>cut sandwich diagonally
>it tastes better
you can't explain this
>cut sandwich diagonally
>it tastes better
you can't explain this
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It can't be explained because there is nothing to explain. The taste is the same regardless of how it is cut.
when you eat a diagonally cut sandwich you're probably doing your first bite on one of the corners right? Well when you do this you have an air pathway on each side of your bite, which allows for greater aeration when you chew, causing your taste buds to be more receptive. When you eat a sandwich from a flat side you have no air pathways, muddying the flavor. This is a similar concept to pouring wine into a decanter. More air exposure, more flavor.
That first corner is so delicious
Also reddit
Fuck you nigga that post was informative af
Also a joke you retarded faggot
No. I bite it in the middle like a normal human being.
It does taste better.
It's a subconscious thing, as that's how a sandwich is served if you're eating out.
Diagonal cuts are overrated. I don't cut them down the middle either. Honestly if it's a sandwich I just keep it whole, if it's a burger I either keep it whole or eat the patty and bottom bun without the top using a knife and fork.
I keep trying to cut my hamburgers diagonally but they always come out horizontal. Can anyone help me out with this?
Your first bite is in the middle where all the meat and stuff and you can throw away the crust once you run out of meat and stuff. As opposed to having to grind through a bunch of bread to get to the Good parts
>throwing away the crust
4 year old detected
square buns
maybe this?
Try conic sections
quarter the burger my man
Placebo effect.
I don't personally. I was just trying to imagine a way to explain the unexplainable.
Because you dont have to worry about the ingredients falling over and its easier to eat.
So its easier to enjoy.
Funny thing is, if you cut those two parts, so you have 4 little triangles, its taste 4 times better. Not a Placedo Domingos effect, no.
>cut sandwich in half
>you now have 2 sandwiches
mind = blown
why would you cut a sandwich unless it was for a small child?
>you can't explain this
People who cut sandwiches diagonally are generally better cooks, and therefor make a better sandwich. A person who isn't an experienced cook would not think to do this.
then you get it around your mouth
eating from the corner is alot more logical, and less messy, as well as the angle of entry is a lot easier when entering your mouth
A sandwich that is cut in half tastes better than a whole sandwich because it is smaller. We naturally appreciate food more when we are presented a smaller amount of it, the same way that a dying man is able to enjoy his every remaining day to its fullest - unlike the rest of us who have not been made aware of our own mortality. Similarly, when we are presented with a large sandwich, we do not savor each bite because we know that there is still so much sandwich left.
This effect works even when we are in fact eating a whole sandwich, just in two pieces. Just the fact that you're not holding the other half is enough to trick your brain into appreciating the sandwich more. However, this does not explain why specifically a diagonal cut is the superior way of cutting a sandwich. While just cutting a sandwich laterally still produces a more satisfying sandwich experience than eating a sandwich whole, to most it is obvious that laterally cut sandwich halves are inferior to diagonally cut ones.
I propose that the superiority of the diagonal cut over all other ways of cutting a sandwich in half is due to two reasons:
1. It exposes a larger portion of the filling to the sight. A sandwich which has some of the filling overflowing from the sides looks more appetizing than a sandwich which completely encapsulates the filling, and the appearance of food strongly affects the taste. A diagonally cut sandwich has about 41% more of the added visible filling than a lateral cut.
2. The first bite is likely to be larger, as most people begin eating the sandwich half from one of the two 45 degree angles. It is easier to fill ones whole mouth with this pointy angle than it is when taking a bite from the side of a sandwich. On a typical laterally cut sandwich, the shorter side is still too wide to fit entirely in the mouth comfortably. Thus the diagonally cut half gives a better first impression, which will subconsciously affect the perceived quality of every successive bite.
I like this, as it also explains how quarter-cut sandwiches are even more delicious
>not cutting it on the jaunty
Well this seems possible.
Try eating a slice of apple, and then a slice of onion with your nose pinched - you wont be able to tell the difference by texture and crispness.
The nose allows for a more complex taste then one would imagine, so anons explanation is probable.
It makes it look better, which in turn causes you to perceive it as tasting better. Same theory as plating and garnishes.
>sip a drink instead of chugging it
>it tastes better
Fucking magnets, man
but how does that work?
you're getting less...
it should equal less taste, right?
That's a shit analogy, a better one would be pouring a drink into two separate glasses.
It increases the visual appeal of the sandwich and allows you to bite directly into the bulk of the ingredients from the start now go fuck yourself.
only if you're a autist will it seem "different"
The only sandwich that needs to be cut its a sub. Otherwise there's literally no point.
Cut them twice, in an X.
Someone explained it to me this way before. He said "it's not that it tastes better, just that you enjoy it more." Blew my mind a lil bit
It's something to do with the amount of food you get in the bite or something equally as retarded.
when you cut diagonally you get more crust with each bite
It looks nice, but feels like I'm eating less