How much REQ do I need for a girl like this?

How much REQ do I need for a girl like this?

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WOW that is impressive.

Bout treefiddty

Depends. Are you feeding that thing or just fucking it?

>she fell for the Starting Strength meme

AND she got married in her ultimate form.

i bet shes twice as many as 2016

I like to think she's just been holding a fart for all these years.

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Don't drink bacardi goys


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She is the gift that keeps on giving!

would have left her in 2014, could have predicted the fattening by looking at her arms.

Dead give away.

Remember big is beautiful. You go girl.

>picturing someone farting their way from obesity to a normal weight

thanks user it was funny

This is important. What will take for me to be able to fatten girls up

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>arm fat
is that really a thing, i never had any fat on my arms when i was overweight, fucking hideous

How ever much a backhoe rental costs, because she's 6 feet under.

shes got more chins than a chinese phone directory

She's dead, no joke.

One to two Soy Lattes every day. It won't be cheap

death by chocolate?

what happened? who is this? are the years accurate?

yeah, I am actually aware. I actually
unironically have a fat fetish and follow things like this way too closely.

yeah, its accurate. According to the fb comments it was cardiac arrest. Probably an underlying heart condition + the constant partying she was doing caused the premature death.


>According to the fb comments it was cardiac arrest. Probably an underlying heart condition + the constant partying she was doing caused the premature death.
RIP female Zyzz. :(

TFW she's still pulling chad in 2015

I blame Tinder
I actually came originally from Veeky Forums been a Veeky Forumsbro for a while now

with enough REQ u can make a girl into this

From obese to a land whale to a planet
Disgusting amerifats strike again


How's that even possible?

She's Italian according to the forum


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This is the future of thicc girls, sad.

that girl started off as a hambeast anyway

this, don't lowball it and avoit it at all costs

thicc girls will almost aways cross the line to fat

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This is exactly why I don't invest in women

>think I may have developed some kind of irrational hatred for women, except they keep rationalising this hatred

just need to
make an account. thread is still up.

>women are depreciating assets

who is this ?

Jesus christ allmighty

yeah, crazy

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every time I see a chick on tinder or internet dating with food in her profile pic I just know she's going to be a plumper

>Bout treefiddty

buck two five

Holy fuck. Just looking at all of those transformations made me sad. Fucking insane. Eat a fucking salad and put down the tequila you binge drinking slags. Why would they even allow this on the internet for the world to see.

Dude Who is THIS ?

Damn, that's hot.

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Makes me horny desu. It's not that great irl but there's something about women who just can't control themselves and become gigantic

This looks like a girl I used to know, who was normal sized, and within 5 years was a complete hambeast. She's a "fat pride" model now, and is a basketcase of "muh anxiety" type bullshit "condishuns", who's trying to get on disability because she's fat.

It's a fucking shame, because she was really talented at what she did (not saying) and was on the verge of making it big, and then met her feeder boyfriend who's 20 years older than her and "likes his women plump".

Seriously, she's bigger than this girl now.

Jelly Clarkson?

>jelly clarkson

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This is not the kind of inflation that should be discussed on Veeky Forums.

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Nah, you've never heard of her, I guarantee it. Unless you shop for fat chick clothes, she was in one catalog I know of.

jfc. These are fascinating, post more. I'm kinda in the age range where I'm starting to see my friends blowing up and it blows my mind because I used to be the fat kid that got sick of being bullied and decided to lose weight and get healthy.

She has good genes. Even when fat she carries it well

fucking kek

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Thism she was already fat. But holy shit a nightmare has yet to start

Dude, who IS this ? Like holy fuck

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How in the flying fuck do you gain that much in 8 months? I don't think I could do that trying.

If she slowed down she wouldn't have gotten those stretchmarks, but some people are into that.

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lol wtf I have been eating like a beast and exercising every 2 days for 6 month and I took 7kg

Probably pretty easy if you have a womans metabolism and can buzzsaw ice cream and wine.

Post more reverse progress, these threads used to be staples of Veeky Forums but nowadays they just degenerate to fat people hate

She's not thicc though. Started with a wide waist, no ass, and fat arms.

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She'd be cute if 25% of it didn't go to her face.

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Also pic related is a more realistic thicc that most women can achieve easily

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This thread is wild

They're called feedists and gainers. Its a fetish for these people to be filled up with food and gain fat. You can read their sick posts over here

The one on the right believes she looks like or as good as the one on the left.

Literally looks like somebody scaled the image horizontally. Only give away is that there is more tummy overhang.

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There are guys who want their women to be fat because no other men will want them, or even look at them, and these women will die early leaving plenty of life left to fool around with widows at in the assisted living facility.

this one got ruined


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Look at those joocy delts, thought it was Veeky Forums for a sec

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She has amazing genes and can put on lots of weight and still look good. She’s maybe one in a million when it comes to that, most people would look like shit.

looks like shit on the right tho

Low test and BBW FUD, sad!

Only her face