Want some of my polish dinner, Veeky Forums?
Want some of my polish dinner, Veeky Forums?
I love those cabbage wraps but polish food is so fucking bland. I live next to a polish restaurant and across from a polish deli and it's like they never even heard of spice
I want my own full sized portion because it looks damn tasty and I am hungry
The kielbasa and kraut look tasty. I like more browning on my potatoes, though. What's the specific name of your kielbasa, if you're actually polish?
Jesus Christ, Pawel. This isn't 1940 anymore. The Nazis and Russkies don't occupy you.
Time to get some decent fucking food. Will you do that for me, I mean it's for you own sake.
It's like watching the Britbongs still eating their trash World War mashed potatoes n shit, because that's literally the only thing people could get back then, but they still haven't moved on after 70 years.
Hello, someone that knows nothing of Polish or British food.
I know enoug that your food is bland trash like in OP's pic.
I see pork products. Those are never bland.
I see you pop up on every thread I visit.
Is this the work of one madman, or are there several of you
Do you live in Pennsylvania, OP?
Now I want some bigos. Thanks OP.
we still have margarine in murrica and wont let go of it either. whats your point?
Have you ever even considered looking up recipes for Polish sausage? I mean stuffing them from scratch? There's an incredibly wide variety. Suggest meatsandsausages.com. Look under recipes>sausage.
Why would I ever want to do that?
I'm Polish and I fucking hate my people's food. Just salt and paper anything and everything and that's it. Pork loin? Nope, no seasoning, just fucking nothing. Fucking disgusting.
>why would you do that?
Unique and interesting flavors and the satisfaction derived from creating your own food from scratch, I guess.
That's quite difficult for me, as an amerifat, to believe. Kabonasy, the Polish meat stick, is arguably one of the best sausages in the world. I've made a good deal of them using venison, pork or beef.
I really don't believe you're Polish.
Those aren't as good as kielbasa, I am only proud of the kielbasa. Yes I am Polish, you may think what you will, I just think majority of my people's food is bland as fuck. Main reason I think is bland is because Polish are naturally poor, so we just eat as is.
Polish/Irish mix. "Peasant food" is best food. When we were younger, we would always go to my Grandparent's for weekend dinners. Typical fare was kapusta, cabbage rolls, baked chicken or pork, fried potatoes, sausages, and fresh bread and butter from the local bakery. Good times.
The reason I know you're not Polish is because "kielbasa" simply means sausage. All the varied sausages in Poland are called by different names, not just kielbasa. Also, no Pole would denigrate the Kabonasy meat stick. That's a fucking national treasure.
What country's people have decided to ridicule Poland, hmm?
We're good at kielbasa, deli meats, booze, soup, and maybe a few desserts. But most Polish food is pmuch just shit to fill you up and give you savory overload.
Polish immigrants all over the world. Or at least in the English-speaking areas. I live in a Polish hotbed and kielbasa is commonly used to describe a particular kind of sausage when speaking English.
So the same as Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, German, Ukrainian, etc.
Yeah it's like food is regional or something
Try global.
he's just a retarded american that considers himself polish. he's likely never even been in poland.
>Dare say existential
Looks like an excellent meal to have before having a beer and sitting back in the recliner.
grass and water
Absolutely. That looks delicious.
Thanks, that's chiken&stake seazoned with garlic, perejil, tomillo and oregano; with tomatoe, onion and serrano&habanero chilli... :) cheers
>boiled potatoes
Is this the 19th century?
Sometimes it's good to taste the actual food, not just spices.
just don't reply to that capslock faggot. report every post you see
Poland objectively has the scariest movie posters and artwork so no thanks OP.
Don't you slavs eat fish on christmas day or something awful?
yes, fish on christmas eve, duck/goose or whatever and meat on the 25th and 26th. at least for poles