My conversation with my dad 10 minutes ago

My conversation with my dad 10 minutes ago

>user we spoke to your grandparents and they said they want you to come to Guangzhou (a city in China) to live with them so they can fix your bitcoin gambling addiction, what do you think?
>I'm not sure, I'll think about it
>well it doesn't seem like you're getting better, you really need to stop throwing your money into shitcoins. You can go with your grandparents to get a job at the lucky duck cafe to while you're there to gain a real skill.
>okay I'll think about it and let you know
>pic related, its me

Looks like my family can't take it anymore...

Attached: guangzhou_.jpg (960x960, 142K)

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You’re cute

Have you made any gains?

-50k in the hole.

Holy fuck

#craeful you larping faggot

bought XRP at the top then sold at the bottom, repeat this serveral times with other shitcoins, like ven, link, xlm, tron, etc.

Better do what your dad is telling you. Get out of that earthquake zone as soon as possible.

Yeah, you should really stop. You clearly don't know what you're doing.

你说他们“我是 stinky linky 再见”

lol pussy

Looks like you need DOM and a chastity device

I tried stock market trading and got burned by AMD too. I'm not cut out for trading.

>newfags don't know

Attached: 64124351.jpg (225x224, 5K)

Wow I fucked that up badly 他妈的

你对他们说“我是stinky linky肏你妈"

>all these newfags who havent seen this before

Why dont you niggers even bother lurking anymore? Every single one of you is part of the cancer that killed Veeky Forums. Congratulations on this, seriously. You are the redditor boogieman.

Just get some kneepads, you'll make your money back.

Thank you for the stink, Mr. Chink.


He needs some makeup, a wig and hormones too. Asian traps are in high demand.

If he can dump enough into crypto to be 50k in the hole then he should be able to get those no problem.

I thought you already came back from china you autistic fuck

For the uninitiated

how the hell do you loose 50k in crypto

i didnt have enough money for trading so i took out loans, I've declared bankruptcy since then

How are people smart enough to invest in cryptos, but misspell "lose"?

u literally only have to buy a coin and hold it for half a year and make godly profit lmao


im from germany faggot i dont give a fuck about your language

Yeeeeeep might be time for you to make that trip nigga

OP I'm asian too, except I was making gains during December and January.
You shouldn't buy when the chart looks like a steep mountain, never buy high and wait for it to come back down. Also invest into ICOs to flip, ELEC for example was a good ICO to invest in and also Credits.

Chinese are degenerate gamblers. I know one that actually gambled away $2 mil at a casino.

this is true

Ignore this thread, it's just pasta