Here is why Link will be #1 EOY

So many top coins have "partnerships" with large corporations. IOTA - Bosch / VW, Stellar - IBM ETC. Lets say half of these many companies do end up getting corporations using thier chain..great. The next level is companies using private blockchains based on hyperledger or similar.

The most likely scenario is many blockchain projects running w/ different corporations at the same time. All of these blockchains will have to communicate with the outside world and even with eachother. Enter Chainlink...the decentralized glue that will enable crypto to go mainstream. Unlike most of these other projects that will be competing with eachother, Chainlink is a needed utility most will utilize which will propel LINK to #1.

Debate me

Attached: linkwolf.png (634x517, 574K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally "shitloads" of competitors that have teams bigger than two guys who like to jerk each other off in the dark while some guy named Rory videotapes it and puts it on cuckedcoins dot com

weak, the worlds financial industry heads have devoted teams helping that 2 man team.

larp that site doesnt exist

Link teamp consists in: a guy with a philosophy degree and a guy learning golang. Aaand that's it.

32 Million USD directly to their pockets. It's not gonna happen.

shitloads? Name 5 of them, and they'd better not be the centralized bullshit we've heard 1,000 times already either.

We gonna make it senpai.

Attached: PicsArt_03-01-01.32.17.jpg (3546x2364, 1.65M)

at least try a little harder next time? consider an hero yourself perhaps... this game ain't for you

>consider an hero yourself perhaps
try a little harder with english, pajeet?

It's the VHS vs Betamax dilemma.
Doesn't matter if you have a better solution (muh decentralized OrAcLeS), what matters is putting your product out there with traction.
A pat on the back from SWIFT doesn't mean a fucking thing if you're not landing client after client.
They are incapable of hiring a team. With 32M in the bank you think they would hire some developers. The fact that they haven't hired a full team as well as top-tier salesmen is a YUGE red flag.

Incapable of hiring a team? Proof pls

IOTA is not a blockchain solution. In theory, an oracle would be free to put a service out in the tangle and have it accessible to the IoT, via the IOTA protocol. You've failed to conceptualize it. A company would host their oracle on the Tangle like a website and you'd be free to use it or not use it. They could likely charge IOTA for it, or could just offer it for free. Their choice.

500 M locked up in nodes
let say $ .01 fee per data request
Better hope for 100 trillion yearly transactions if we're going to hit $1000 link

Kek where have you been for the last 8 months? You must be new to the linktastrophe

Where can i get this video? asking for a friend

Actually 100 T transactions would produce 2K per link
to hit 100 per link(satisfies 1K link, 10% yearly) we need 5 T data requests per year

>doesnt know what an hero is

the absolute state

I capped this, for when you’re ready to commit suicide.

Nice proof.
>implying a big team means a better product

not knowing the an hero reference. hello newfriend

>he didn't get "an hero"
Holy newfag, Batman

link holders would know the an hero meme since its all about killing yourself
>also, kys

So, who's got a competing product out with legit traction right now that's providing an orcale solution for all these dApps being built on ETH, NEO, ICX, etc?

newfag and retard.

hello newfriend

Goddammit, you just woke up the Mobius shills.

B-b-b-b-buy mobius sirs!

newfag an hero

>be december 31 2018
>chainlink trading at $1,016 on binance

>be dApp dev
>need some external api data to every 5 minutes to settle automated smart contract
>could write an oracle to pull the data, would take half a day and a half pot of coffee
>instead I'm going to spend tens of thousands of dollars every 5 minutes buying stinky linkies to pay some neckbeard to use his json parser

Attached: b7d.png (1000x1000, 66K)

>be dApp dev who doesn't understand what 18 digits means

the price of the token isn't tied to the price of transacting on the network.

Nice pivot 6/10

18 decimals

Holy shit dude, did you go to knowyourmeme just now to look it up so you could respond to that guy and "prove" you're in the know?

Holy shit man.
This is probably the most embarrassing thing I've seen posted in the last 3 months at least.


Jeez don’t be so generous it was at best 4.7/10

Like really dude. Get it through your head.

You are not on reddit. Figure it out or go back.

Holy fucking shit... go ahead, claim it was "bait" go on, try to "save face" pfffttt hahahah on an anonymous board... hahahahaa what a fucking loser!

Attached: ooo.jpg (431x401, 26K)

Hello newfriend

Damn this dude got ROYALLY btfo.

Don't feel bad for him though lurkers:
>It's the VHS vs Betamax dilemma.
He's a fucking boomer.

And hey, grandpa! Don't feel too bad either. Our generation is going to go down in history as the greatest generation to walk the face of the earth after we clean up the mess of the most wasteful, selfish, god forsaken hedonistic trash generation EVER in all of human existence.

Your fucking welcome.

Attached: ew.jpg (408x490, 26K)

Nolinkers confirmed for reddit.

Please come back we need more god tier retardedness

Attached: 1520559876937.png (500x357, 209K)

I feel sorry for you. Most nolinkers will have never had this opportunity presented to them. But you, newfriend.. you were there at the ground floor. Your heart was hard, and your determination to prove everyone wrong was too strong. You have no one to blame for the chance passed, except yourself and your clouded vision. A vision clouded by irrational stubbornness and misdirected rage.

May your nights be sleepless and your longing to an hero a dull, lingering companion, filling the void, the haunting imagination of what could have been.

Attached: 1516568757134.jpg (600x440, 120K)


Lol, hi newfriend

whats up new guy

Just fomod back in. here we go boys.

You what? Now it's going to tank, asshole.

The memes have chosen Chainlink. Expect $50 by end of the SXSW speech, $200 by end of week, $1000 EOM, $250,000 EOY. Well over $2,000,000 per 1 Chainlink by end of 2019. Don't believe me? The memes have disrupted the FUCKING SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM and transmitted "soy boy" back in time into Katy Perry's "ur so gay" music video.

At $2,000,000 million per LINK, the 650,000,000 LINK sitting with the developers will exceed current global GDP by 20 times. We got this senpai.

ADA is doing the same thing with more interoperability and higher assurance code.

That's a high enough market cap to potentially cause a space rift in time. Should we even continue to accumulate?

I think we really have no other choice. Can you imagine that kind of power in the wrong hands? This is why we need to accumulate before the (((SXSW))) crowd does and it falls into the hands of SJW soy cucks. We can either accumulate and build a new society of prosperity and growth or we'd have LITERAL THOUGHT POLICE with SJWs using minority report telepaths and artificially intelligent attack drones. It's our patriotic duty to make sure that doesn't happen, so we need to keep accumulating.

> thinks that the value of link will only be derived from data requests and no other factors



Is this fucking clear enough for you? Now get back in your cage.

Wew...take your meds,buddy

IT WAS REDDIT ALL ALONGwe're gna be okay

>t. average link holder

thanks just bought 1

I had 50k LINK after ICO
I sold some at .3 and .7 to pay off debts, now only at 30K i feel like killing myself, I probably cannot get back to 50k unless trying to swing trade
it actually will be more than 100 trillion

name a single one

Spotted the newfag

>waaa ill only have $30000000

an hero you dumb fucking newfag

I know for a fact IBM has people who have been working on chainlink for the past few years. Like 100% no doubt.

It only came out last year wtf

>he doesn't know about the testnet

the hyperledger email chain from december, which was like 90% IBM people, revealed they didn't even really understand Chainlink completely and were still going over cursory summaries of all of the different oracles.

There is a zero percent chance anyone from IBM or hyperledger has contributed anything meaningful to chainlink you fucking nigger.

18 motherfucking shiny decimals

> came out
Chainlink has been working on this problem before ether even existed, there is also a thing called testing before releasing a product, also kys.

So I dropped my LINK stack at around .8. I've been thinking about buying up again, since I do believe in the project and what not, and I'd hate myself if it blew up and I didn't hold it after all the attention it gets on here.

So what's the better plan, buying now ahead of SXSW in hopes of a pump, or waiting until after expecting the price to dump after the announcement.

I'm thinking maybe going 50/50, buying half of the stack before the announcement and see what happens. What do you think?

After sxsw nothing is happening for months. They haven't even started writing the contracts, add in auditing them, etc., it will be quite some time before we hear anything interesting. I'd pick this back up in early 2019 if its still relevant by then.

What if huge partnerships are announced during the conference?

It's not about sergey's company. They might slip in a "and this is what Docusign has been doing with" but the era of stuff like that moving the market hugely is over. It'll be great news if it happens but if anyone expects that to pump it that much they're deluded. Sell after the conference pump if it gets one. This is a good 2019 hold possibly.

And what does the bitcoin team consists of?

>chainlink has been working on this problem before ether even existed
That's the first bombshell, the second is when you find out "" was registered as a domain name before the Bitcoin Whitepaper was released

Interesting. What do you hold if you don't mind me asking, what are the best holds for Q2 in your opinion?

was it secured by Sergey himself? or he bought it later?

so what? smart contract is a term from the 80ies
and the website was not registerd by sergey

Changed the email now registered to [email protected] but it used to be registered to Sergey's Gmail account, some user has screenshots surely?

Linkies, this coin is a meme. Whether you accept it or not, whether you hold or sell, whether you want it or not to be successful, the truth is that it's a fucking catastrophe that you bought into cause you believed it to be your ticket out of poverty.

I honestly feel bad for you, and while this might be seen as FUD or whatever, please, for the love of God, consider only "investing" what you're willing to lose. Cause this coin ain't going anywhere.

Good luck, bros. I'm just a man, and I won't benefit from telling you this in any way, I just don't want any more unnecessary sadness or even suicides. Take care.

Mainnet will be out this year, the implementation of the nodes was the most difficult part now it's just hooking them up together, 1000 eoy

if you go to the cache its just a site for contracts not blockchain related at all