Looks like some whale is absolutely disgusting by the trannygate and dumping his 6M ADA for ETH
The dumpening
whales dont buy shitcoins user
This looks like a mega-whale though
if he wanted to he would market sell your ignorant ass
Good. People FUD about whales, so if one of them is really dumping and it's not just a fake wall, this means ADA will soon be a bit more fairly distributed than it was before. Better that this happens now than when it's in the dollar range.
There's a HOMOSEXUAL working for ADA, so people are losing their shit.
Just remember VEN people. If you were in when it was below $2, you know what I mean.
its a tranny so at least a notch down of a homo.
Its probably the devs cashing out before crypto dies soon.
There's always a risk that the current crypto market gets wiped and everything goes back to fractions of cents (even BTC) but barring that, I think that Cardano has a very promising future and should be in the top 3 in the medium term. Of course, if the whole market dumps to 20 billion or under, it won't be valued as much, but that part is outside of anyone's control.