Crypto BTFO

crypto BTFO
erc20 tokens = chuck e cheese

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I guarantee that faggot never mentioned or showed LINK

he said all tokens are childs game tokens that are worthless
ROAR of laughter from audience similar to BBT

Should I dump my DeepOnion bags? Feeling heavy

TFW I have etn and clams =[

No he didn't, he embraced blockchain tech but complained about the number of shitcoins and how retarted name they have, which is absolutely true.

>Lol it is like 2018..

Remeber when this kike said he would fund trumps presidential campaign for the lawls? Who's lawling now nigger?

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wow just found out brock pierce exists, fuck that guy

He is manipulating the market. Where are yakuza?

Nice just bought 100k titcoin

eh link to vid?

He's not wrong.

>watching this faggot
Better kill yourself now senpai.

@ 9:20

unironically going all in on everything he fudded

already bought $8k of EOS

He is right that EOS is garbage.

with every successful lie in the previous current year, current year man grows in power

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>John Oliver mentions his takeaway from seeing the EOS guy giving ridiculous speeches
>OP conveniently leaves that part out only to FUD LINK for absolutely no reason
Nolinkers are truly the most pathetic subhumans

Same, I want to make sure he ends up looking like a retard for this segment

John Oliver is a massive piece of shit and he's literally wrong about 90% of things.

Holy fuck kill yourself John Oliver.

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Lol I remember this guy basically showing me how to buy people’s debt. He’s made life a little more comfy for me off others sadness. Guys a real cuck though

>he said all tokens are childs game tokens that are worthless
which is funny since his main example was one of the few tokens scheduled to leave erc20

He actually said it was the equivalent to stocks which is true.
The chuck e cheese analogy came from them being called "tokens"
Pshhh nice try bud

John invested $500k in EOS, and now he spread FUD to buy more. gg he rich

John Oliver is still a retard and horrible person though.

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>erc20 tokens = chuck e cheese
They are exactly that, and nobody can debate it

at least i can trade chuckecheeze tokens for games and shitty chink plastic shit. LINK is actually truly worthless.

Debating cryptocurrencies is like arguing over nothing but you can debate the profits from crypto when it comes to technology.

>talking about scam icos
>decides to pick the one project with a working test net and a team with a track record of delivering quality and innovative products
>compares it to a pyramid scheme
This actually makes me bullish. There's obviously a hidden agenda here which means someone with a lot of money is scared. Similar to the msm trump fud. I always bet against the mainstream narrative when it's build on this type of deception.

pretty much this, EOShitters mad

Great points. I want more hollywood fud so I can accumulate all year.

Nigger I ain’t clickin that shit again. Literally had to clear safari because it was locked saying call apple support illegal activity.

Thank god Link isn't a ERC20 token.

The fact that particl is up there as well when it's not a token and they are going to release marketplace test net soon and beta to soon follow shows fear. They do not want a decentralized marketplace to make it, doubly so for one planning atomic swaps and currency agnosticism. I keep telling people to get PART while it's cheap.

Someone post the video where he makes fun of Trump before the election.

If you bought chuck e cheese tokens during their ico with the 40% bonus you could have made a huge profit. 100x easy.


>Shills crazy coins
>Throws Particl and Nubits in there
>Nubits and Particl pump

kek, thanks mighty british hosting man

I can't wait for this board to be again about investing.