Just read though this things twitter for a second. Too bad I closed my BitMEX account because it’s degenerate gambling or I would toss a 10x short on “ADA”

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hahahaha holy fuck I hope I never see this IRL

>upvote for visibility

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Get a life pin dick

>Mfw bought in ADA and XLM in January
>mfw can’t sell the social justice warrior coins now or I take a huge loss
It hurts so fucking much

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what kind of ring is she wearing?


This is actually worse than the bitcoin core dev who believes the earth is at the center of the solar system

it is illegal to hire based upon sex, gender, or race. fuck this person.

>no spikes(meh/10)
>no decent news(verybad/10)
>no rumors(bad/10)
>trans/lgbtQQqaeos friendly(not very important/10)
its dead take your losses or bleed to death

when you have hundreds of coins to choose from, why choose one that's crippled by this mindset from the beginning? only bagholders would continue to support something like this.

did you hear the joke about the transexual computer programmer?

Yeah what is up with the absolutely psychotic crypto devs? Fucking Luke jr is a certified nut job

Also has been instrumental in leaving BTC to the smoking pile of crap it is

Can you imagine the (((outrage))) if someone said the reverse
>anyone who can do this job should apply!
>this goes double if you're not a woman!
>MEN strongly encouraged to apply! Heterosexuals and non transgender preferred!

>Yeah what is up with the absolutely psychotic crypto devs?

this is fringe technology that rather suddenly went mainstream, thus thrusting these whackjobs into the public spotlight

Is this real... no seriously I am completely fucking floored by this. Too me this looks no different than if Stormfront made a white man only coin. "No jews allowed!"

I cant even understand this. Like I cant begin to comprehend the levels of stupidity. It must be fucking layers deep of bullshit with no help at all for any chance of logic or reason. This is a dev for Cardano? THIS Sexist fuck is a dev for this coin? THIS CANT BE REAL AAAAHHHHH

Laws aren’t morals

Ugh a great point. Only reason I bought BTC was to buy fire MDMA and LSD from the dark net. Cracked up the first time I heard about Ethereum “””smart contracts””” like yeah I’ll use that for my next molly oz.... in my fucking dreams

Fuck me


Jesus Christ. I knew cardano was vaporware for snooty academics to use as a circle jerk but I didn't know they were that far gone into modern academia culture

This is probably the weakest fud ever....ada is going to be adding staking this quarter, you want to short with 10x leverAge when the coin is basically at bottom of the barrel price levels?? All be wise one dev is basically just virtue signalling on twitter?? Come the fuck on pajeet we all know you’re just trying to get your buy orders filled

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The CEO has been very clear that they didn't want to do empty marketing like some tokens who simply announce "partnerships" that never go anywhere just to insider trade on the pumps. The ADA team is working on getting everything ready and functional, which is what they should be doing for now. It's what any serious project should do. The marketing can come once everything is out, or almost out and ready to be used. It's ridiculous to proceed otherwise, even though that seems standard practice with a lot of cryptos, since the vast majority of current projects are short term pumps and dumps. Cardano is focused on the long term. If that's not for you, fine, but Cardano will still be active and growing in a few years, while most other coins and tokens won't be.

>I knew cardano was vaporware for snooty academics to use as a circle jerk

This person literally said "I dont care if the code can even compile as long as an enbie wrote it."

No I’ve stopped with BitMEX cause it’s degenerate gambling and I’d make trades more for lols than anything else

But ADA is a shitcoin and has nothing on ETH

But WHY are you bothering to post this shit???? It can only be that you’re trying to fill your lowball buy orders, I know you pajeets are coordinating this fud ITT, pajeets glow in the dark more than cianigggers

What's the deal with all the hate for this guy today? Is it the same person posting non-stop? Who gives a fuck about cardano

Read the CEO's reply to the situation (Charles Hoskinson's blog, the Maelstrom post). I've got no idea where your post stands, but 90% of posts about this since yesterday are insincere FUD.

Political stance is correlated to working attitude, bucko. So that FUD made sense, you blind mofo.


BAHAHAHA because it’s fucking hilarious to rip on a psycho tranny with the biz-bros after a few beers.

You know this board is

Well, we know for a fact that they care less about the quality of the person working than the identity of that person. We also know that one of the main devs has no care what so ever about public relations. This is a PR nightmare right here.

if those kinds of people wern't so obnoxious and effectively doing themselves what they spend their entire lives crying about, they wouldn't be targets outside of a few insane religious people.

they're just doing it to themselves.

read that back a few times

what a miserable existence

>1: "I want people to be hired by merit"
>2: "Ok, here's the best candidate for the job"
>1: "But he looks funny, WAAAAAH!!!"

this kind of mentality isn't beneficial for shareholders but i dont mind if cardanowill be10 dollars eoy and i missed it.all this bleeding isn't healthy.what if stuff gets delayed multiple times?what if project fails?as shareholder you should only care about your profit and it's not working out.the uptrend,if that ever happens,will be slow and painful thanks to shorters having a huge position.good luck everybody.

It's the other way around
>X gains publicity
>normies gain interest
>attention starved individuals see this
>start to push themselves into X because they crave attention like crack fiebd craves a rock

>top ten on cmc
>basically just a white paper and a wallet
Yeah I think this has room to grow, I admit I’m bagholding on this but it has a lot of potential once they add the debit card and staking and yada yada

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You made your homework on the topic of logical thinking, sir.

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One thing that sticks out about this is the "You can decide to be whatever gender you want thing."
Gender dysphoria isn't a fucking choice. What the fucking fuck?

Oh my god when will this shit end, the only thing cardano had was that it wasn't a pr nightmare with people tweeting shit and that it was a scientific, professional approach. all gone

Been saying this all along, Cardano is an irrumigati faggot coin

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A tranny moved next door to me on the campus dorm, she is very passable, so we made small talk and greeted each other for months before i found out through someone else that she used to be a dude.
I havent been able to mock or look down upon trans people since. Dude is completely harmless, likes talking about his cat and his family, yet people give him shit behind his back simply for living as he sees appropriate.

You guys are insecure faggots, biz. You're unimpressive people so you pick on the obviously different to feel better about yourselves.
What's wrong with rooting for your community? How is "women and gay people strongly encouraged to apply" different from "we must kick the shitskins out of our countries"? It isn't. You think you're different, but you're just more of the same. You and the sjws are like two tribes of cavemen hurling rocks and shit at each other, fighting over some cave. Both sides are stupid and should be learning to build huts instead of circlejerking over who's right or wrong

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this type of thinking is not long for this world, shit is going down trannies will have to face reality sooner or later..

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Darryl mcADAms

You realize what post op trannies have to go through in order to keep thier fake “pussy” hole???

Fuck this shit lets all report them for gender discrimination. I'm so tired of this. If I posted an ad for my company stating 'MALES STRONGLY ENCOURAGED' I'd be sent down

There was some bitch on tucker the other day that tried to say “sexism” can only be applied to women

why do you care

Lol, it's a smelly glow

the world in the future will be overpowered by women at this rate, yes it's 50/50 male female, but out of the 50 male only 5% aren't beta and will do whatever the females want.

And you're a faggot for neglecting the fact that he is mentally ill. THATS why they talk. Or don't you talk about ppl who wear their underwear on their head cuz "hell ye. shits comfy on my nose"?

Also fuck off with your "hurr durr you both suck, so my opinion must be king" Horseshoe-theory bullcrap. Ppl are losing their life because of bad policies like this (higher suicide rates 4 trannies, because no one can't treat them for being trannies) or imigration (greetings from the religion of peace/pieces).

Just because you might attend some philosphy classes at university doesn't mean u know jackshit, son.

>How is "women and gay people strongly encouraged to apply" different from "we must kick the shitskins out of our countries"? It isn't.
Exactly. They are effectively the same thing. But only one is socially acceptable and endorsed by institutions. Only one gets you shamed and possibly even fired for speaking out against it. Really gets the almonds rolling.

You do realize what bodybuilders have to go through to keep their muscles?
Why aren't you picking on them? Is it because they can split your soyboy ass in half?

Because a mental illnes makes them do it - nothing else!

>Exactly. They are effectively the same thing. But only one is socially acceptable and endorsed by institutions. Only one gets you shamed and possibly even fired for speaking out against it. Really gets the almonds rolling.

>what are power dynamics in the united states

ignoring the obvious user

I see that as caring about shareholders a lot more than people just trying to inflate a price out of thin air without the intention to ever back it up. They're working on something that could replace both ETH and BTC. Their part of the deal is to deliver the best product possible and meet all their deadlines along the way. Up to now, they've completely uphold their part of the bargain, and once they deliver what they set out to and there is adoption, you can only hope that the price will follow. They can't just control the price, and even attempting to do so would be shady as hell and bad for investors over the long term. What they can do is focus on delivering the best product they can, and their weekly technical updates and monthly roadmap updates show that it's exactly what they're currently doing, and things are progressing at a steady pace. Marketing can come later, doing it any other way would be destructive and against the long term interest of the investors.

>different from "we must kick the shitskins out of our countries
your university sheltering is showing. go live in a poorer part of town for a bit.
for ftm trannies, they bring the priviledge they were brought in as a male and parade as a female - this is most visible in physically based sports. They will in most likeliness will also not reproduce and will spread the non-necessity of having children even more. something that needs a boost more often than not.

Fuck off reddit. Figures you were fooled into thinking a guy masquerading around as a girl for months actually was a girl.

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serious tho, what country is IOHK or what ever company he is recruiting for based in. I'm about to report him.


Finally a bit of sense.

Yes, and what's it to you anyway?

Also. the thing that hits me the most as a low-test male. People often try to give me great ideas about being a tranny or gay. mtf trannies make a set of behaviors a determinant if your male or not. in essence, they state that if you behave in a certain way, you ought to make gruesome surgical procedures to change your body.

I do not want this opinion to be normalized thorough society. I also don't enjoy dicks up my ass yet people seem to insist that I actually should.

fuck all of them

Nice non-answer. Back to tumblr with you

nice response. anything substantial?

Buy EOS fagget

Because body builders aren’t mentally ill being pushed into it by kikes and snowflakes, and honestly it’s not as unhealthy as maintaining a bloody (literally) open wound on your body for the sake of maybe a man might want to (god only knows why) Stu k his dick inside it, it’s fucking psychotic

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Maybe this person believes that transgender people are biologically Superior programmers. What a weird situation. But its the only scenario where investors would benefit from this kind of political position.

LUL universicucks typing from their basement about the "real world" they get taught by some sorely peace-loving hippie faggot teacher. May your bags be heavier than your average boy/girlfriends :^)

In anons defense he did refer to it as a him

If I were looking to work there I'd just lie and say I was a non binary. Too easy. Then after I am hired I'd say I changed my mind I'm just a dude.

What are you on about? This person is not a hiring director and the CEO has been clear that they're always looking for the best candidates and are against quotas.

>we need a higher birthrate
no. we need a lower birthrate. especially for people of questionable genetic value.
the main problem is that it's the retards that breed the most, and on top of being trash genetics, they also can't raise their children well and usually traumatize them.

Brainlets will be incapable of reading this and won’t understand why ADA wins the future.

>People are losing their lifes over bad policy like this
And how the fuck is this special or any of your business?
>Thousands of people die of lung cancer because they smoke cigarettes
>Thousands of people go broke investing in risky ventures
Should the government ban cigarettes aswell? Should crypto be banned? If your answer is no for any of these questions, there is no mental gymnastics which will justify advocating against people using hormones and surgeries to look however they want to.

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>My pronouns are we us them and they
If it would help me get a job I would do it, and fuck it who wants to pick up chicks at the office anyway

How do you even find youself on a Business and finance board.

Obviously you aren't smart enough to realize you can get a loan for Uni. And you meet way more people going there than not- so irrelevant

Not even worthy of explanation:
-non necessity of having kids- sounds like some hitler shit
-Male Privileged
-Touting how living in a poor neighborhood is good in any way

if you google darryl mcadams and click on iohk images of them, the transition happens before your very eyes

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What is the suicide rate among trannies compared to normal people??? Also compared to japs

Cigarettes being bad is a Jewish lie

To explain, I think there is a misunderstanding. An employee has encouraged certain people from his community to apply, but that doesn't mean they have any more chances to be hired than others. The hiring process is completely separate from that and objective. If the best candidate end up being lgbt that's ok, and if they don't, that's ok too. It not something they give any importance to, and they shouldn't either. So there's really nothing to be outraged about re: this whole thing, it's just anons making fun of his appearance.

I lost faith in biz from this thread, you are all better than this, com on peeps. I'm hoping someone from a SJW group linked this thread or something

If you don’t defend this then you ARE a racist piece of shit.

try posting a job ad and finish it off with
"this goes double if you are not a woman!" see where it takes you



The problem is that unless you're trolling, you're misunderstanding the issue here.

No one really cares outside of /pol/, sorry.


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How is he racist you fucking retard

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It was made very clear they don't care about the abilities of the individual. The best white male in the world for the position will be overlooked for someone who fits a political agenda.

I do.

It's not a job ad and he's not in charge of any of this.

If they're hiring at your company and you go to your Twitter feed to say "hello fellow faggots, my company just posted that they're hiring, pls apply", are you breaking any law? Because that's what he did.


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Ok, you're trolling, thanks for making it clear.

Fags from all nations of the west should be shipped off to an island, you make up like 5% max of any given western population and act as subversive foreign elements trying to usurp and destroy the current nation in favour of one that places you at the top of the pyramid despite being such a small minority

but fags would never do this because they would rather just attempt to take over existing nations and cultures, because they are stupid brainlet fuckwits that wouldnt be able to if they wanted to


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well, don't have a stroke over it, ok? heheh

Being racist or sexist means you place importance on race or gender. I AM AGAINST THIS! I believe EVERYONE should have an equal chance based on merit. I believe its wrong to stereotype people and treat them differently based on race or gender.

This guy is a fucking sexist scumbag who is against modern values.

just like racism can only be applied to white people according to tumblr tier insanity

why do people humor such obvious attacks and redefinitions that back them into a corner with no way out?
fucking brainlets easily swayed by mainstream media and popular opinion
fucking normies
Veeky Forums is now overrun with facebook tier brainlets, normies that jumped on the crypto bandwagon not for the fundamentals, not even for gains, but for public acknowledgement that they are "with it", ego driven brainlet fuckwits