>All in edition
R8 and H8 the person above u
>All in edition
R8 and H8 the person above u
Other urls found in this thread:
Not bad, but check this out
That portfolio is legit AF.
>link cultists astroturfing a thread
How disparate.
Let's see Paul Allen's portfolio.
bump faggots
100k 2019
I never understand why faggots hide their total worth on these threads. Sure percentag is fine for measuring your sentiment but I still can't judge wether I want to shit on your portfolio or be in awe. Triggers me in some way I guess.
As for your portfolio:
I thinks it's nicely spread out, safe base with NEO, mooning potential with icx and ada. For how long have you been holding icx? Hurt much? I was swingtrading icx but luckily got out early enough before the big dump, solidified all my shitcoins for the stinky family.
>still holding ODN
Don’t do memes kids, not even once.
t.900k ATH
Cuz is dirt cheap right now and a lot of retards have sold off because biz told them it was a scam.
Got shilled on holding 5.7k XCM as well thats not on here. Anyways, 2k fiat incoming, gonna top my LINK stack off to 10k, and then finally finding my favorite platform coin. Right now I’m thinking NAS, any thoughts?
Doesn't really matter, anyone can plug amounts into these things. I'd rather have someone focus on my distribution.
that XCM will do you good
Increase your INT stack FFS
you'll be back at 900K by the summer
That's fine, but keep in mind if you are some poorfag with $500 spread across five coins we won't be able to tell you what you're doing wrong.
Alright, first time doin this. Someone tell me how they feel about my spread.
lmao sorry about the size of that picture, if anyone wants to use that as their desktop background feel free
20k eoy +/-80%
Cheque mine.
€150k eoy in a bear market.
20k eoy
If you're not at at least 5 million right now you're not gonna make it. The ponzi is running out of suckers.
Ven seems risky though
20k is my previous all time high, I never took any profit, fucking stings man !
why nobody with KNC?
why does it seem risky? I'm pooling an addition 2k with my brother so we can hit the baby x node tier for the additional thor generation, if that changes anything for you. You don't actually believe people when they say it's a scam coin do you?
Bought $1k of LTC in mid-Nov, first steps into crypto. Currently here. Will I make it?
sell 90% of your NANO for LINK and yes
Gotta hurt missing that XRB top? Anyways, no, you won't make it with that portfolio.
If you don't hold OMG you won't make it.
Will I make it?
Hello fellow coss holder.
Got totally carried away by the hype. I thought $50 was doable. Double topped too at ~37 should’ve jumped the second time.
I like IOTA long term more personally, but do as the other user said and sell some for NANO for more LINK. You have a pretty big NANO position so might as well wait and see if you can sell it a bit higher
You won't just make it, you will be financially elite. No suggestions
Don't laugh at the shitty ripple amount I wanted to take advantage of normies for a quick buck but got fucked by coinbase and their premature twitter message.
Not gonna get an 6K x node for VEN?
nvm just saw this, nice!
hi COSS has been the only one that had stayed above my original investment until today feelsbadman
I'm down 45% from my initial investment lol. I bet that they'll eventually get their shit together. Eventually.
nobody owns RLC what the fuck is wrong with you
Thinking about going 60% ETH, 20% OMG and 20% NEO
any thoughts on AMB? thinking of buying now at 0.39 but I´'m feeling like a faggot atm.
Do it
thats a nobrainer, grow some ball take a risk with at least 5%
Shill me a risky coin with potential then.
That garbagecoin will drop to $0 once a competent team lead by someone who actually knows about technology/programming releases a half-decent oracle.
AHahaha you fell for the hodl meme. Enjoy bagholding adst while it drops to subzero
you mean like these?
super high risk/reward PASC
fuck neo, get link instead
Do it!
60% NEO
20% ETH
10% OMG
10% LINK
Will I make it? Debating between selling for OMG, AMB,ENG, and LINK or keeping a node.
Accumulating BTC as much as possible and HODLING the rest
You will make it my son
I would put more in a lower mcap coin (link/eng/rlc) that kind of stuff. They will deliver sooner or later and have a higher chance of giving higher roi. Just my 2 cents though
> my portfolio is with old values though, its currently at ~24k.
So fucking cheap for long holders. but's i'm all in as of 9th. wish pay day was right now
Rate me anons, I want to make it or kill myself
>text speak
not going to make it.
lol at these portfolios.
you niggers are a joke, have fun being poor.
>28,5k AKA
My nigga, bought it off stocks or mined?
Plans to do MN?
kill yourself
have fun hodling
5k invested, amount shown is of profit only
you need moar hex and q2c
I chadded all the cpu-mining scrubs with my gpu before there was even a mining pool, so its basically free. Yes, am looking to do MN, team seems very commited, but there is a LOT of competition, so curious where it will go. You in AKA too?
my brother has a little over 2k, im gonna pool with him
I sold most of my ZRX and now am at 75k link. Will I make it?
Yea, been mining for like a month with 240 ~ Mh/s. Nothing crazy just over 1700 AKA at the moment, hoping to reach 5k before difficulty spikes to much.
Team does indeed seem commited to the cause, i have a good feeling about hodling aka.
I hate that you have more money than me. But I admire the ambition inherent in your choice.
t.day trader fag. No point in showing coins.
I got you senpai
bought my first crypto today for $20 (btc)
i have gained $0.07 in the past hour.
am i doing good Veeky Forums?
>Shill me a risky coin with potential then.
I would start accumulating Rlc if I was you. V2 launches in May where you will see the most glorious of moon missions. Most Chad project in crypto.
I've already told my gf to put on her red panties and open the champagne.
You guys have quite substantial "blockfolios" lol for those wanting to get a leg up on the others so you can showoff look no further than here I guarantee you'll 3x your "blockfolios" in a few weeks these guys have
gg PJcApRN
nice nice bizonacci. I think it's one of the best options out there to mine. I think you have a decent shot at 5k.
They seem to progress pretty quick too, very happy with that. Pondering if i should swap some for RLC or the likes though.
Started with £2000 in november
Sold everything when BTC was at 13k.
Market is shit rn..
Maybe 25k eoy bro.
You're gonna neck yourself EOY lol
Nice job in this market.
Teach us God !
I think you will make it.
Hopefully I make it. 30k link might not be enough. Need 100k.
Pretty good, I like SUB and CAT. Not sure about the rest but good YOLO plays I think
Ignore my outdated prices, give it to me str8
Validate my existence
Drop Monero bro... look into Komodo
Rate this please
why have those little bits and pieces of coins? Just them all in VEN and leave link
G-guys, I wanna roll into crypto and buy nano and chainlink? How do I do that? Is there any wiki?
I bought $145 after fees the other day. Havent owned any crypto in years, but wanted to start buying small amounts during dips. What should i be focusing buying into? Yes, im a fucking noob.
If you guys dont have intchain or TRAC, you guys seriously arent gonna make it.
50-100x in 6 months
Becouse we put in like 200 a mont and we are mi ning. So steady on