If you haven't made it (>50 BTC) by now, it's too late. Crypto has been fully mainstream for a while now...

If you haven't made it (>50 BTC) by now, it's too late. Crypto has been fully mainstream for a while now. Every grandma and grandpa knows about it and every retard is into crypto already (as you can see on /biz), Enjoy your wagefuck lifes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Veeky Forums is still talking about crypto
Enjoy losing everything.

im higher in the ponzi

u mad?

read the comments. we're still early. the goyim are behaving just as planned.

>crypto is dead
>measures threshold for success in bitcoin


biz was made for crypto

Drumpf will never be president.

Seems like you can read. When did I say crypto was dead?

ride the snake
he's old
and his skin is cold

To the lake...

You silly cute little brainless no-thinker.

My grandmother also knew about the possibility of living in Mars (the planet, Google it). Yet nobody lives there yet.

Nobody cares what you say about anything, cuck

My grandma literally owns bitcoin and Ethereum

If everyone know and everyone is im why is the global marketcap only half trillion are you like legally retarded

my grandparents even have a couple stinky linkies in their portfolio because I bought those for them

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Cause there's only so many idiots who buy this ponzi

Are you telling me theres a limit for human stupidity? Are you implying human beings are stupid untill a certain level ?

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powh.io its the next big thing


Really user

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>didn't make it

* there are only 110 people* owning more than 10,000 BTC

* there are only 1548 people* owning more than 1,000 BTC

* there are only 15665 people* owning more than 100 BTC

* there are ~130,000 people* owning between 10 and 100 BTC --- you can bet 90% of them is on the very lower side

Basically, if you aren't one of those top ~20,000 people, you are doomed.

Are you one of those 20k people?

>* data extracted from bitinfocharts.com/top-100-richest-bitcoin-addresses.html

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not everyone knows about smart contracts though, this is like getting into bitcoin at the beginning. thank you never selling see you in 5 years, 1 Link = 20000

I can keep going

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unironically this


BTC is shit since segwit.

why do only r\bitcoiners not know this?

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We are currently in the same phase as the dot com rush. Lots of speculation on projects without implementation. The difference? Crypto markets arent bound by the massive debt and scarcity of infrastructure that caused the dot com bust. If you think we're going to crash to sub 5k for no reason, you're probably a teenager with little to no understanding of how markets and speculation even works. Stay in school.

you underestimate my power

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No, just that there's an upper limit of humans that can profit from or even exist in a ponzi. Kind of exactly how ponzis work.
>We'll fix the issue of less than 1% of the population stealing virtually all of the wealth available by making internet funny money that less than .00001% owns most of!
Crypto is such a caricature of everything bad about laissez faire capitalism it's not funny anymore.

Theres a limit for everything faggot your own life is a ponzi scheme

My grandpa is literally trying to get me to buy stinky linkies, I've never told a single soul that I'm in crypto. You're telling me that this is not over?

That is why only idiots buy bitscoins now. Smart people took profits and are moving on to the next hype. Laggards still think it is a good long term hold, fucking lol

I'm still pretty low in the Ponzi pyramid scheme but I know how to take advantage of the dumb money that are still flowing in the market, so I will probably be fine in few years.

you're an idiot, do you know that. Coinbase only has 10 million customers worldwide. go back to your reddit cuck shed you uninformed faggot

That is 10 million too much laggard.

>Farming 75% of my own food and more power than I consume (electric company buys it back and I make tax free profit) is a Ponzi scheme
Upset some poo took all your funny money?

you withdraw energy from the sun to live you are a ponzi scheme, talk again when you create energy out of your own ass

there are no words for how stupid and ignorant your comment is. another ars techinca cunt identified

the internet was everywhere back in earl 90s. everyone know about "the internet" but not waht it was or does. lol

What a fedora picture
Catholic philosophy was absolutely central to the development of Western science, and in particular to that of the scientific method. To sum it up, the Catholic world view was that all the universe was created by a benevolent creator. This creator also gave us the capacity for reason. Being benevolent, he would not have given us that capacity while making his universe irrational. Therefore the universe works according to rational laws, like a mechanical clock made by a great clockmaker, and we are meant to use reason in order to understand those laws. Far from having anything to fear from reason, the Church should see it as the most reliable way of arriving at the truth, including the truth of Christianity.
This philosophy emerged progressively, but by 1100 it was completely embraced by the Church, and laid the foundation of scholasticism. From then on all thinkers at the cathedral schools and universities had to be highly formed logicians, and natural philosophy (that is to say science) became the second most prestigious field after theology. All the precepts of the scientific method were born out of this. The belief in a logical universe governed by rational laws. The belief that all the universe can be translated into the language of mathematics. And perhaps most importantly the concept of the scientific theory.

This came about most prominently in 1277, when the Church intervened directly into academia by banning the teaching of Aristotelian physics as indisputable fact at the University of Paris. Not only did this free up scientific thinking which had previously been shackled to academic dogma, and make it possible for people like Buridan and Oresme to reinvent physics and maths (laying the foundation of modern science), but this and the general attitude of the Church towards science also forced scientists to be a lot more careful about making claims. Instead of claiming guesswork as absolute truth the way the Greeks did, they had to be much more humble and disciplined, and any claim had to be considered mere theory, that is to say one of several possibilities, which can be held as true in practice if it is supported by evidence, but which can never become dogma and can always be put back into question again based on new evidence. This is the key to the scientific method and to the perpetual cycle of questioning things again which made the scientific revolution possible.

You really don't know what a Ponzi scheme is, nor what fusion energy is, do you? What have you been doing here if you couldn't even pick that up?

holy autism its a meme pic retard

You make a valid point, shame the church would still burn you alive for having those thoughts burn whatever you wrote and delete your name from story delaying the progress for thousands of years

>Fusion energy is not a ponzi scheme because i read/heard somewhere is everlasting sustainable energy

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>Every1 knowz abot crypto lol its overr

You fucking idiot 99% of the people in this planet cant even explain wtf a block-chain is. 90% of people over 35 cant even explain what bitcoin is.
Do us a favor and kill yourself you wont be missed.

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we are overdue for a scientific advancement correction.

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>not posting the real one

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What's a Ponzi scheme?

That's interesting. LINK is only shilled on Veeky Forums pretty much. Do you think your grandpa comes here?


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Oliver-san telling it like it is.

it been mainstream for at least 4 years, have you been living under a rock? even my parents and grandparents knew about crypto years ago.

What do you get out of posts like this? What is your purpose, personally?

Warning memers about the risks of meme money?

Hearing from something doesn't mean people invested into it.

We are far off its peak especially if you take in account all the regulated money which is waiting on the sideline