I miss the old PoWH, straight from the JUST PoWH Chop up the gains PoWH, set on its loss PoWH I hate the new PoWH, the high win PoWH The always nice PoWH, spaz in the shill PoWH I miss the rekt PoWH, chop up the gains PoWH I gotta say, at that time I'd like to invest in PoWH See, I invented PoWH, it wasn't any PoWHs And now I look and look around and there's so many PoWHs I used to love PoWH, I used to love PoWH I even had the div snek, I thought I was PoWH What if PoWH made a song about PoWH Called "I Miss The Old PoWH"? Man, that'd be so PoWH That's all it was PoWH, we still love PoWH And I love you like PoWH loves PoWH
you earn dividends whenever someone buys/sells their tokens in that smart contract
it's basically hodl 2.0, you earn eth without having to do anything.
Matthew Phillips
did you even read anything on the website? use your brain fag...
Christopher Reyes
Earning ETH on the weak hands of normies? Sign me up.
Robert Bell
Easiest purchase in my life, first time I don't bother when others sell, I just get more dividends, so happy we have the opportunity to get in while it's at rock bottom.
Robert Martin
Hey PAJEETS You store ur ETH on their exchange?
Nathan Rogers
No, we store the ETH on a smart contract that has been fully audited. Know the difference.
Literally around 500 USD in a week just from masternodes and shitposting
Jose Walker
How much capital is that, POWH seems sketchy,why not ethphoenix?
Connor Martinez
original devs are in powh.io those are the first ones that made the original powh and the shadow fork. ofcourse it was hacked with bugs. but this is been tested heavily. bug free and new updates coming. soon to have swaps with btc and monero. real exchange in a smart contract. making bank off weak hands selling and also weak hands buying.
ahahahahaha meanwhile the dividends keep coming in!
Michael Gutierrez
there is a post on cryptocurrency that linkes to youtube.com/watch?v=9rgkNR6vWl0 just go to reddit cryptocurrency subreddit then go to new, and look for the post with craig grant, uptoke it reply to it. please dont post the thread here or it will get banned since mods on cryptocurrency dont like direct links
Thomas Moore
Isnt this a bad thing?
Why does this exchange smell like a scam
Jacob Ramirez
I hate the current spam brigading for both ponzis, but kudos to you for actually making me laugh. That's a nice lyricswap you did there.
And now fuck off.
Christopher Barnes
in short, put your money in both contract and jerk off to thots.