Look at that cutie he's got his arm around.
ADA Charles is a fucking Chad. Who knew?
ADA Charles is a fucking Jew, Who knew?
Fatfuck friendzoned. Nothing new to see here boys
Why is it that all psychopaths have yellow fever?
He wears a gold ring. Fucking based!
Her body language screams "Stay away from my vagina, loser! I'm not comfortable with this, someone help me!"
he has a pained facial expression.
just bought 100k
he had to get a gook
>fat white beta with an average looking chink
Where have I seen this before?
She is a borderline 5/10
It's a masonic ring. By the way, he's making a masonic gesture.
Yeah fuckin right. She’s tryina get some cash. She’s been getting reemed tf out by trevon
And if you noticed faggot he’s wearing a wedding band and she isn’t.
Friend. Zone.
Shouldn't the fish head gook chick be the one holding up the peace sign and not charles?
That's what gooks do when their pics are being taken
He’s even claiming that boipussy.
Alpha as fuck.
My bad. He's fucking a Chad, not a fucking Chad.
Nice, gonna buy some more ADA now
This was so risky
Just imagine the noise if he dropped the mic and had to stumble over to pick it up... a real risk taker
In any other country than America he’d be required to wear pic related
Why are Asian women so beautiful. My only goal in life is to be rich and have an Asian wife.
Fucking Hitler tier speech confidence
He put everything on the line...
If he dropped the mic the speech would have been terrible
in case you autists can't see it, she's putting her hand on her arm, a sign of discomfort, and forming a natural barrier
she's looking away meaning she wants to be elsewhere
she's leaning away as much as she can and her smile is not genuine, no deep crease marks
everything screams "i don't want this creep to be touching me"
sell ADA and never look back
more like such an omega manlet he is probably unironically OP
>*Approaches you in the club*
>*Smacks your boifriend's ass*
>*Forks your coin*
Wat do
Stop overanalyzing user
are you mystery from mtv?
stop groping unwilling women charles
doesn't matter
he looks genuine and doesn't care how the bitch feels
true Chad
Kek enjoy your gook women.
>>*Smacks your enbie's ass*
watch how a girl reacts to a real chad.
she leans in close without being manchildhandled
enjoy your nigger hand you little bitch lmao
Because white women make white men into psychopaths, user.
Kill this thing already.
Is my men!!
Nice already sold 100k though due to pic related.
holy fucking alpha. saved
Post your girl, I'm sure you rockstars are dating 9/10 blonde supermodels
He does that with pocket knifes all the time, terrorizes the entire neighborhood
a real risk taker. just bought a million thx
Just bought 100k
What is the crypto equivalent of the fox maid from hightail hall?
aren't non-binaries basically a recreation of the institution of the catholic priest and monkhood?
lmfao yeah and it looks like she wants to run away
Buying Cardano was the worst decision of my life @CharlesHoskinson
these guys are taking the piss with peoples hard earned - for them to fuck about like this and with the non binary as well wtf man
Doesn't he have parkinsons or something?
>Asian woman
That's not how it works bud. If you're a white dude with an Asian girlfriend you're definitely a beta with low testosterone.
Shes cute but the way her arm is positioned it tells me she is uncomfortable
Nice internet standards, I bet your girl looks SHIT compared to her
lmao faggots take the term "transhumanism" and bend it to fit their illness. Im pouring up a pint of that bleach, this illusion is too much
And the girl would be a 4/10
Why does Veeky Forums love asian girls so much? Is it a sign of being patrician and ascending generic normie tastes?
Its because Veeky Forums is half full of fucking soy boys.
that poll is actually from /pol/
it's a board wide epidemic
Kek those eyes looking for escape routes
Holy what a babe wtf. Is that his girl?
>why do people love beautiful women
He obviously practiced this beforehand, which is a lot more than you can say about his speech. He likes to gloat about how he didn't prepare anything to talk about, then rambles for an hour about pointless shit ignoring the fact that the project is years behind and buggy as fuck.
ya her body language says otherwise. She's protecting her pussy from the soyboy and looks tense.
wow, was he really this fat?
absolute STATE of WMAF
Holy fuck!!! brb buying more ADA and ETC
The latter is easy if you’re white pal
Go Taiwanese