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whats your favorite subreddit?
/r/cryptocurrency and /r/ethtrader
Haha I just love all the memes, can't get enough of them.
Remember to HODL!!
That's one of the memes from there, get it? It's like HOLD but funny!
The reddit guys made this really fun video where a weird french guy with a messed up face manipulated the market so it does the opposite of what you do! Can you imagine!? You might not understand it unless you're a r&m fan (that's rick and morty) and it's a pretty high intellect show so a lot of jokes can go over your head if you're not smart enough. Anyway there's a part about quantum immortality that gave me a hearty laugh! You should come by and check it out, I'm sure you'd understand it user.
have fun at work . Say hi to Mr.Noseberg for me
I feel this way
I always have to remind myself I actually like my job
tick tock wagie
God it's good to be a crypto night trading NEET
remember each ticking hour brings u closer to death and youll never get those hours back. tick tock wagie
Work hard today so you don't have to work hard in the future. NEETs are living on borrowed time.
and all those hours trying to catch up to early adopters in crypto are hours wasted that will for most people lead to no money at all.
> Business & Finance
why would you go to work? I'm sure if you put 8 hours a day into running your own business you'd be successful, unless retarded
5/10 made me chuckle
bad feels :(
Tfw 6:57am lying in bed on Veeky Forums with palpitations at the thought of going back to my stressful af job when will this living hell end
whats your job laddyo
Health safety and environmental compliance manager at a cement site and quarry. Everyone at work hates me and I’ll just be a scapegoat if anything truly goes tits up. Tfw can’t afford to quit as nothing will pay this well. Tfw have to shower in 10 mins :’(
I take it you are British? Since you are four hours ahead of us on the East Coast in North America. And you used the term "quarry".
Yea wage cucking in the UK is probably pretty shitty. UK is one of the least socialist countries in western europe
I need money in the first place.
what you dont make fiat to put into more crytpo and gold?
what are you gay or something?
Only reason I keep working desu.
>tfw literally on the bus headed to work right now