Here we go boys.

Attached: YZSi-eXg_400x400.jpg (400x400, 14K)

>Bearflag forming.
You mean a breakdown, right?

I've been here since 2016, and I'm exhausted. Just fucking exhausted, to be honest.

watch it go over 9k in about 2.5 hours or less. watch it goto 10 by wednesday.

I find little joy sometimes, but it is about executing good trades. In the end grinding that process will work.

dude dont be that way

Thought I was 'executing good trades' when I bought back into Eth between $800-$1K. The only thing I seem to have learned is you can't predict this market and more fool me for trying.
I admire your optimism, friend.

What indicators did you use to set up your trade and then monitor it?

Am i wrong?

No optimism, just a lot of monitoring, slight TA and just understanding how crypto acts.

Am I wrong with the 9k prediction that it would hit in under 2.5 hours?

Just so you all know, there is a 40-60% chance BTC will be hovering around 8920-9100 for the next 1.5 hours before it shoots up.

what are the other options ?

We would be there a lot sooner if these profit taking cucks would just be a but more patient so we could get even more profit

so it'll go up or down 50/50. GREAT ANALYSIS.

no you idiot no coiner or owner of .004 BTC, I'm saying it might stay around 8900-9100 for the next hour before it shoots up. it will shoot up today for sure. Check my pas calls, what am I like 95% accurate every time?

patience, patient people make $, "i need to make a milly ASAP" people stay broke.

For BTC to rally? its a matter or WHEN not IF.

BTC will be AT MINIMUM 9400 by end of day Wednesday. MINIMUM 9400!

executing good trades now takes some brain power, 2017, any trade you executed was a good one.

>check past calls
right right

So where will we be end of month, oh psychic master?

11.5-12-5 range, april will be the big month.

See you @ 4k when i'm buying your coins, faggot.

BTC virgin here.

Would it be worth it to try and inch my way in (eg buy a small fraction, say 0.01 and try to trade up over time through fluctuations), or did I miss the train forever?

Me too user.


>breaking out
>up only 0.5% in the last hour
>still down -5.59% in the last 24 hours

More likely that Bitcoin crashes through the fucking floor, desu. We had the first crash from 19k, but some delusional retards are holding out hope still. Once it crashes again everyone will pull out. If it dips below 8k it's game over.

nope, gravy train has crashed, crypto is ded forever.

Odds are that the train is either totally gone or there'll be one more big pump before it finally collapses. A lot of normies have yet to get into bitcoin. It's totally possible they get in and the price shoots up again. It's equally possible that the crypto will just fall into the floor.

The problem is that BTC has no stable value besides its ability as a medium of exchange and it's basically only used for speculation. It could collapse or boom just depending on how people feel.



>being THIS mad

give me ONE good reason why there will be another bull market. crypto is mainstream as can be, who is left to pump all the shitcoins?

Next day is unironically crucial for BTC, we're either beginning a Wave 3 bullrun or are in Wave 1 of the downtrend to 6.5k