Veeky Forums bros I sincerely need your advice.. Let me give you some background: >8th grade: Associated with a biker gang. Started smoking shit ton of meth. Got half sleeve tattoos on both arms. >9th grade: Got all the bishes cause of tattoos. Started selling a good amount of various substances on the street. Got face tattoos, to the point I am halfway covered. Skipped a good amount of skool. >10th grade: Got shot 3 times on the street. Went to hospital, came back out almost a month later. A few months after, got jumped, stayed in hospital with broken bones and jaw for over a month. >11th grade: Decided to clean life up and pursue IT at career tech school. Got excellent grades. Competed in competition, placed top 3 national in PC troubleshooting. >12th grade: Got all the A+ and Microsoft certs. Got accepted to many colleges despite my nonexistent gpa. >Current: stuck in a boiler room 9/hr cell phone repair job. Nobody else will even consider me for a different job because of my face tattoos. I also have bad scarring all over my body and some on my face.
Crypto is not working out well for me since I got in January. I know I will be stuck in dead end jobs all my life, even though I will have a bachelors.
This leaves me with one option, scream shit into a mic and upload it to YouTube. What are the chances of my success?
>that tapco'd the fuck out chink SKS. Yes, user... Seppuku is the only honorable way for u
Camden Murphy
>PC troubleshooting >repairs phones >got into crypto in January kek
should've kept gang banging my dude post a pic of yourself, rap something on vocaroo, and we'll tell you % of success
Jaxon Taylor
>facial tattoos lol Please post pictures and describe. What race are you? Please tell me you at least weren't a Jugalo.
John Myers
Also there are plenty of coding jobs you could do remotely.
You can't even get those?
Isaac Sanchez
Create a youtube channel, starting telling stories about your life etc, im sure youll get a good audience
Joshua Kelly
I'm getting a strong juggalo vibe
Luis Brown
I am white 6'0, weigh 205lbs Very muscular since I have lifted consistently since 9th grade I am not a Juggalo, just a screw up
Liam Murphy
Where do I start brah
Grayson Anderson
Isn’t tattoo removal now a thing? Save up for that to reverse that wretched mistake. I would normally say to kill yourself with the face tattoos and the gang banging and all but at least it does sound like you’re trying so maybe just kys if you can’t get the face tats removed.
Logan Myers
You start by learning to code
Cameron Reed
I am doing some courses on sololearn, as you can tell I'm very behind.
Colton Reed
Fuck the code, that's a pajeet job. Get into technical diving, pays well and is an underemployed field.
Brody Watson
This. I read a news article a couple years ago about a guy that's teaching coding online for about $8,500, crash course, he's flooded with students. That was about 2 years ago so the price has probably gone up a bit. Anyways it's supposed to be an excellent course.
The other thing is you can start your own business, I know I know, easier said than done but you sound smarter than most so that could definitely be option for you. Good luck.
Andrew Price
>Change your gender to NON BINARY >Dye your hair pink >Apply for job at Cardano
This plan is bulletproof OP
Cameron Lewis
One more thing, John McAfee is always looking people and he wouldn't give a shit about your tats or your background.
Carter Robinson
>face and sleeve tattoos >spent middle and high school years gang banging and smoking meth >smarter than most
Jesus christ. Being able to type a few complete sentences on Veeky Forums about your life story and how you want to make more money takes 0 intelligence.
Henry Peterson
Read up on programming bootcamps. It'll definitely teach you how to code. At least on a industry ready level, it'll put you just above an average pajeet.
And seriously, face tats are kind of tolerated in current year, but you got to get rid of the scary / gang related ones.
Unironically this, color your hair in a stupid bright color (pink, green, bright blue, yellow or red signal danger), look less intimidating.
Eli Green
OP this user just saved your life
Luke Evans
Chances of success are low, but you can cash out like stitches did at any time with lead gains.
Gavin Ramirez
I will take your advice, much appreciated
Tyler Miller
If you ain't got shit to say plz don't say it OP. Youre probably a shitty musician too.
Carson Flores
Why the fuck would anyone ever think face tattoos are a good idea? OP I bet I sold more drugs than you and never once had the motivation to cover myself in tats to attract the police. Did you just want to look like a tough guy or something?
Noah Murphy
I got them freshman year, who knows.
Eli Powell
It's ok OP, I wasted my teenage years drawing graffiti on stuff you shouldn't draw graffiti on, then turned into a functioning members of society. And now I'm a weeb NEET. Life's really something isn't it.