that became millionaries because of Veeky Forums endless shilling in 2016?
Any ETH millionaires here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably none because they are all weak handed cucks who sold too early
New Frontend live today - let the shilling begin
>What is this?
- Hold your ETH in a smart contract that earns you ETH for having strong hands. The longer you hold, the more you earn
- Buys and Sells on the smart exchange earn PoWH3D token holders 10% in dividends of the bought/sold tokens in ETH
- Holders of 5 tokens will be granted a Masternode link. Everyone that clicks your link and buys into the smart contract will earn you 3% of the ETH put into the contract. You are actually getting paid by the smart contract for shilling!
In all seriousness this is probably going to be the biggest gainer biz gets on for 2018.
> 170K market cap
Everything seems well made from a development standpoint.
Lead dev didn't want this to be shilled until right fucking now, this is why the contract has been stagnant/decreasing for the last few days. Those weak hands left some juicy dividends behind though, so I ain't even mad... the HODL meme is finally a good idea.
>PoWH3D is the first multi-use ERC20 token that self-governs trading pair prices in the fairest way possible due to automatic price adjustments. This makes price manipulation due to sell and buy walls virtually impossible. In addition to this disruptive pricing model (normies love the word disruptive), there is permanent incentive to hold P3D due to it's dividends model. Dividends come from a flat tax that is deducted from every transaction in the blockchain, which makes holding P3D very lucrative no matter how many tokens you hold. The community is creating various dapps that incorporate P3D as their main source of data and exchange, and the developers themselves are continuously improving the infrastructure. Multi-platform wallets are being considered by the developer team.
we all moved to the secret biz board for rich people
please give link
Eth was FUDded a lot more than it was shilled. You're probably hoping Link is the next ethereum, but it obviously is not. It honestly is a shame to even compare.
>shill an erc20 token
>BTC was FUDded a lot more than it was shilled. You're probably hoping ETH is the next BTC, but it obviously is not. It honestly is a shame to even compare.
>when autistics dream too big
kys yourself
disgusting nolinker
This people first started to put in 10k when it was at 10$.
The user who got me into ETH was an r9k poster who said he made $600,000. This was back when ETH was like $60. I hope he held and wonder where his life is at now.
You mean the OG 2015 shilling..
I bought quite a lot for todays standards, but not millionaire levels, sadly.
Lost some along the way too, we all gotta learn.
The next wave up to about 2400-4500usd should have me set for life though. I'm exptecting this wave to start somewhere in Q3 as scaling -which will happen in Q1 2019- hype will start to ramp up.
i have a top 250 address, but not thanks to biz's shilling, thats a terrible metric for success, seeing as how many things shilled ended up going nowhere
Thankfully I wasn't on Veeky Forums when I bought in august 2015. Seeing it shilled here would have made me think twice. Not a millionaire though, I didn't buy enough.
>had 500 eth
>go to sell when it reachs $1000
>2 weeks earlier it had been stolen
i cried bros
I earned $1Mil with Eth. Came to biz early 2017 for the first time and the first thread i saw was about eth. Also the first crypto i bought lol
>forgets to mention the devs have already sold their coins
Get this pajeet shit out of here
damn that sucks. how was it stolen?
Sold at $30