Can we have a food webm thread in here?
Webm thread
fat guy at the end there was a bit out of place desu
Wait did I post the wrong version
>Can we have a food webm thread in here?
>Can we post the same old, tired bullshit over and over again?
Posting in thinly veiled ja/ck/ thread
fucking love these videos.
Great! Now I have a craving for cake
>Raw meat
>Raw chicken
Ruined. Ameritards are too jew to Cook their food properly
Not that user, but got one more for you.
In 2007 maybe.
say sorry
still got (you) though
>Can we post the same old, tired bullshit over and over again?
Fuck yeah we can user!
>MFW the first jack clip
So fucking fluffy
>why don't you people make more content for me to passively consume?
>stomach flu
Why hello there!
This is a meme right
you aint gonna get my (you) though
Post the webm with the Mexican lady pouring ramen and doritos along with that other shit
Thread's already shit.
FOOD webms. I know it's technically edible but for god's sake, user, keep it on topic!
what is he keep looking up at
Oh boy another TASTY facebook tier thread on how to make food for fatshits that degrades into a jack thread
kill yourself.
>why the fuck is this pasty white boi filming me making an egg sandwich
This is why they're getting deported.
>Adding the garlic after the chicken
>what should we do with this hellmouth boss?
>hand me that wok
>Doesn't brown the chicken
>no prosciutto
>overcooked pasta
How fucking lazy do you have to be to buy such a simple egg sandwich instead of making it yourself?
Looks fucking awful
why did he put a giant pot of eggs on the fire at the end
Why did you post animu on a food and cooking board?
is this a rare jack? mind if I save it?
also, jesus fuck he literally struggles with everything
you just have to be out of your fucking house without access to a stove you autist
>adding garlic at all
I just figured out how to make webms, so I've created about 8 in the past week
more ja/ck/
God help us.
Maybe he also sells just whole boiled eggs.
Rind down on the citrus squeezer.. WRONG!
that is the joke my friend.
It literally hurt to watch this. I've seen Veeky Forums reference this vid, but I've never actually seen it. That's fucking horrible.
Good lord! This is a work safe board user! ;_;
Motherfucking latinos got the right idea.
Lime juice on fucking everything.
Are they cooking over a blast furnace?
Cucking with Jack.
I- is that a viable way to make salsa?
The food those items represent I mean.
>lime juice
>hot pepper, probably jalapeno
>salt and pepper
It's probably good.
I mean, it's probably delicious, but
Bloody Maries aren't really for the people with enough patience to go through this shit. It's more of a "My head hurts and I want it to hurt less right now" sort of cocktail.
>its probably delicious
Literally nothing in that recipe would ruin taste or texture. (Assuming they strained the infused vodka of course.) Most of it's already in, or served with, bloody maries anyway.
Rise my swarm!
>pan nice and hot
>Literally nothing in that recipe would ruin taste or texture.
if it works. but lmfao i wasnt expecting it to go there
>God help us.
Here's another Ja/ck/, hot off the presses
Forgot video
If my wife made something like that, i would dead-ass punch her.
Simply eric
did you just boil the shit out of corn you degenerate
>lemon juice on watermelon
Do it once, motherfucker, this is one of the simplest and best thing you can taste.
Jack thread. Remember to report and hide.
What kind of cu/ck/ doesn't enjoy a good ja/ck thread?
Here's a treat for you guys
This is the extended version of Ja/ck/s corndog tutorial
I didn't think it could get more hilarious.
I've seen a lot of shit
but Jack is one of the very few things that can make me genuinely say "what the fuck" out loud
same here, only with Kay.
>not editing "TASTY" some where in that webm
how does he get out of there without breaking the eggs?
that type of street food is dirt cheap anyways. probably around 10 cents
What show is this from? Link?
Also salt.
There's a part 2 of this vid where she tries to open a can with a kitchen knife. Then the producer/hosts finally intervene and stop her.
That looks great visually but I'm sure the chicken has the texture of fucking leather