What the fuck is with all the 20-somethings I know, like friends and whatnot, all being fucking picky, fussy eaters? Like grow the fuck up already and try something new you sheltered fucks. I am incredibly triggered, I can't even go out to eat anywhere cool with anyone I know because they "don't like" anything even though theres no way they've tried shit. And they all eat frozen pre-made garbage and fast food while talking about how fat and unhealthy everyone is I can't deal with it anymore
What the fuck is with all the 20-somethings I know, like friends and whatnot, all being fucking picky, fussy eaters...
Right on!
You've come to the right place. Certainly you'all find affirmation for your petty existence here! :y
Overly permissive parents who were afraid to send their kids to bed hungry or make them finish their food. Also laziness in the cooking department.
bah, just because I am momentarily butt-flustered doesn't mean it defines my existence
Being picky about food is the most degenerate act a person can do.
>this isn't good enough for me
>this won't satisfy me
>picks through food like a fucking child removing onions and peppers
>throws away frozen pizza because he bought Canadian bacon instead of pepperoni
fucking kys
But it really feels to me like a character defect, as I had these exact same types of parents and grew up a picky eater, but one day I was like, well what if I tried veggies on a burger for once? And the world didn't end and it just developed from there. Now I want to eat everything. Can't blame the parents forever
>kid, you better do what I say and eat that food so you can grow up to do what other people say
Yeah better not teach people to just do what they fucking want in life. Notice how the "fussy eaters" OP described aren't even complaining. They just don't like things, eat what they want, and notice that others are fat. Yet, OP here needs comfort for being triggered.
Millenials are the generation of entitled spoiled brats.
Huh? It's the onions and peppers making us fat now? Wew lad.
>picky eaters always try to justify their deplorable behavior
Silly OP, Veeky Forums is picky eater-central.
What do you mean by picky eaters? Not eating 10 types of common fruit/veggies or refusing to try balut, fried pork assholes and similar weird subhuman food?
People who won't eat mushrooms, tomatoes, any seafood, etc
The worst are faggots that say they will not eat X under any circumstance because they don't like it.
Then you cook X and have them eat it. They rave about how good it is, and as soon as you tell them it's the food they hate... they flip the fuck out not touching the rest.
Should be shot in the street for that shit.
As a picky eater until I was like 19 I will argue that American cooking for most people has been a frankly embarrassing mess.
I remember the typical salad being that crappy Ranch Dressing, Croutons, and Big Fat chunks of tomato. To this day I refuse to eat a typical diner salad, I just think they fucking suck.
In my household the vegetable dish sides were more or less like vitamins and the already delicious stuff was put in excess with totally unnecessary and to my knowledge now subpar additions. I still remember eating Well Done steak with A1 Sauce, sad.
I only learned how to cook decently thanks to Gordon Ramsey and Good Eats. I've learned to have a healthy diet instead of eating crap.
>cooking breakfast
>got onions sizzling in butter
>smells dank
>roommate who will not eat onions under any circumstances, "that smells so good"
>every fucking time
>It smells good, tastes good, looks good, you should try it
>Nah, I don't like onions
Except they are complaining, that's the whole point. And it's frustrating when it's shit like onions or all leafy greens, like come on.
Lack of peer pressure to conform.
I was a picky eater at home, but once I had to go out with peer groups I grew up because I wanted to fit in.
In today's world where the entire concept of normalcy is being eliminated and one is supposed to not judge any one except for white males, the peer pressure is losing it's power and society is losing cohesion.
>thought I hated meat
>move out of dad's house
>turns out he just cooked everything into shoeleather
>thought I hated veg
>move out
>turns out he just cooked everything to mush
Blame our parents, not us. Now I walk into anywhere and can eat anything, though I still have preferences. But most people here can't cook worth a shit and are too poor to eat out anywhere but mcshit or taco balls.
For example, I always found peas kinda gross, but I definitely don't mind pot pie.
white males and short men are the only ones judged in the world today
Get better friends.
more than half my friends are fat and can cook so I'm not sure what you mean