L T C that spells MOON

Litecoin will moon so hard soon, it’s insane that you aren’t all in. It has the most bullish, medium and long term potential compared to ANY other coin. If you don’t recognize this as 100% fact at this point, then you should almost certainly kys.

Please, anyone who disagrees, tell me right the fuck now why your vapor shit coin has any chance in hell compared to LTC. I’ll wait...

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What use is LTC if BTC isn't currently having scaling issues?

Cheaper, faster transactions, security, affordability, scalability. And, if we accept BTC valuation at all, it is obviously undervalued af based on supply alone? That’s like asking, “why is this gold that there’s a lot less of, not a better buy than this other, better gold that there’s a shit ton more of at a lower price?”

It’s going to happen and anyone not all in is going to be eating their own shit. SAD!

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I FOMO'd at 250, fuck this shitcoin
will probably be 1k eoy though
litepay was a scam though admit it will never happen

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You should have bought the dips and repositioned. All other coins are shitting hard now, but for good reason. LTC is significantly undervalued, this is undeniable.

yes it was my first purchase i learned my lesson
I also fell for the litepay news, do you admit litepay probably isn't going to happen now that Visa and Mastercard both said they would not partner

You think there isn’t a competitor out there itching to destroy these dinosaurs and desacrate their corpses? Credit card companies were the first digital currency, and have been pushing to digitize currency for decades. It’s only a matter of time before there’s a new, not-antiquated, forward-thinking company takes the throne.

litecoin is my favored cryptocurrency. i've held since $50 buck in cold storage. charlie that fucking weasel probably has a few more tricks up his sleeve. it's the most secure - pow electric - currency atm. if the market rallies it goes to $400-$4000.

I could see many companies agreeing to it, including many banks, ironically enough.

best time to sell LTC was in 2014

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the reason why i KNOW LTC will be king is because it already is unsaid but is one of the main used transfer coins in all of crypto. It wants to become independent from bitcoin. When bitcoin dies people wanting the BTC feel will move to this because it is the next best (first best) thing. It is faster, quicker, cheaper. Basically just cheap fast bitcoin. think about it. the answers are all around us. I personally wish i kept all my coins in LTC because i know a moon mission is coming very very fuckin soon and im gona be upset im missing those other LTC's i moved to shitcoins.

So, not everyone on this board is a retard. I learned something new today.

>independent from bitcoin.

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you and is retarded

I love this dude. Seems like the most honest person in crypto BY FAR. And, best of all, he has no central control or conflict over his currency anymore.

We shall see who’s retarded soon enough.

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I like LTC a lot but do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says is sound advice. Much better to buy when Veeky Forums says it's useless, right now it deserves some dumping and lowbids.

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Just this.

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Litecoin is never shilled on here. All I see is turds floating in the river of shit that is this board. Sell at your own peril.

Charlie Lee and the Trivago guy. This means what to you, exactly?

In the process of getting replaced for this.

Charlie Lee is OUT you should figure out where he went. The only news on LTC other than that is Litepay doesn't work.

>t. bagholder

Don’t worry, faggot. I’m in at average price of $104. I’m good. Please go suckle Roger Verygay’s penis while I enjoy my gains.

That's not Trivago guy. That Huwhite male is Marius. Probably the biggest scam crypto-guru atm. I'm hoping Charlie isn't infected by him

It was a joke

10k EOY anons. Check em and rek em.

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>Very funny

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Hey moon-bro, have you seen whalebro lately?

wow what is he doing with that mother fucker?

Moon-bro and whale-bro are both fucking your mom and paying her with LTC. Your inheritance will be increasing soon.

It gets shit but it also has its own band of larping tripfags. I'm not selling but if I didn't have any I would be trying to snatch it at like 19300.

I know that mother fucker meets Charlie to show his "credibility" to his followers. I'm not sure what Charlie is getting out of it. Not trying to FUD but this shit doesn't look good.

Charlie has nothing to do with LTC, so it doesn't matter. Fuck both of them

Can you explain how and why he’s a scammer?

>1/2 of his followers are bots
>promise "accurate predictions"
>gives a sneak peak of his prophecy through twitter
>he sells the full report for $22
>once the prediction is wrong, he deleted those records/tweets
>those who complains are blocked

It matters to those people that call him "CEO". We need their money for another moon trip.

So a guy claiming to predict the future was wrong about the future, and then tried to hide it?

>LTC is so good that it's creator dumped all his coins at the top and is now shilling NANO

100x EOY!!!!!

>Gee, I wonder who’s behind this post

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>Not an argument
>Expects me to bring him things to disprove

I'm happy you like ltc, personally I'll just buy all the cool cyptos.

I like to diversify.

LTC is partnering with Visa. user may be right.

Smells like poo in this thread?

if your coin is a copy and paste of bitcoin, with a few lines of code changed, or a new transaction type added, run away. you should only ever invest in 100% new coins, not clones, forks, or different versions.

with 1500+ coins, unless you're just looking for short term trades, there's no reason to ever touch any coin that doesnt even have a development team thats good enough to create a codebase from scratch. there's no reason to settle for a chink coin when this market is global.


Who cares? There are plenty of cryptos with bank connections. If you aren't properly exposed in your portfolio you'll be fucked anyway.

He sells his bullshit reports for $25. He also claimed an epic bullrun for March 9th

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>if your coin is a copy and paste of bitcoin, with a few lines of code changed, or a new transaction type added, run away. you should only ever invest in 100% new coins, not clones, forks, or different versions.
>with 1500+ coins, unless you're just looking for short term trades, there's no reason to ever touch any coin that doesnt even have a development team thats good enough to create a codebase from scratch. there's no reason to settle for a chink coin when this market is global.

XRP it is

sure, xrp is one, but its not a case of picking one, its a filter for every coin out there. xrp has some problems of it's own, but the biggest is that it's not a cryptocurrency as we know them, since ripple has final say on which transactions it deems acceptable to include in the ledger, and ripple is competing with itself since it's main product are their private networks, which they're trying to position as a swift replacement.

Ok then...s-s-stellar?

it could easily go to 100 dollars on any given day

Why not a few? it's not like they are expensive...

>compared to any other coin


Haha i know. I own both already

LTC biggest accomplishment == dividing by four

what's XRP's EoY look like?


I shouldn't tell you faggot jews on (((biz))) this but I will be a good goy....ITNS

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7-10 bucks.

Litecoin is alright, far from great. Anyone using LTC over XRP for payments has his head in the sand.

I wish it was otherwise though, but it's just the harsh truth which will be reflected into reality in 2018.

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what the fuck is NEM anyway

Litepay debacle and it's day before news release was EXTREMELY unprofessional. Surprisingly LTC didn't take as big a hit as I thought it would for that ball drop. Lee has used hint at those 2 big partnerships but he hasn't in a while. I wonder if those were lies too. I mean if they partner with Amazon its going to Andromeda.