Clean fag here. Is heroin the best drug to suppress the pain of this market?

Clean fag here. Is heroin the best drug to suppress the pain of this market?

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Meditate, exercise and learn a skill you fucking crypto cuck. Life's not all about staring at a computer screen hoping for riches, and if it is then just overdose and do us all a favor. Grow some fucking balls

Don't do heroin or fentanyl, fucking trust me.

I recommend Molly and weed

Fucking no, in fact it is worse.
In crypto analogy, it's like if you bought the dip only to find out that the floor hasn't been reached yet

Learn a skill. I've been learning how to play the piano over the past few months and it's really helped with the anxiety caused by market down trends.

BBC/Dark wood is thw only drug you'll ever need white boi, now come here and start sucking some of it


Better to go for a walk and get some sun.

Just sniff petrol like abos.