This looks like good publicity for our favorite vaporware
EOS on John Oliver
Other urls found in this thread:
>good publicity
did you watch it?
I was being sarcastic, this is terrible kek
What, DOGE is pronounced doezh? I've been reading it doggie-coin.
Mfw when a good friend invested heavily in EOS, I'm in doubt if I send him this YouTube link just to get on his nerves
Did you?
I was actually enjoying it until people openly talking about how impactful blockchains can be gave me mild FOMO anxiety
21:56 is where my favorite EOS line starts.
>I could be wrong [about EOS being shit], I'm absolutely not but I could be wrong
My thoughts exactly
Are you new to the internet user? Jfc
is that guy form collage humour a big crypto fag ?
Oliver is actually really funny. And he is often spot on and at his best doing consumer reportingesque comedy. He is a screeching harpie when he discussing politics or politicians though
When the shibu meme started I am pretty sure it was a miss spelling of doggy but then everyone kept saying doje like the palace in venus. Mind you I also thought Meme was MEE MEE until like 2009.
he is right for once
Lol. EOS eternally BTFO.
EOS is a shitcoin. Official now.
Any publicity is good publicity. I think EOS paid for this.
Notice that he didn't even say 'ethereum'. As far as average Oliver-watching soyboy is concerned only bitcoin, eos and a few random shitcoins exist.
you're a bag holder, shut the fuck up. EOS IS SHIT
lol eos is dumping.
I don't own any eos
He didn't say chainlink is shit. #HODLGANG
Support freedom. Buy EOS.
no its not. At least not yet
This is fantastic, where can I short this crap?
The average Oliver-watching soyboy is already into crypto
>trusting le current year meme man.
>not realising that this them panicking beyhind the curtains
>not going all in EOS now more than ever
>staying a poorfag when the biggest moon mission since ETH is going off in June.
well this is Veeky Forums after all.
It's fine by me, so I can accumulate more, 800 EOS isn't enough yet.
eos dumping.
nice try bag holder. sorry for ur loss.
given that this is headed by a guy thats been dragging his 5 year old bandaid codebase around and abandoning each project he launches a year or two after, and promoted by a child actor turned gay pedophile, i dont see how this ever has the potential to be anything other than yet another speculative shitcoin, good for a few months of pump and dump, and then abandoned for the next hot alt.
Apparently I can make a bitfinex account and do margin trading, which effectively lets me short EOS. Is that correct?
When was this episode released? There is no way his show is gonna have any major effect on a coin that already finished crashing. His show is restricted to hbo
its on youtube internationally. its semi popular here in scandinavia atleast when its non-american topics (except trump).
LWT airs on sunday night.
There is still time
He's just made hundreds of thousands of normies not even consider investing in EOS.
Fucking BTFO
Any publicity is good publicity. They didn’t even know it existed before and now they do, that’s all that matters
When June Moon comes they will be like oh shit I remember hearing about that on John Oliver months ago, why didn’t I buy them?
Million of house-wifes saw Brock Pierce caring about the colors on his wedding. That alone will make 10x this week.
not bagholding, but almost wanna buy eos if john oliver says its not worth a $1bn mcap
John Oliver obviously has ADA bags. This is revenge for EOS fudding cardano with that transsexual
John Oliver didnt bother to fucking mention Steemit. EOS is basically a more robust Steemit and you are a fucking moron who hates money if you don't at least have a steemit account.
HOW could this dumbass talk about EOS without mentioning other projects by Dan in general? Also isnt it a bit strange he used the guys name, Dan in his example? Does he know who Dan Larimer is?
>Also isnt it a bit strange he used the guys name, Dan in his example? Does he know who Dan Larimer is?
His dad's in the entertainment industry
Wait what? I dont understand your point.
>they're starting to realize the potential of EOS
Call John Oliver. Load the "Brock Pierce is a gay pedophile" FUD.
shhh ... some of us want to accumulate after release
do you really think people who watch john oliver were gonna invest even a sizeable amount in EOS anyways? most of them won't even buy a single crypto let alone EOS
oddly enough its probably the best one to invest in ...
Just sold my stack.
It's because EOS is literally the child sex trafficking coin.
No wonder this pedo comedian like EOS. Hollywood eats this shit up.
EOS is the most overvalued and overhyped project out there. Why would I buy in at this price?
> overvalued
The price of Ethereum is priced in with the ICOs. If EOS becomes the better/easier ICOs ecosystem, as it seems, and with more airdrops, then it will increase in marketcap, not decrease. How is that overvalued?
Its the only fucking project with promise at the moment. Its the only one that has a working example like steemit as well. You might have Neo with Narrative in the works or maybe some shitty games on ETH.
But right now, as it stands. Steemit is the only crypto with an actual use case that holds up to what crypto can provide. EOS is the super version of that.
John Oliver is a massive piece of shit.
He's horribly wrong about 90% of topics.
He has the most punchable face in existence.
He's done a lot of harm in brainwashing people to support authoritarianism and corporatism.
Just fucking die.
>Oliver is actually really funny. And he is often spot on and at his best doing consumer reportingesque comedy.
Imagine actually being this much of a brainwashed corporate/statist bootlicker.
Fuck kike Oliver.
>its semi popular here in scandinavia
This guy is absolutely horrible.
This reminds me or the time John Oliver mocked trump for wanting to run for president, back in like 2012. The bit was literally misinformed fud. Bullish as fuck.
John Oliver is wrong about everything.
Just like Paul Krugman.
>The bit was literally misinformed fud. Bullish as fuck.
Yeah, had he picked another coin then maybe it would have been fine. Like Nintendo Coin or something. He picked EOS where all it needs to do is be a slightly more advanced version of an existing project that currently functions as intended and the damn thing would actually changes the world in a major way.
You faggot actually watch John 'current year' Oliver? No wonder this place has been falling to shit.
the funny thing is, everyone talking about eos is talking about it as if it's some brand new ideia, a revolution in blockchains. all it is is ethereum with a less redundant, more centralized network, and a much higher throughput on its base layer.
if ethereum didn't exist i could understand the hype, but really all eos is bringing to the table is a different set of tradeoffs.
Krugman is a stuttering buffoon. In some videos you can tell he's aware of it too.
>if ethereum didn't exist i could understand the hype, but really all eos is bringing to the table is a different set of tradeoffs.
Its also an ecosystem as part of the package. For example the ability to upvote people on Steemit is something that is unique to the platform. Being able to make new platforms with that kind of functionality would be amazing.
>instant transactions
>parallel dapp processing
>no retarded gas / fees so that people can use dapps as if they were normal web apps and won't require a balance in their wallet
>can literally build things like steem, nano, and ethereum itself on it
>21 delegated nodes is much more decentralized than 3 self appointed mining pools
Eos is the future
I actually interpreted it as a subconscious affirmation of chainlink. The part at the end where they parody Google's original investors acting like carlos and bitconnect is making the point that Google did not look like a euphoric party at the beginning (it was just two nerds). I immediately thought about my linkies and felt comfortable that Chainlink has given off none of those type of euphoric vibes, rather gets criticized for being a small team and not doing hype marketing.
plus a pedo who had a rainbow unicorn marriage at burning man
the last bit is invaluable for normies. Good it was made and shown in mainstream tv
>Buying Cryptocurrency
based trips. kys Oliverfag
Fuck johnny, I only buy shitcoins.
>timestamp 18m50s
>video is only 4m56s long
What's happening here?
stay mad
Current Year Man is here to change america
The show is 34 minutes and the whole thing is on youtube, retard
>we'll just have 21 trusted nodes running the network XD lol we solved scaling haha
I was on the fence about buying eos but this has convinced me
Oliver is a dense twat
I fucking love to see normies getting hung over vapor coins like Tron and EOS. While I'm here sitting on the real gold mine. Fucking love to dump on normies.
What gold mine? This ought to be good.
>What gold mine?
Guess how I know you won't make it?
In hindsight crypto is stupid.
lol EOS is shite
B.. b.. but the pedos and "Hey" memes...
>Sasha Grey with short hair.
>O vids with that cut.
Worse crime that every cryptoscam, desu.
I bought tron before normies. Fuck off im gonna be rich
I can't wait to dump my life's savings into this shitcoin!
>for once
John Oliver has better things to do that focus his attention on a very restricted topic that is mostly scamcoins.
I am. I got into crypto in mid 2017 and got out by December.
>t. university conman pussygrabber tweeter in chief supporter
I forgot this existed
The stench of /pol/tards is strong in you.
Yeah John Oliver is a political and technological authority. If you don't like John Oliver you probably voted for dronhald prumbpt and you probably hate black people hahahha!! Eos is a scam lol Dan larimir more like Dan drumpfamir
Stop Shipposting
I always thought it was dogue
>Current Year Man is here to change america
and turn it into a shithole like china?
Yeah no.
He deserves to fucking HANG.
Are you actually defending John Oliver?
Do you hate freedom and love corporations and statism?
kill yourself
die you corporatist cuck
Do people here honestly think that this was bad for EOS?
Yes, he makes fun of the goofy spokesman, but this is huge exposure to crypto interested people who have no association of knowlege of other coins.