>Be Swedish
>Pay 56.5% taxes
Be Swedish
Det kan väl ändå inte vara 56.5% på crypto??????????
>enjoy great healthcare, education, social support
Don't forget bbc
What's the point of even trying to make any money then?
What is the income tax bracket for 56.5% in Sweden? lmao
>great education
top kek. We didnt even have enough teachers and our spanish teacher couldnt speak spanish
and having to more to norway to work because there's no work for the young in sweden
>Enjoy paying 5 euros for a single bottle of water
You should donate all of your money to the government, since they know best how to spend it.
No idea, i have never heard of anyone paying that much in taxes.
>provided by a monopoly run by the state
>buying water bottles in sweden
How do i tax evade anons?
The entire tax system is designed to be impossible to understand. You're paying way more than you think you are.
I dont know but im pretty sure its 30% on crypto.
I got linked a swedish discord before were they knew but i cant remember it
KryptoSverige? im on it
>tfw fucked a slightly chubby swedish girl off tinder last year because she and her friends were in LA on the country's dime to "study" when they were really out slooting it up and i fucked her after the first day and came in 1 minute the first time and eventually went limp the second time
Thanks letting me ejaculate into a hole bud.
30% på alla vinster, även crypto->crypto
så om man bara gör vinster blir det 51%
pga 30% på alla vinster i crypto->crypto trades och ytterligare 30% på slutliga crypto->fiat försäljningen
Could be, cant remember
pic related
You can say that again. Look at all the BBC in Sweden. ROFL. Swedes are cucks
Nothing wrong with this if the entire country is your cousins. It only becomes a problem when you fill it with random third world shitskins. Now Europeans are finally beginning to understand why Americans hate taxes and love guns. We're not assholes with no empathy its just that all that shit is just being abused as a massive wealth transfer from white people to the diversity.
>beginning to understand
>tfw you will never own a gun legaly
I risk serious jail time for owning a automatic weapon
Don't blame you. If guns ever get banned here me and everyone else are a going to lose them tragic boating accidents.
Blanda Upp!
And after thise services are no longer useful to you, you have to still pay more than half of your earnings so that refugees can enjoy the same things.
If you paid for your own education and healthcare it would work out as costing so much less.
what do you guy think the whole point of crypto is? you keep all your shit in crypto, untaxable, unknowable, and then you skip country when you want to cash out.
literally nobody can know how much crypto you have, we're back to the glory days of the swiss account, only now you dont need to trust the swiss wont rat you out.
surely there is no serious user on Veeky Forums who isn't/doesnt plan on doing this?
know one knows about my stack of crypto other than my parents and as much as i try to explain it to them they just think its a joke really
the joke will be when i flea the crumbling west for whichever country offers me the cheapest, highest quality of life and safety. thailand's good but after spending a few months in georgia i think thats where ill end up spending the rest of my life
Americans are violent and greedy, hard to compare the two
Helsinki ?
I have all of these and pay around 30%
Sweden is just cucked
In poland it is around 20% I guess so not that much for spending few last years with pappa and mamma
This. My aussie eage support the education, health care and welfare of at least three single mothers - who i will never meet and will never thank me. Ive never been on dole, gotten sick or had children. Effing reeee.
>be dutch
>only pay max. 1.61% tax on crypto gainz
>The tax money goes to Muhammed and Jamal
>Meanwhile your firefighters are attacked by shitskins and cannot go to certain areas without police escort
Such is life in Swedecuckistan
Live in Singapore - pay 0% as there’s no Capital again tax.
Oh and this is only for >975k.
trippel dubbelve punkt discord punkt gg / T6Jz9xM
The system would work wonders if you weren't half useless immigrants.
Didnt you hear? They relocated the capital of Finland to Sweden
thats finland
Since your overall tax rate is tied to the percentage of the US population that whites hold, expect your taxes to decrease in the future.
If you aren't a complete poorfag these things are vastly superior in the US. It's only the lower 50% that get completely fucked.
Pretty sure capital gains tax is 30% there like here in Finland. Which is still disgusting.
Georgia is very interesting with its 1 year tourist visa, any idea how much taxes are?
touche. Finland, Sweden, they are all Scandinavian cucks.
From the body language of that Finnish girl in the purple dress, you can tell that she is a total BBC thot. Probably had 80 big black cocks inside her bareback in her short lifetime. Scandinavian women are total race traitors. lol
>all those blonde girls sure love black cock right guys haha i wonder how many black dicks she's taking right now? h-haha just wondering you guys think she'll have mixed children with powerful black man seed? just thinking haha i would like to see it just as a joke haha
Mutts and their interracial fetish are so obvious.
Seriöst, det är så simpelt.
> stack up a nice crypto gains stack
> leave Sweden when you plan on cashing out
> tax liability in Sweden is shift after 183 days in another country
> cash out after 1 year in your new zero tax country
> move back few month later to that shithole if you can't control yourself
Yeah this is my plan: hoard up enough to be worth the bother, move to Hong Kong for half a year, cash out, move back to Europe (not Sweden though). Most European countries have that 6 month liability, so it works for a lot of them.
Why wait one year though? Once tax liability has shifted, the only issue you could have would be Sweden's taxcucks asking questions about the suitcases of cash you cashed out one day after the liability shifted (which means you had invested in Sweden and not reported it), but waiting 2-3 months would be enough, especially if you don't intend to move back to Sweden anyway.
Yeah...its not that simple. Most likely you will need to sell everything you own in Sweden, get rid of all your "substantial ties" and also move permanently meaning that you cant come back as soon as you have sold.
Also you can't just "move to HK for 6 months"
There are almost 0 tax free countries that you can just move to like that without a job or making a big investment for a residence permit
>Most likely you will need to sell everything you own in Sweden, get rid of all your "substantial ties" and also move permanently meaning that you cant come back as soon as you have sold.
Wouldn't be an issue for me, if I did cash out enough to make it worthwhile to do all this shit, I wouldn't want to live in Sweden.
>There are almost 0 tax free countries that you can just move to like that without a job or making a big investment for a residence permit
Well it's not a spur of the moment thing, ideally you'd do this once in your life and be set enough that you won't need to do it again. If you're a NEET with no degree or job experience you won't be able to move to Hong Kong, but if you got a good degree and job experience, finding a job shouldn't be too hard considering we're talking months or years of preparation, not weeks.
You could also just move to a place within Europe with lower CGT on crypto and just pay your 10-15% or whatever and be done with it. The bigger the sums the bigger those 15% will sting though.
They will pay the toll.
>finding a job
if you're still going to have to work you're just wasting your time trying to lower your tax by moving to another country. you only do that when you're cashing out millions and retiring.
>not already holding dual citizenship in another country that doesn't require you to pay taxes on crypto.
>you only do that when you're cashing out millions and retiring.
Yes, that was my point.
Nej, du betalar inte skatt 2 gånger för samma vinst. Försäljning av krypto är beskattningsbart om du köper LINK, SEK eller precis vad som helst som har högre värde än det du ursprungligen köpte dina coins för.
> (OP)
> 56.5%
Nej, OP har IQ 56.5
>Be Swedish
>Don't get shot
>Be Swedish
>Have healthcare
>Be Swedish
>No pollution
>Be Swedish
>Best furniture in the world
>Be Swedish
>Most beautiful women in the world
>Be Swedish
>Not be fat
>Be Swedish
>Not governed by a fat orange retard
Should I keep going burgerfat?
>le 56.5% face
>Be Swedish
>Be Invaded by 2 million mudslimes
>Not be Swedish anymore.
>be Swedish
>get raped by Muhammad
finnish girls are the ultimate sluts, and they love them niggers
meanwhile birthrate lower than during what we call the hunger years in 1800 and more refugees coming into country than white babys born
the jews have won
Enjoy being Swedish in a generation when everyone is part shitskin.
Enjoy a collapsing economy because of SJW mentality.
Patagonia region of S. America for me. Such beautiful landscapes....
In theory.
Like communism.
holy fuck...
jävla idiot, framtidens sverige tillhör mohammed och hans 4 fruar. Bli rik och rädda dig själv och din familj genom att flytta från detta jävla skitland, det finns ingen vacker framtid här för etniska svenskar.
Jag är stolt över mitt lands historia och jag kommer alltid älska Sverige, men bara en idiot skulle medvetet bo kvar här och försöka uppfostra en ny generation i detta land.
>enjoy great healthcare, education, social support
For about 5 more years
"Great education" kek yea must be educated enough to replace your population with Arabs and Somalis
Niggers will crash the nordic social welfare state model, its only a matter of time
That's people in general.
Satsa på Georgien. Bra val. Har också tänkt det eller Rumänien.
>For about 5 more years
More or less this, get out of this country by 2025 if you know what's good for you.
Ärthjärna. Du skattar ju bara 30% på plusbeloppet i varje affär inte hela summan
I can tell you for sure that in 20 years your awesome country which I love so dearly will turn into a multicult shithole, no go zones, riots, black lives matter, feminist intersectionalists with half breed babies.
Yes it's called solidarity.
Yup because great healthcare, education and social sport is clearly just a theory in sweden.
>he forgot every single one of his transactions is stored on a public ledger
>he forgot he provided his kyc info to an exchange which can be given to the tax services who can trace all your transactions from your initial ones on the exchange and link it to you
>not having drinkable tap water
>drinking tap water unironically
Please tell me you have a filter at home.
i'm not buying your tinfoil hat trash, Alex Jones
Those programs all have a expiration point. Leftists shitheads like you usually don't understand basic economics so let me give you a quick summation. Socialism, in any form, can only exist on the back of value that capitalism has created. The "success" of social programs only exist in the early years because the previous capitalist system has provided the abundance for any shitty system to not collapse into itself in the beginning. But as years progress, these social systems will break down, become increasingly more expensive (compared to private sector alternatives), and provide inferior products/services until the system completely collapses - but not before taking 50%+ of your income to pay for it. If you think a monopoly (government) can provide better services at lower costs, you are a massive fucking brainlet.
>be Swedish
>green text some grade school tier retardism
you've taken too much black dick
I'm really curious to see how these bloated European welfare states will react when migration reaches the tipping point and the economic strain is too heavy. Not sure how many years or decades it will take. Cultural clashes might even cause upheavals first. Hope the western half of the continent doesn't just turn into America 2.0 aka Brazil 2.0 aka South Africa 2.0.
My friend works with a guy from Sweden. He asked if all the rape shit and invasion by refugees is true and the guy said misty it is and the government keeps all the shit out of the news. Not that we didn’t know all of that but my friend was kinda skeptical til the guy told him. I know soyboy cucks who don’t believe it because they are anti trump retards who are massive hypocrites.
>if I did cash out enough to make it worthwhile to do all this shit, I wouldn't want to live in Sweden.
I know what you mean
Nice, what country?
Or try living in a country that isnt actively trying to kill you
>bee Brazilian
>pay +60% tax on imported goods
Mate, your country is now Brazil 2.0 in the major cities.
Start killing Sandniggers today, don't let your whole country become a white version of mine.
>these things are vastly superior in the US
no they are not, thats bullshit.
You can take your Jantelagen and shove it
We have a great segregation. So I don't have to deal with the problem you're talking about.
we gotta stop the africans. like global brakes on african everything shut it down
if you think private companies have your well being in mind youre even more of a brainlet.
the end stage of capitalism is 1% own everything and the rest is either wageslaves or wellfare recipients. so capitalism creates socialism.
>being a capitalist
>being a socialist
If the private companies who don't steal money don't have our interest in mind, how can the government?
Also wealth disparity increases far more under socialism than capitalism. Welfare tends to go towards rich people who are friends with government instead of the needy, which is why charity is far superior. Also, 80-20 rule is evident against your claim.
>how can the government?
because the gov needs your vote, the private company on the other hand only needs your money and if you cant pay them you are dead to them.
>Welfare tends to go towards rich people who are friends with government instead of the needy,
you dont even get the difference between welfare and subsidies or outright corruption. when a capitalist buys a politician its not welfare.
>80-20 rule is evident against your claim.
against which claim?
lel, literally begging. charity is usually very little and thrown without any aim at your flavor of the month needy. its far too erratical and random to provide any social net.
finland is nordic not scandinavian
> be American
> Pay 53% taxes
> Don't have free healthcare, education, social services
Top kek