What did you recently flip for profit?

Items from $50 - $10000. No real estate.

Keep reading about people making money from flipping custom toys, anyone tried this?

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Is Chinese wholesale (dhgate/alibaba) to irl retailers profitable? it was a few years ago but with these new millennial shop owners they seem to know the routes.

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I bought a coachella ticket almost two months ago for $500. I just sold it today for $600. It's not amazing but it's something.

Toner is good to flip, I worked with someone who would make 2-5k profit a month buying printer toner in eBay auctions and would then sell to local companies. He had his own delivery guy that would wear a shirt with their logo and paid him button because it was only 3-4 hours a day. Most companies either surplus buy toner or just buy it whenever it runs out.

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Retro jukeboxes from the 60s/70s.

I sold 2 of these for $600 each and 1 was broken. Bought for $300. They were actually bought by another trader. Because they're so big you'll need a van and someone to help you load/unload them.

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Antique record players. pic related.

For the right model/maker you can sell them for over 2k. it'll take a bit of hunting around to find one though. They're pretty easy to fix up and renovate too.

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>doesn't post what country he lives in
>doesn't give any source on toys
>asks on Veeky Forums as if anybody who had figured this out would share it with you
>how flip
idk faggot

Car parts nigga. Break em down and sell the bits. I make a living off this shit. Been spending too much time on crypto as of late, because it's far more interesting, but just selling old inventory pays the bills.

fuck off basement dweller
any specific make/model you like to go for? were you already into breaking cars before you realised how much it made or were you always interested in this? must need a huge backyard..



ausfag here

Bought some 5 laptops at $110 ea from a closing down business and have sold 2 at $250 and 1 at $200

Jdm cars, 18 yo asians pay a premium for them

Old Euro stuff primarily, but really anything with an enthusiast community around it. Diesel truck stuff works too. You're selling to people who do their own work, so you don't want commuter car bits (camry, accord, etc) because those people tend to just take their cars to a shop.

I got lucky getting into it. I started just flipping bits from the junkyard when I was between jobs. Just happened to get into my first house soon after, so I got the space to store/dismantle shit out of the neighbors view. I sell basically all the body panels for scrap, since shipping them is way too much hassle. Because of that, it really doesn't take as much space as you would imagine.

I flipped a $600 Bitcoin for $6200 recently

buying cheap used/played cards from YuGiOh and Magic the Gathering and selling them in NM(near mint/new) price to players and/or a little cheap but now cheaper than the initial investment to LGS.

Still can't believe small cards can have price tags of $20~$50 each. It's fucking unbelievable.

bought one BTC when it was $6k and then sold in $10k.
It was my only experience in cryptocoins and never tried to do the same again.

Snes carts. I bought some pretty rare ones like chrono trigger for 30 dollars and flipped it for 80. I recently sold my entire collection for about 800

are yugioh cards seriously worth money now?? I have a big binder/box full of them. was told years ago that they would never increase in value.

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I sell clothing on eBay and Depop, if I’m not lazy I can make 5k a month. Oh all clothes from thrift stores and garage sales.

easiest 5x ever.

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Honestly I was at a toys r us liquidation sale today and thought about scooping up a bunch of collectible shit but have no idea what the msrkets are like and what was worth buying...

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Thought of buying this just because I never had one as a kid, but then I was like . That’s like 120-130 XRP.

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All I know is that LEGO has an excellent secondary market value, and I have 0 clue about megablock.


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What's the shipping process like on eBay? Isn't packaging clothes a hassle?

What sort of profit do you make per sale?