when sub shops gut the nummy inside of the roll, thereby cheating you of more food :(
When sub shops gut the nummy inside of the roll, thereby cheating you of more food :(
someones been going to the jewish deli again
Yes OP, I'm sure the sub shop guts your bread and then sells the tiny scraps of bread on the black market.
you're sure of this? that just aint right.
I don't get it.
A shekel for the good goy.
no meme pls
You can ask them to keep the bread in
Oyy Vey
Look at this goy
meme hating little goy
Bread lovin little goy
Muh 6 trillion is all they say looking goy
Jimmy Johns will happily leave the bread in (LBI) if you ask.
i know this feel. it doesn't even make sense to do it. what are they gonna do with the scraps of bread?
good chewy bread is so important to a sandwich and having more of it means chewy chewy yum yum
>not knowing to ask for the bread guts if your sandwich shop does this
IIRC jimmy johns always used to this, you have to ask for it now though I think
Jimmy Johns guts the subs (1-6 and BLT), but not the Slims or Clubs. It's all about balancing the bread-to-meat and/or cheese ratio.
They sell it to the birds who them shit on your car.
Well if they make meatballs in house they could use it for that, really the reason is if it were there it would be too much bread for the meat and the sandwich would sick or they'd have to give you more meat.
things with bread crumbs, bread pudding etc.
Never mind them. /pol/ is just spilling over to other boards again.
>tfw Eminem will never make another Slim Shady album.
i'd rather have it on my sandwich
its so the ingredients fit and you can eat your sandwich easily you dumb motherfuckers