How the fuck do I get into TA? What are the good indicators? What books to read? I realized the only way I can truly make it is through shorts and longs.
How the fuck do I get into TA? What are the good indicators? What books to read...
Nathan Richardson
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Carson Turner
Jason Ross
Don't. the best TA only get it right 40% of the time. Less so in BTC. BTC is a highly manipulated market and whales ue popular trending TA against people constantly. which is why TA fags get BTFO.
BTC is a news driven and hype driven market. only trading indicators you should use.
Jacob Cox has a nice educational section.
Colton King
You must be poor.
Julian Edwards
Luis Kelly
ok senpai, keep trading on bitmex, how many times have you lost since your last green trade now?
Charles Green
Brayden Cox
Leo Jenkins
Is that Aika?