Chainlink can't make us rich because almost all chainlink holders are Veeky Forums-neet-basement-dwellers. And I don't believe that everyone of us loosers can make it.
Chainlink can't make us rich because almost all chainlink holders are Veeky Forums-neet-basement-dwellers...
Wrong reason, but yes, it will not make anybody except sergey rich.
dump it
If /pol/ can get Trump elected and conduct drone strikes on ISIS, I'm pretty sure Veeky Forums can make it on chainmemes.
Its like 100 guys or so. Not relevant
There's like 5 guys who have enough LINK to change their life. Rest have less than 50k, most have less than 10k
What is your estimation of “change your life”
I want to live the rest of my life on Chainlink winnings as a 50-year-long "FUCK YOU" to society.
1 million
If I had enough to buy 1 million link that would already change my life
How about 100k?
Who do you think got rich off of Bitcoin and ETH?
Hint: It wasn't normies.
>IT can't take off because muh magic thinking with no credible causal explanation
You're mentally ill m8. Don't see a psychiatrist though, they'll rape your mind with drugs that won't really help but will fuck you up.
It was long time ago. Everything has changed since then.
Is 10k enough?
Not really, we're still ahead of the curve.
We're speculating on an emerging tech (blockchain, not bitcoin) that could change the world forever and normies have only heard of BTC and maybe a few others like Ripple and Tron. There's still a lot to gain and we're the only ones properly looking into it
Lazy neets have hundreds of linkies, neets that put in the effort will have (and have) hundreds of hundreds and they'll be fine even if LINK fails completely. Most neets on LINK threads are lazy neets that put more effort into trying to be part of a community than how to increase their stacks because they're actually failed normies and what they really crave is friendship. This is why memepastas are so popular, it's a way to hide insecurities about actually not understanding the investment and being unwilling to learn, they NEED it to work. People want to get reassured their chance will work right here right now, too paralyzed to try to find the best odds for themselves. The only thing they can do is try to follow into other people's footsteps, why there's so much talk about if this was shilled as much as ETH or Antshares. Lazy neets will never have enough LINK to make it and will always regret it.
Boom, guess i'm 1 of 5 lucky base-ment dwellers. Wohooo.
is 30k stinky linkies enough to move to some 3rd world country and fuck prostitutes for the rest of my life?
1 LINK = 1 lambo EOY
we're all gonna make it
wtf dude
link will be worth $14.88 by EOY.
just fyi
>majority or people are link marines
>no circulation cause of link marines
This why it willfail
capped. I hope you're right user, my yellow fever is off the charts atm
Think of it this way: this could be your first big break, and even if you don't "make it" this time, you can leverage that profit into other investments that multiply your money even more, and eventually you will just get sick of making so much fucking money that you retire to go travel the world, first class.
Shit, the fact that you are interested in investing at all gives you such a huge leg up on the masses of sportsball obsessed mouth breathers that it's not even funny.
I hate this paste.
ChainLink will make some of us rich. The vast majority will sell prematurely. Some will sell their LINK at $5, others at $10, $20... Many will say they'll HODL, see it reach an ATH of $80, only to sell when it falls below $50 out of fear, and then FOMO back in at $100. Very few will have the patience to wait until $7000 to sell.
You are a faggot.
>selling ever
>not staking your LINK for passive income
I have a little over 110k links. And will be getting more very soon. I'm thinking once I start staking my tokens i'll be able to accumulate around 200k Links or so within a year. And by then that 200k link will be worth around 2 yes, my life will be changed
>selling ever
pro-tip: if you hold around 10k and you stake it you will be making 500k per year for the rest of your life?
smart contracts have incredible application in almost all industries. oracles are a vital part to that and are currently the most undervalued part.
pro-tip 2: if you believe in the incredible value of -public blockchain smart contracts, consider what other flaws currently exist (hint: begins with 'p' and ends with 'y')
for those of you in the audience still playing, consider what other projects in the crypto space you could put money in to fix that problem.
Mentally ill is right, but I think it's just a little depression from life kicking OPs ass for too long. I've been there, and it's nothing a few psychedelic experiences in pristine wilderness and positive thinking exercises can't fix. Just stay away from psych meds like user said, those hijack your brain's reward system, which can really fuck you up in the long run.
You can be a winner.
You are smart.
Nothing can stop you.
You can do this, if not now with Chainlink, then the next opportunity that comes along, because you ARE good enough.
What are the returns expected to be like desu? I didn't even know passive income was a thing in crypto, I was under the impression this was a one-shot opportunity for a big nest egg and that's it.
spoon-feed me REEEEEEEEEEEE
Inb4 'hurrr pinkdate'
>hint: begins with 'p' and ends with 'y'
i'm a brainlet
their loss user
i really dont know why you guys even make these posts anymore
we know its going to be big
we hold our link
we are paitent and wait
we know this is a long hold
and we trade with other shitcoins
but the link stays
I have my link just sitting on my ledger
not on binance to be daytraded
We will make it user.
I believed the fud last year with ans
I still kick myself over that
Not this time
>what other flaws currently exist (hint: begins with 'p' and ends with 'y')
Is he suggesting ELA with their whole digital rights transferable thing? Fuck that chink coin if so
what? lol
we're talking fundamental issues relating to smart contracts - not some borderline useless shittoken on ethereum.
whether ethereum succeeds or not is not even necessarily relevant to this whole question.
that's an application (a very valuable one)
of smart contracts. however, its not relevant to whether smart contracts work and can be effectively adopted.
i don't know much about ELA but i'm pretty sure its garbage
Privacy it's ENG plz I'm 1k deep
It's a joke. Starts in p, ends in y.. Pussy.. Pinkdate is about,getting,laod. Nevermind.
I know you're talking about a project from MIT that uses SGX enclaves to do the p...y thing.
Who the fuck wants to travel the world with sand nigger Muslims already in half the world and migrating to every other non sand nigger country?
The only place that's safe is America. But we are almost finished tho. I feel like we are all that one chick in the movie the abyss where that chick has a little bit of air left and finally ed Harris has to swim with her back the ship and resuscitate her.
Fucking middle America is like half way to looking like Los Angeles. Too many colored people. It makes feel like I can't breathe anymore
What did you mean by this?
Well either way, you're going to need money. Lots of it, and especially assets too. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, so you need to insulate yourself with wealth in order to retain and/or gather up the power to make a difference.
Try to take a vacation first at some point though, to celebrate elevating yourself out of poorfag status. Personally I haven't had a proper vacation in 14 years. Australia sounds like it would be what you are looking for.
How can you make that much off staking??
I heard that the more the token costs, the less you make off staking
If the price of the token rises, then you would probably just receive less tokens. I imagine the price of using the oracles will depend on the number of oracles and the volume of requests.
link marines we need you here
We can be losers together my bizraelis
the fact the autists on this board will refuse to sell is exactly what potential investors want
Enig is never shilled around here even though it has a cooler name and logo
Stupid linkies, enjoy missing the moon right in front of your eyes
>never shilled
lmao, are you new here? No reason to shit on link, fag. ENG and LINK will both moon to unimaginable heights.
and like 2 more coins
drop them all for more eng and linky?
Or drop which ones
Browse Veeky Forums through the catalog. There are many eng shill posts everyday
im on this shit board every day
1 ENG thread / 50 Link threads is my point
The ratio is fucked up, Eng is solid.
I have 15k and I WILL WAIT for IT to x100.
At 60$/Link we made it.
>shit will be dumped soon
>shilling everywhere to buy more
>idiots actually buying
Fucking comedy
That's not how it works. If everyone has just 10,000 Link, and it hits just $100 and we mainly bought in now - we just made enough to live the Luxurious NEET lifestyle forever.
It's just basic math. The only uncertainty is whether Sergey can withstand the temptations of McDonalds (and his inevitable heart attack) for long enough to bring us to the promised land.
>Luxurious NEET lifestyle forever
>With $1m net worth
That's not how it works user.
>Long time
It's been like a year you brainlet. Everyone that FOMO'd into Eth then is rich now. Or fuck, I managed to barely catch XRP at 19c, grabbed $1k (which is all the cash I had) and sold at $3.10. You think there's no more opportunities like that left, you're doomed to wagecuck.
1 mil is plenty. It's not like we'd stop investing.
50% straight into nice ETFs and some div stocks. Bam, at an easy 10%pa that's 50k per year. That's my tendie supply taken care of forever.
$50k to live off. Another $50k for toys. $200k for a little flat over the ocean in Portugal. Remainder into whatever the big pumps are for next year - including holding some in Link.
If you think $1mil profit in one year isn't life changing you're a larping faggot.
When you'll have 1m usd, you can buy with it more stable cryptos like btc, eth, monero, neo, and make another 5-10x in next few years. That's already 5-10m usd, and you don't have to live in USA. You can live in a cheaper country.
how much in taxes?
>tfw sub 1k linkies
Yep. I hate all the faggots that think you need hundreds of mil. Fuck off, I hate country clubs, mansions, all those douchey scumbags in general. 1 mil (especially since it's not like I won't still he investing) is ABSOLUTELY fine.
If link makes it to where bitcoin is right now, you would just need about 100 link coins to be a millionaire
Can we get a conversation going on the steps the CL team and affiliated projects are doing to ensure privacy in smart contracts? Intel's "enclaves," which hide the details of the smart contract from everyone except the coutnerparties, provide an imperfect solution for privacy, right?
I think there should be a complimentary solution like enigma, I am not sure about Intel enclaves.
Not a burger. And Portgual doesn't do crypto captial gains. I'm not cashing out til I get there, and unlike burgerland most countries don't make you pay taxes outside their borders.
One can dream user....I don't know that it will, but that'd be something. No, $100 each is realistic and achievable, and most people can afford to get enough to make it at that price. So that's my goal price.
Get some land in a majority white area and be ready to carve up the demographics when SHTF, all you can really hope to do at this point
What does "stake it" mean?
Your country is a nigger infested shithole.
Have you actually BEEN to any other countries? Or are you just believing the blackpills your ZOG is feeding you to keep you there?
Take Finland. Best chance of a white Ethnostate anywhere. They HATE kebabs with a passion. Their Socialism has a distinctly National flavor. Niggers and kebabs can't handle the cold - it made me feel fantastic.
Then go back to the US and tell me how safe you feel. I've seen it, and I have no hope of any future for White men in the US.
Same here, just find a simple job in Portugal for 1 year, cash out and then go back to my homecountry
Good plan. I'll be staying, but basically that's the idea. Lot of startups there now - I can go get a coding job to survive and just wait it out at this point.
I always wondered if i make my own token and then sell it for like $.1 and make say $300k i can basically just grab the money and run because tokens aren't considered money so it's legal, why isn't sergey doing it?
Don't worry i made sure all stinky linky holders are going to make it.
I prayed for link to go up this morning and god will surely provide for us.
>he doesn't remember the Republican primary
>he doesn't know we've faced far greater odds
You would probably have a "heart attack", or "shoot yourself twice in the back of the head" if you did that and didn't run and hide fast enough. Fucking with people's money is dangerous, and not just for legal reasons.
Plus Sergey was already pretty rich before Chainlink, I think I heard someone mention that he went heavily into Etherium when it was super cheap. Then there are also Satoshi's bitcoins, since there is the small but definitely real possibility that Sergey IS Satoshi. Satorgey could have secretky mined a ton of coins on any random computer and kept them in any random wallet since day one, and not touched his public wallets in order to make people think he was dead. If this is the case, then smart contracts could have been the plan all along, with bitcoin just being a proof of concept to begin establishing the decentralized network all over the world at no cost to him.
This is all secret though, so don't tell anyone :^)
I want to believe my 25k link stack will be life changing but seems to good to be true. Link being $10 would be unbelievable
This bro.
LINK is a guaranteed moon. Once youget a sufficient moon move profits into another new undervalued project.
Two super moons should have anyone feeling comfy
t. billy bob
Most of those people will sell in the $2-$5 range.
Serious question.
What if i have a stack, but just want to see how things pan out with Linkpool/19000 nodes before i decide to spend a year tweaking MY own node?
Its up a whopping 5 cents....
/pol/ didn't get Trump elected though, that's delusional.
Come on, you don't think they could have helped just a little bit? The election was pretty close.
my body is ready
Oh OP... you're gonna feel so stupid when all us Veeky Forums retards get rich as fuck off investing in chainlink.
There's dozens of communities centered around particular cryptos on biz. chainlink is the most persistent one on the basis of it's merits.
You may be on to something here.
>tfw lazy NEET with 30k LINK