What car are you looking to get with your crypto gains, user? Pic related is what I'm going for as my travel ride...

What car are you looking to get with your crypto gains, user? Pic related is what I'm going for as my travel ride, Land Rover Discovery '98

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Vroooom vrooooooommm!! I’m big boy, my car go vroooom I’m a race car dwiver

Judging from your typing it seems like you're too young for this board my friend

Prepare to be MOGGED

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Is this not an adults circle jerking over vehicles like theyre 8 year olds thread..?

I'm sorry, you can't post in this thread unless you have a penis, bitch.

I'll probably get a Jeep Wrangler

The world doesn't work without vehicles, user. They're also a gateway into a multitude of rewarding experiences. I guess your problem is that you're too poor to even consider this, your mind shrouded by envy.

A volvo

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good old benz

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We have those all around here where I live. We call them gypsy rides since every goddamn romanian has one.

OPs idea nearest any of us will get to a disco

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Been wanting these in my garage for so fucking long

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I already have the car I want. I'm going to pay off my house.

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found the gypsy

A 1957 Gaz Wolga M21 of the first series

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This one

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>buying a car with gains
I couldn’t do it desu. I only reinvest, it would feel like a waste.

What are you gonna do when you have all the money in the world, user?

The patricians choice

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money pit
they are genuinely good cars. good collector's item. All are, pre- chrysler merge

Waste of money. Constant maintenance

Set up invesments that pay me a monthly coupon, quarterly dividend, and still have room for growth so I can live comfortably and be financially secure.
Only with interest/dividends would I consider buying a car. And even then it would be 50% of the dividends because the rest is reinvested so I can make more next year.

I find the fantasy slightly embarrassing but still harbor it.

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What's the fuel consumption like?

22 gallons per mile

You gonna need a chauffer with a car like that else its worthless

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Yeah nah the guy you're replying to is right

vrrroooom I go fast in my big boy car, are you jelly of my big boy car for fast men who get speedy on the road?????

would buying properties than leasing them be a good idea, easy money for doing nothing.

>easy money
only if you get a competent property management company thatll do everything for you

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A good property management company takes a big chunk of the gross rent, but the numbers still work out pretty well. Assuming that you don't have the bottom drop out of the real estate market it's a good investment.

I'm looking at luxury rental properties in Hawaii for that purpose.

at how many properties should you look at a management company?

I only own a single rental unit but rented it out myself for 3-4 years before handing it to a property management company. Theyve had it for 6 years and its worked out well. I did not enjoy renting it out myself but it was good experience. Im putting most of my money into crypto + a business and I just dont want to buy anymore property, my area has a high property tax for non-owner occupied.

If you live in a tourist area maybe consider getting a nice unit somewhere, running it on airbnb, and finding a service that will clean/manage it for you.

Nice, I'm getting this one

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I own a home one block from campus in a university town. I haven't rented it out because I live out of state and have heard horror stories about tenants.

Hummer h1

Buy the Land Rover, drive the Acura, burn the Mitsubushi.

Ammirite, OP?

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While I understand the urge, the MOG will get me anywhere without roads, while this looks more likely to get bogged down because of it's ridiculous weight.

If you live in South Africa and have a group of mercs for self defence, this is a valid choice tho

How much profit are you making with using a property management company?

my 2015 toyota corolla that is going to be paid off next year. I'm keeping that thing for a long time

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Pic related regardless of how much moeny I have
this is a redpill car, absolute masterrace

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i have a bike i paid $50 for and am not interested in opening any depreciating assets

or growing a fat ass

Someones gonna squat in your house dude. And then you can't kick them out for a while.

You probably pay rent instead of living in a car like a man