I was just diagnosed with terminal cancer. What are some good foods to eat to help me? I want to try and turn this around.
I have terminal cancer
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copious amounts of alcohol and broccoli
Whatever you want, if your cancer is terminal diet is not going to fix anything.
Your own feces and urine.
Bitch it's terminal. Eat whatever the fuck you want. Say your goodbyes and then have a good time while you still can. Fucking binge on all of your favourite foods for as long as you can stomach it. Go crazy, have some expensive meals that you usually would only have a few times a year. If you drink, have fun, but don't do it too heavily.
That being said, I'm sorry to hear that user. Like I said, enjoy it while you still can and make the most of it.
my condolences, user.
Alcohol and whatever the fuck you want to eat, user.
not gonna help with your cancer but real peruvian ceviche remains one of the best things i've ever eaten, so I also recommend it.
Nigga you dead, might as well eat what ever you want.Squats and oats ain't gonna fix that shit.
>want to turn this around
What a stupid """bait""" thread. You sure pulled a clever one, user.
Fugu. poison that cancer, user.
a lot of stupid butches I know are all into pseudo science so I'm practically an expert.
Berries. So many berries. But only organic or the pesticides will give you double cancer. Also, purple kale. Eat it raw, no smoothies either because you want to clean your colon out. Also, weed. Just inject yourself like a gram of good oil (c02 not butane!) a day. Mix it with organic gluten free gmo free vodka, shoot it up. The thc kills cancer cells dead and the CBS will take the edge off.
And no more red meat! Infact if you can survive on above a lone, maybe with some hummus and whole grain pita bread you'll be best off.
Weight gainer protein powder
Lots of organic green leafy veggies
The occasional fish filet or baked chicken breast
Fruit smoothies with almond milk and spirulina powder
All the marijuana you can smoke and all the CBD oil capsules you can cram in your body
>tfw this is the exact diet that helped my grandpa survive cancer
kek, but true. Sorry user.
A shitload of bitter almonds.
Should've blazed some weed, faggot.
if i were you id just accept death and eat like a king
I'm not depressed or anything, I actually enjoy my life a lot but I would see this in a positive light.
Finally I'm free to stop caring about my BF or my body. Now I can eat sugar and sweets all day, drink and smoke cowboy cigars. I probably would spend all my money to binge eat until the last moment.
you got cancer because you're a tripfag
You can do that anyway, just kill yourself at the end.
Talk to a Nutritionist and MD obviously
Call the American Cancer Society
Eight Hundred-Two Two Seven-Two Three Four Five
Try Tukey Tail Mushroom Tea and Extracts
TEDMED Talk on Fungi Turkey Tail Mushrooms By Paul Stamets
FDA Approves Bastyr Turkey Tail Trial for Cancer Patients
Turkey tail's traditional use means derivatives are probably not patentable, which has dissuaded pharmaceutical companies from funding clinical trials. It's a research dilemma that NIH seeks to address through its National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). NCCAM has helped fund research, such as the Bastyr/UW collaboration, that integrates traditional naturopathic medicine with modern empirical standards.
"The FDA wants to know what the 'mechanism of action' is," says Dr. Sasagawa. "But it's very difficult to determine, because turkey tail is a natural product and not a single compound."
To search for consistency and safety, the research team looked to a pharmaceutical-grade turkey tail product made in Japan, where turkey tail has been a widely used cancer treatment for more than 30 years. They found a solution in protein-bound polysaccharide K (PSK), a powdered turkey tail derivative produced in Japan using a hot-water extraction method.
PSK is possibly useful as an adjuvant in the treatment of gastric, esophageal, colorectal, breast and lung cancers. PSK adjuvants are under study for their potential to affect cancer recurrence
When used in combination with certain chemotherapy regimens, PSK may benefit patients following surgical removal of stomach and colorectal cancers, but clinical trials in patients with breast cancer, leukemias, and liver cancer remain inconclusive as of 2016
There has been some research that a ketogenic diet can help with cancer, since cancer mainly feeds on glucose. Might be worth looking into.
I don't have a son/daughter. Maybe in my 50's when my body starts getting shit then binge eat for a month and fast to death in a hunger strike. Better skip the alzheimer and the cancers.
How can someone be this stupid?
IGF-1 causes cancer, OP. You get the maximum amount of IGF-1 hormone on a ketogenic diet, and you'll feel like fucking shit the whole time. I'm convinced this faggot is trying to get people to kill themselves by suggesting it in every thread. It's the same as if someone were to recommend mixing xanax and alcohol. (A friend of mine had 3 of his friends die in the span of 2 years by doing this.)
Gorge on the meme food of the week. Remember to tell your folks to sue the idiots who proposed them for lots of money when you die anyway.
You're probably fucked.
Having said that, Linus Pauling thought that megadoses of vitamin C could be a revolutionary cure-all. He injected something like ten grams of it daily for three decades.
It has no downsides, so you may as well give it a go. Load up on all anti-oxidants.
Read "Anticancer" by Servan-Schreiber.
I was diagnosed with terminal ileitis in 2006 and I'm still around ten years later to tell y'alls about it. (:
Turns out that antioxidants fuel cancer, so Ok, whatever.
Smoke and charbroil the flesh of medical journalists and eat it with a tall glass of high fructose corn syrup, and then chill with a pack of turkish cigarettes afterwards.
Can't imagine having to rely on these useless, self-serving fucks when your life is at stake.
>Additional studies have shown that ketogenic diets reduce tumor growth and improve survival in animal models of malignant glioma [31–33], colon cancer [34], gastric cancer [35], and prostate cancer [36–38].
>Furthermore, ketogenic diets have been hypothesized, with some supporting evidence, to potentiate the effects of radiation in malignant glioma models [39] as well as in non-small cell lung cancer models [5].