How do i get my girlfriend to become a better cook? She is fucking terrible and i will never marry her if she doesnt improve. She cant even make a fucking grilled cheese without burning it to a crisp
How do i get my girlfriend to become a better cook...
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Have you tried teaching her?
>She cant even make a fucking grilled cheese without burning it to a crisp
Lower heat
Cover it to get the cheese melted
Cooking is pretty intuitive and it's possible she's just stupid
Tell her to take a cooking class and see if there's improvement
Your gf will never be a better cook than mummy. I guess you'll starve to death.
.......She's white.....isn't she, Squidward?
>Cooking is pretty intuitive and it's possible she's just stupid
This. if she can't make a grilled cheese, then she's mentally retarded. Not being able to cook is more of a symptom than an actual problem.
But OP, that's #wifeymaterial
have you tried actually talking to her, teaching her, helping her learn instead of just expecting her to get better and complaining about it on Veeky Forums?
Cook together or stop pretending you have a girlfriend.
What kind of a loser needs to rely on a girl to cook his kids food?
Just learn to cook yourself like a man, dum dum.
Fucking this.
If you're so much of a better cook than her then show her how to cook yourself.
Let me guess... you'r gf is white?
> 2016
> millennial feminist white girls
> can't do what men do today
> can't do what women did yesterday
Find yourself a good asian or latina.
Self entitled white girls are good for jizz mops. Don't ever marry one though, for real.
>You know what a REAL man would do?
>Work 8 hours a day, minimum
>Clean the house
>Do the cooking
>Raise the kids
>Pay for dates/movies/bills
>Be strong, well endowed, rich, and handsome
>What? What will the woman do? I dunno, sex sometimes I guess, but if you're not good at that the woman can leave you in a no-fault divorce and take your house/money/kids
Is it any wonder marriage is going down the fucking drain
>tfw millennial feminist white girl
>tfw I can cook
>started work in the industry at 14
>still a useless sad suck with no future but know how to cook a lot of delicious shit.
>white nu male crying about how white girls don't fit into his idea of a traditional female :'(
Why don't you fucking swallow and learn to do household duties yourself? A man who can't cook is a ma baby, a literal cripple.
People who "need" a female in their lifes are subhumans. If you're not self-sufficient don't even try to find a partner.
T. 3 years of happy, monogamous relationship still going strong
This is such a good post. It's also the reason why I am not really looking. if you don't have your shit together first, you don't get married. I am a fucking mess, ergo, I cook for myself.
I'd rather no relationship than the codependant inhumanly unhealthy relationship with eachother and food that my roomies have.
>nu male
whoa whoa that's some inflamatory right wing language there pal, tone it down.
Cooking with menstrual blood doesn't count landwhale.
post your tits
Teach her you idiot
Goddamn I was against OP the entire thread until your retarded ass decided to post. How about you stop being a faggot and realize that maybe both parties in a relationship should be able to take on a portion of all duties. It is pretty clear from OP that he can cook and has the expectation that his woman should be able to as well.
This, fucking a gook is the best thing I've ever done.
but i don't like doing it sideways
I used to not be able to cook.
It took a lot of being yelled at to pay attention to really start learning. It's easy to get side tracked instead of focusing on the food.
Cooking class, cooking garbage TV, or just cooking together would probably be a good start. Have her just start with learning to cut things.
What got me interested in cooking was having someone explain how certain ingredients worked together and what is happening. That way I could truly know why you'd use certain things instead of blindly following instructions.
Cooking together is pretty good bait for me.
n-n-nba/ ?
next you just need to learn how to take a picture
I suppose you're the femanon who posted earlier ITT? Fully agree and I actually found my partner while I wasn't looking or dating
I don't believe in nu males, just love how triggering that word is
>both parties should be able to take on a portion of duties
I agree, in fact ai went further. Both parties should be able to take on all duties at all times, in case someone gets sick, isn't there or.. dies
I travel a lot and if my gf wasn't able to cook/fix shit/make dough on her own this wouldn't be possible.
None of this has to do with how you actually split the housework... I prefer doing cooking, the dishes and vacuuming and leave laundry, cleaning n shit to her.
After all in an equal relationship both parties should put in roughly an equal amount of work.
Maybe read and understand a post before you reply to it.
It's not at all clear from the OP that he can cook. Most of the people on this board are shit cooks, even the ones that claim they're decent, which he didn't.
let's face it, you don't have a girlfriend. you just came here looking for cooking advice for yourself . someone with literal sexist opinions like that would never get a date.
t. feminists around the world
>Sharing household duties makes you codependent and unhealthy
There's literally nothing wrong with expecting women to be able to cook
Lmao what a fucking cuck
Good luck marrying your good for nothing wife. She's gonna drink boxed wine all day, raise your kids like pussies while you slave away at work. Then you're gonna come home, still cook and clean for the whole family in an attempt to make her happy enough to hopefully give you a hand job for a couple of minutes. Lmaoooo
It's not so bad at least in our house. I cook and my wife deals with shitty diapers and making the babby stfu and go back to sleep
I get to do something I enjoy and she can't cook for shit anyway
Self-identifying as a millennial feminist white female isn't going to change the fact that you have a penis and work as a line cook at Chili's, homie.
Fucking this
White women are good for nothing other than passing your seed. Latinas and middle eastern broads are queens of the household
Cheat on her with 3 different women who all are chefs. She'll get the idea or leave.
Whereupon the needy bitch gets insecure and depressed and you have to calm her raging female hormones.
She has an alcohol intolerance. Currently makes around 100k a year, more than I do. Not surprising since I'm humanities and she' eco major. You sound a little flustered, are you okay boyo? How much bank are you making?
I bet you're a little spic weirdo who wants a thicker, taller woman to be his mommy and cook him empanadas and breastfeed him. Get the fuck outta here
This. I have no gf but anyone can learn if you raise awareness and give instruction.
To be fair, OP never claimed to be a better cook than her. They're both probably shit tier in the kitchen.
They're probably both shit at life, t b h
Back to /r9k/
>I work and play video games
>and she does literally everything else
>How is this not sharing guys!
Again, learn to do your own work you beta cucked NEET nu male faggot.
>makes more than me
t. nu cuck
Have you ever tried simply turning off the stove, sitting down with your girlfriend, and hitting her?
What I have found helpful to teach my retarded wife to cook pretty well now and a few of her friends is to start them out with finding recipes on Allrecipes that have very good directions but use real cooking technique and have them follow the recipes exactly.
I usually start folk out with this one:
>Currently makes around 100k a year, more than I do.
Jesus lol, how you beta cucks don't kill yourself from embarrassment and shame is beyond me
I guarantee you she is getting railed by someone who actually makes a decent wage on the side
So basically your girlfriend is much more productive in her worklife, makes way more money than you, and you want her to make you din-din too.
I wasn't gonna side with the 'lol OP doesn't have a girlfriend' fags but yeah, you don't have a girlfriend. And even if you do, you won't have one for long.
This. if user can't make a decent post, then user's mentally retarded. Not being able to post is more of a symptom than an actual problem.
only 7.97% of brown offspring will get master degrees or higher
stay queen of your household, you won't go anywhere else.
>I seriously am too stupid to understand the issue here
knowing how to cook and doing it the right way are two different things. You are also clearly too stupid to understand the effects of psychology on eating choices and how being in a shit relationship can and will worsen them. Why don't you chill in the alchoholism thread and come back when you are more informed
>still a useless sad suck with no future
You could change that if you'd just stop being a feminist and presumably a sjw too.
>I don't believe in nu males
It's time to leave your basement user. It's not healthy to be cooped up in there for so many years. Go outside and breathe some fresh air.
>your girl is the breadwinner
Holy shit I'm laughing at you
You're a liberal arts college retard, and you want your wealthy stem gf to still be your servant? You're literally the female in this relationship LMAO
>stormcuck calling anyone a basement dweller
Holy shit am I laughing
>implying the women hating retards at r9k aren't just as much of sad sacks as she is
being a sad sack is totally divorced from being whatever ideology Veeky Forums hates in CURRENT YEAR.
anyway OP you tried teaching? Most people are willing to learn.
>humanities retard getting cucked by STEM female
Never change, beta cucks.
"user i love our relationship and how open and honest we are with eachother. Thanks for dinner too sweetheart, I already put the kids to bed. Jamal is picking me up at 10 so dont wait up for me. See you tomorrow morning schnukums"
stop posting this stupid thread
>People who "need" a female in their lifes are subhumans
Well said, brother! It won't be long anymore until the great purge:
Ever consider teaching her yourself, or signing her up for cooking classes?
this thread got ugly fast
i was about to post a serious reply
>this much paranoia
I'm good in bed and I'm her first. She's not cheating, no matter how jealous you are :^)
Are you stupid? I'm not the OP and I do cook dinner, I don't even want her to cook, even though she's great at it, too. I love cooking and wouldn't give it up for nothing.
We've been together for 4 years now, doubt it's gonna end soon.
Nigga I've lived in 4 different continents and seen like 50 different countries, what are you on about? Nu males are a poor straw man for insecure men. That's all there is to it. Just check all the insanely angry responses to my posts.
Why are you so obsessed with nigger dicks my man? It's concerning to say the least.
I'm not really into open relationships tho.. Despite not being much of a traditionalist ai cling to silly ideals like monogamy and female purity, don't think I could be together with someone who really whored himself out. All my long term partners have been virgins or have had few partners.
Thanks yall for subscribing to my blog and al the angry (you)s, I'm really enjoying this. Keep it coming.
But I don't want a stone hearted bitch and soapy food
Your raging male hormones are leaking, calm down buddy.
Not all Asians are cld hearted and Asian food literally has the greatest variety of them all.. Chinese, Indian, Thai, Viet, Jap, Indonesian..
Don't forget that even Syrians, Bangladeshi, some Polynesians, middle Easterners and Steppe people are technically asian.
>tfw half jap gf that can cook
It's a blessing. Not saying Europeans are worse, I love Italian, French and Spanish cuisine..
how is that decreasing birth rate western white boi?
Were you throwing your phone at the plate when you took this picture
Adding a large amount of butter goes against people's programming nowadays.
If she's been brought up to just sprays the pan with pam she'll need some deprogramming.
This guy is right, Learn how to fucking communicate you degenerate autist
I had this problem, it's real simple. Buy her a pan, then a nice expensive pressure cooker, if you know how to cook, start cooking for her, make her take lunch to work from home even. Then when you're all done showing her how to cook, just vanish, go away, disappear, she'll cook what you taught for herself, then pop up like nothing happened weeks later. If she's able to cook and likes cooking, keep her, if not, kick her to the curb.
I've done this before, didn't vanish, but stopped going over my girlfriend's apartment, she started cooking for herself what I taught her when I stopped going there to cook for her, I know I know, turned into sub cooking for my girl, like I was wearing the apron. She started baking, broiling things, we're talking soups from scratch, turkey legs hot out the oven, various rice dishes. Just make sure she has all the cooking supplies needed. A nice pan, pressure cooker etc. and hopefully you know how to cook yourself to teach her.
>>tfw millennial feminist white girl
At least i know you're contemplating suicide daily, so just do it.
Same here though i have been forcing her to teach herself because i'm a terrible teacher, i can handle a few terrible meals
Why not provide for her and pay for cooking classes?
Be a man if you expect her to be a woman.
Numales are definitely real and can be easily identified by how they dress and how incredibly submissive they are.
>How do i get my girlfriend to become a better cook?
Ultimatum: she learns to cook if you leave her.
Best case scenario: she learns to cook, the fucking useless cunt.
Worst case scenario: she doesn't, you leave and find a semi-useful bitch.
take cooking classes WITH her
>Have you tried cooking your girlfriend?
hol' up. My gf is asian and couldn't cook for shit when I got with her. Her dad's a chef as well.
Actually while you get no prizes for guessing I am extremely depressed I am one of those poor faggots that doesn't want to die ever no matter how awful life gets. I would take involuntary immortality in a heartbeat.
If it makes you feel better I am not going to crowd up the planet with more children.
see you sound really ass mad that some of those demented fucker sjws have a decent living. I don't want to work in HR though so I am definitely not an SJW. As for not being a feminist, I fail to see how a private political opinion would be preventing me from obtaining a good job. That's more likely due to my lack of education, connections, and marketable skills.
Well you should do the world a favour and off yourself.
Fucking hate how it's assumed people should just magically grow talents out of nowhere.
OP could have a fun and cute experience cooking WITH her and teaching her for Thanksgiving or some shit, but he's not going to meet her halfway because he's a sperg that doesn't comprehend that cooking is a learned skill.
Have you tried hitting her? If that doesn't work just get a new gf.
How often does she visit Chad and Tyrone while cucky o hare here is finishing up dinner?
I'm thinking only on Fridays, she sounds responsible.
succeed in sterilizing 99% of the worlds population and we'll talk.
So mansplaining to her how to cook ? Fucking racists.
A malthusian idealist, I see.
This photo gave me a headache.
cook with her! I always enjoy it when my bf cooks with me since he knows a bit more about baking than i do right now it lets us do some amazing things and its really fun