
Its happening tonight.
Strap in boys!

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Other urls found in this thread:

You could be right today.

Let's add "I haven't seen this addition before" and go full 5D pasta.^
Unironically emailing the complete séquence to myself so that I can post it in every LINK thread I can find even if I am at work, on the commute or at home, taking a shit.
Let's go deeper and make all these fucking newfags and redditors think that LINK threads are made by bots so that they will sell right into our hands.

Also, new office is kino

Went all in at 4700 SATs. I have about 1500 link. Am I gonna make it?

Do the math user. 1500×1000eoy=1,500,000USD. Will you have made it off one and a half million dollars? Only you can say.

Does this go after the insanity bit?

Dont underestimate the power of rational thinking. LINK will easily hit 1000$.
I talked to several mathematicians in the United States and Russia and they all assured me that this will at least 1000x

>he thinks it's the same two people posting each time
That's cute.

You're all MANIAC'S

What is happening tonight

Nobody expects the price singularity

1. Is the 1000 prophecy
2. You are a maniac
3. Dude so are you
4. He thinks it's the same two people
5. I haven't seen this addition before

Is that right marines?

where to buy it then?

It starts to split after 4
5.a is the one with the addition
5.b is replying to pasta, you have to go back
6.b is how deep does this meme go?

It's not going to be $1000 eoy, maybe $25-$50, $100 would be awesome. Just hold user

>responding to pasta unironically

Attached: Fuckyoubiz.png (931x523, 35K)

Where is 6a

Even writing this as a joke should give you cancer.
Only funny thing was Raj
It ends with 5a. I think
...for now

That's pretty gay user



Whats happening today?

Take your profits now unless you want to become a bagholder like everyone here.
Don't be greedy, this shit isn't going anywhere.

So is this like predicting the second coming of Jesus?

Yes. We all get saved - so yes. The time os nigh!!

oh my

The same thing that happens every night

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What mean kino bizbro?

fuck off pajeet

Is this a sticked post?

Ready and willing Marine

Attached: M60 GAINZ!.jpg (600x338, 160K)

Iron hands.

Attached: 1515262295209.png (790x436, 258K)