.

Just remember VEN people. If you were in when it was below $2, you know what I mean.

its a tranny so at least a notch down of a homo.

Its probably the devs cashing out before crypto dies soon.

There's always a risk that the current crypto market gets wiped and everything goes back to fractions of cents (even BTC) but barring that, I think that Cardano has a very promising future and should be in the top 3 in the medium term. Of course, if the whole market dumps to 20 billion or under, it won't be valued as much, but that part is outside of anyone's control.

>Dumb fucks still don't understand market manipulation with fake sell walls!

This. Always do the opposite of what the wall does.

>dumb fuck still holding ada

>6 million
every fucking time

Attached: 6gorillionhistory.jpg (1096x1600, 1.45M)

You guys realise currently society is pro gay/tranny. They can get married now.

If anything this will add money to ADA. Homosexuals have a huge following they all do what each other do.

fags spend all their $ on meth and aids meds. they don't have the cash to throw into some shitcoin

don't you think for even one second that the virtue signalers that vote and make facebook posts about tranny faggots will actually put their money where their mouth is

ADA is dead - EOS is making it DOA

Why do EOS shills have to invade every thread?

Do they have so little confidence in their token that they can't see it having any measure success without them spamming all competitor's threads with their contentless posts?

bc it's funny xD

Attached: elitfek.png (307x333, 146K)

It will be funny come EOY, right now it's mostly annoying.

>sell wall
that's not dumping OP

ETH is fucked due to regulatory crackdown on ICOs. Get with it

Noone likes trannies, at most liberals will say they do because they think they're supposed to but they still don't.